View Full Version : Attn: Gene Ching or any Bay Area MAist

09-15-2004, 09:09 AM
Quick question for you, or anyone in the bay area...do you know anything about Wu Chi Kung Fu school in fremont? Looks like a Wushu School, but not sure.


Thanks again.

09-15-2004, 09:30 AM
It's an O-mei school, but distinct from the O-mei Kung Fu Academy (http://www.usaomei.com), which is also in Fremont. Yep, we have two O-mei schools in Fremont. Head Master He Tao is a disciple of GM Liang Shou-yu, who has authored many books, notably on qigong (http://store.martialartsmart.net/b-ww001.html), bagua (http://store.martialartsmart.net/b-ym300.html), xiaoyao (http://store.martialartsmart.net/b-ww003.html) and my personal fav, kung fu (http://store.martialartsmart.net/bw005.html). Gm Liang was featured on our cover in Oct 2000 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=126). GM Liang is actually in Vancouver.

That being said, if you know anything about O-mei, you know that it runs the gambit of Chinese styles. Yes, wushu is featured heavily in the curriculam, especially with kids. There's also sanda. But then, there's a lot of traditional O-mei stuff too. To be honest, I don't know what He Tao is teaching, but I'm friends with one of his instructors, Tony Maroon, so I'll ask next time I see him.