View Full Version : Taking up Kung-fu again???

09-15-2004, 03:46 AM
Been awhile since I posted here. I've come to Qingdao, China to teach English for one semester. Obviously, I won't have much luck continuing my Muay Thai or getting back into Bjj here, but ever since I decided to come to China I've been planning to try to find San Da training. Unfortunately I haven't had much luck locating a big training center. But one of my English students helped introduce me to the head instructor of the university's San Da class (they hold a San Da class for students out of the Physical Education department, but I doubt they train a lot of fighters or anything like that). He's a middle aged man named Wang who used to run his own gym and is supposed to be a big deal here in Qingdao (i'll have to take their word for it).

I told him that I've had training in America and he briefly examined my striking abilities. He then offered to teach me privately, away from the main class. He didn't ask anymore money, he just told me to register as a regular class student and pay the group class tuition (60 yuan, which is very little) but he would train me privately as long as I put in real effort to practice what he shows me. He warned me that he is a strict teacher. So I thought it sounded like a good deal and worth a try. The interesting thing is that his San Da method seems to have a definite kung fu influence. I suppose this might be the standard San Da training method in China, although I can't be sure of that. He showed me a few combinations already. It seemed like a mix of basic kung fu strikes and western boxing technique. It actually reminds me a little bit of Jun Fan, but perhaps a bit more practical since Wang Sifu doesn't seem to do any of that trapping combination bull$hit. What I really want to learn is the throwing aspect, but he wants to take me from the beginning, so I guess I'll have to be patient. So amazingly, it seems like I'm learning some kung fu again. Never thought that would happen, ever since I scrapped CMA for MMA after I graduated from high school. I hope it turns out to be good training, since I appreciate Wang Sifu's generosity towards me and would hate to have to quit on him if i didn't think his training was up to the standard. We'll see what happens I guess.

What I really want is to be able to develop some of the throwing skills that San Da fighters are known for, and I'm really not sure where Wang's kung fu influenced approach will lead me. I'm ignorant about this stuff in China. Can anyone who might be familiar with San Da training in China give me some advice?

09-15-2004, 08:18 AM
He showed me a few combinations already. It seemed like a mix of basic kung fu strikes and western boxing technique.

Can you describe these combos? (just outta curiosity)

This post reminds me of that old movie, Iron and Silk (http://videodetective.com/home.asp?x=y&SpeedTestResults=1531.91&PublishedID=3996&AltID=&CustomerID=97135&WM=True&Ads=True&Play=TRUE)

09-15-2004, 09:18 AM
Sounds great man, go for it! Can't hurt to learn some stuff from this guy. And if you find some other or better san da while youre there then you can learn that too.

09-15-2004, 07:57 PM
Honestly, it sounds like you're getting a good deal. You can let him know you'd like to learn certain things specifically, but let him teach you the way he sees fit. Sounds like he's a good teacher and you'll find yourself coming out for the better. Enjoy!

09-15-2004, 10:59 PM
The combos he showed me are pretty basic, but I can see the kung fu influence. I might describe it as "kung fu kickboxing". His footwork is quick and he uses boxing combos, but he also throws in ridgehand/hammerfist type motions, spinning backfist, sidekick, etc. He wanted me to practice closing distance quickly with sidekick and then flowing right into punching. He also showed me a simultaneous high punch and low front kick followed by punches. Another thing he did was closing in with a few jabs and then knocking the opponent's guard hand down while simultaneously punching him, which reminded me of a modified pak-da type thing. Its nothing extremely new to me so far, but from my past experience with kung fu and JKD, I can see the kung fu flavor in what he does. I haven't seen enough of it to decide if it will relaly complement me, but I'll give it a fair chance.

09-16-2004, 09:18 AM
Sounds good, enjoy your time in China!