View Full Version : How Far?

Bak Kuei
09-14-2004, 05:50 AM
How far should one extend the non-violent principles of Taoism in their life? If someone attacks you but only strikes you once, do you let it go or strike back? If you let that person get away with it, they may do it to someone else. However, if you attack in retaliation you may get shot, or go to jail.

If you see someone leading people astray or selling drugs, do you do something about it? Or do you see all as being Tao? How far do we extend the Taoist principles in practical application?

09-14-2004, 07:07 AM

Examine the consequences of your actions or lack thereof.. will it be a burden or a help.. will it harm or help the situation.. will it escalate or mitigate..

Struck once, i am inclined to walk away (depending on the situation, of course).. Observing criminal activity (victimless "crimes" not included) i am inclined to take appropriate action..

Tao is what it is.. and that includes whatever response we may conclude.. is humanity's constructions any less natural than a bird's nest or a beaver's dam?..

Each experience, each situation, is unique.. though principles may apply to each, the nuances dictate the applicable principles..

Be well..

09-14-2004, 07:56 PM
Personally I tend to avoid being struck by not being in places and times where such striking may occur (not counting training, competition, etc). So then I don't have to trouble myself with that question.

As far as acting to aid someone, you have to decide whether or not you have the resources to take on the responsibility of the action. If someone is being led astray and you KNOW that your actions will do good and you can spend the resources on such action and the consequences, then yes, act! If not, then avoid anything to do with it. There's no use in your sacrificing your own resources if nothing comes of it, or if you make things worse, etc.

Of course it's not always easy to judge whether or not your actions will be worthwhile.

09-15-2004, 07:42 PM
I think this is a 9/11 tread.

If some one strikes me, I would look into why and how.

If it is intentional, I usually yield.

If it is not, laugh it off and walk away.
