View Full Version : sport makes you better at combat?

09-15-2004, 11:36 AM

"If one cannot face a single unarmed opponent when attack is known, when weapon wielding, multiple opponents when surprised is impossible."

This is the worst argument I've read so far. If you waisted youre time reading the article, youl see he believe that in order to defend yourself you need to face an opponent in a sport. How in the HELL is that supposed to teach us to face knife weilding multiple opponents??????

I dont understand how a grappling champ has ANY place teaching the American military how to fight on the battlefield. WTF???

09-15-2004, 11:39 AM
Troooooollllll ooooon yooouuuu craaaazzzy diamond!

*Sung to music of Pink Floyd*

Water Dragon
09-15-2004, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Shinobi22

How in the HELL is that supposed to teach us to face knife weilding multiple opponents??????

And what exactly IS going to teach us to deal with multiple knife wielding opponents?

bamboo_ leaf
09-15-2004, 11:42 AM
dealing with multiple knife wielding opponenets in some type of secnerio based training program.

The US military has had the same concepts around for a long time, he seems to just have repackaged to sell it. nothing wrong with makeing a little money :cool:

Chinese arts have also had the same ideas around for along time.
Read, Sun Tsu the art of war


("No town should be attacked which, if taken,
cannot be held, or if left alone, will not cause any trouble."
Hsun Ying,)

now if we could ony get Mr. Bush to read it, he might have understood something that was known long ago :rolleyes:

(Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not
supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the
enemy's resistance without fighting)

09-15-2004, 01:01 PM
Zactly my point bamboo. is just another marketing scame by Sonnon exploiting the USA military personnal he trains. they would be ****ed off if they knew he was such a snake oil salesmen.

09-15-2004, 01:14 PM
Why do you always cross-post on here and Bullshido?

09-15-2004, 01:23 PM
do you spar?.............. that would be "sporting", no?

do you do drills in which if the guy with the "knife" cuts you , you "lose"?........ "sportive", no...........

did he steal your girlfriend crusader?........

09-15-2004, 02:26 PM
I'm not going to read the article cause this argument is old skool. However, if he is saying that by doing sport fighting you get a good understanding of the physical conflict involved in a fight, knife or no, and that improves your ability in a real fight, ok. I can agree with that.

09-15-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Shinobi22

This is the worst argument I've read so far. If you waisted youre time reading the article, youl see he believe that in order to defend yourself you need to face an opponent in a sport. How in the HELL is that supposed to teach us to face knife weilding multiple opponents??????

please describe to me in detail how your art teaches you to deal with multiple attackers.

I dont understand how a grappling champ has ANY place teaching the American military how to fight on the battlefield. WTF???

I don't understand how some MA unknown feels he's qualified to bash a champion. WTF? what's your beef with Sonnon, are you his unclaimed love-child or something?

09-15-2004, 02:46 PM
don't waste your time guys. shinobi has had a stick up his ass about sonnon for some reason, and he won't bother to say why.

fact remains that sonnon's right -- if can't handle someone when you're squared off and know he's an attacker, you're SOL when you don't know you're being attacked, much less when you're attacked by several and/or weapons.

shinobi -- why don't you give us a reason why you think sonnon's wrong? or better yet, why don't you tell us why that stick is shoved so far up in the first place?