View Full Version : Effective or not

09-15-2004, 04:17 PM
Im thinking of including some Qigong training into my training regime, but for now Im curious... Lets say I'll be doing Qigong like 2 times a week, would that be just as effective as maybe 4 times a week? Im thinking of it like weight training or ab training, dunno.

09-15-2004, 07:36 PM
If possible. I do Ba Duan Jin or Tai Ji Qi Gong every morning.

Sometimes warming up then Qi Gong or vice versa.

If have more time, I practice Lao Jia Yi Lu. and then Ba Ji, Tong Bei or Mantis or Shaolin.

Qi Gong always.

Internal first. (if time allows)

External later.

Standing practices or bags work are at nite.

I have a busy work schedule.

The time I reserve for practice is very minimal.

On the weekend, I practice long and short staff, straight sword and broad sword. Long spear once in a while.


09-16-2004, 07:50 AM
My point is that Qi Gong is everything.

We need to cultivate Qi all the time.

There was a story that a guy was so slow in learning Quan Fa.

He had trouble learning even how to punch and kick.

He studied Qi Gong with a Daoist priest for 2 years.

Just sitting and moving Qi Gong. Nothing else.

He picked up boxing practice again.

He learned Quan Fa very quickly.

He knew how to and where to use Qi to generate Jin in the right way. All the boxing moves now make sense. He understood the boxing moves and methods just like that.

In a short time, he was even better than his boxing teacher who practiced 10 years of Quan Fa without proper Qi Gong practice.

Oops. The secrets are out.


09-16-2004, 10:33 AM
Lol, nice story :)