View Full Version : Fellowship at the tournament

mun hung
07-23-2001, 06:23 PM
Do many of you guys/gals go to tournaments? I went to the Wong Fei Hung Championships in New Jersey (US) last year and found a several different Wing Chun schools attending. It was fun. Anyway, it's rolling around again and I was curious if anyone was interested in going this year. Maybe some of us can meet there since we never seemed to get our "friendly fellowship" together in the past.

What do you say, Dave? Maybe you can ask some of the guys on the WCML. Could be fun, and maybe some of us could meet for the first time. You/or anyone who's interested can e-mail me regarding this if you want at munhung777@aol :)

07-23-2001, 06:53 PM
I would love to go to tournaments, I just dont know where, when they are. I must not be looking in the right places. I have just started WC about 3 mons. ago, then I injured my hand and have been out for about a month and in that month I felt my enthusiasm fading. Being able to go to tornaments or demo., hanging out with other WC would definitley be a plus for me. Any suggestions Dave? BTW, I will be in class tonight.

07-23-2001, 07:30 PM

Missed you last week. Of course I will not be there tonight. Giving a farewell dinner to a guy at work. He is being transferred to Wisconson, poor guy, LOL. But, I will definetely be there next Tuesday and thereafter.

Mun Hung,
If you can provide the details I would be glad to try and attend. BTW: I have not given up on a friendly get together. I just may have to bring the kids LOL



07-23-2001, 07:42 PM
ive never been to new jersey....

mun hung
07-24-2001, 12:39 PM
The tournament will be held on Saturday, September 29th at

Fairleigh Dickinson University
Rothman Center
1000 River Road H400 A
Teaneck, N.J. 07666
tel. (210) 692-2208

It's only 10 bucks for adults. And 5 bucks for children 11yrs. and under, Dave. :D

They also have special hotel rates for out of towners at the Best Western Oritani Hotel. (****, they should pay me for this!)

Hope to see some of you there, both spectating and competing!

07-24-2001, 02:57 PM
hell its a bit of a trip from albany ny, but i just might show up to check it out ;)

what kinda events are they having?


if you never get into a fight,
you can never be defeated,
if you can never be defeated,
you are invincible

07-24-2001, 03:49 PM
Thanks! It's just across the river for me, so I will be there.

mun hung
09-21-2001, 06:17 PM
The Wong Fei Hung tournament is next week. Hope to see many KFO forum members there. E-mail me if you wish for any details. :)

09-22-2001, 02:11 PM

I hope to be there. I also passed the info on to the WCML so perhaps others will be there as well.
Anyone wishing to meet should let everyone else know so we can coordinate a place and time to get together.



09-23-2001, 01:20 AM
my friend mun hung im gleat for you are fine and good. plz send to me like intresting man for that tournaiment information - just friendly tiger_1 ;)


09-24-2001, 12:33 PM

I have received a couple of e-mails inquiring about attending this event.

I would like to pose a suggestion that someone who is familiar with either the event or the area in which it is taking place post a proposed meeting area and time. I don't know how many people are interested in attending but it would be nice if we had some way of figuring out who is who :D As one person who e-mailed me asked, "Will we use secret hand signals?" Perhaps we can all wear a red carnation, LOL

Seriously, it would be nice to have a way to identify those of us from this board who wish to meet. I am open to suggestions. Also curious as to how many people intend to be there.

In case you missed it the link for the event is here: http://www.yeeshungga.com/

Hope to ehar from you and see you there.



09-24-2001, 07:54 PM
just checked my emails, i'm still going...munhung i'll call you asap! Dave, so the secret signs were a lousy idea? :D

In mildness is the strength of steel

09-25-2001, 06:02 AM

For those wishing to attend lets try and determine a place and time to meet which is agreeable with everyone.

I like the secret signs idea. However, after you learned them I might have to kill you :D Besides, do you really think any of us could keep a secret? next thing you know we would have BJJ people using our signals and pretending to do Wing Chun ;)



09-25-2001, 07:02 AM
Hi all,

I just saw this post, I have a suggestion that might offer some help. When you guys arrive at the tourny, just come look for me at the main table (or just ask anyone of the Yee's student who I am), from there I can direct where your group will be hanging out at.

mun hung, sihing 73, thks for passing the words about the tourny and providing the link to our school.

Hope to see everyone there.

Dixon Fung

Yees Hung Ga Kung Fu Academy

09-25-2001, 02:50 PM
Hello DF,

Thanks for the suggestion. I don't see any problem and it would simplify things a bit. Now if we coudl all agree on a time. Speaking of which could you post the times for the tourney as well.

It seems like we have a chance to put some faces to the names, how about it guys???? I am planning on attending and will probably bring along my "bodyguard" to protect me from those who don't like me. Lest ye scoff too quickly beware my 4 year old daughter is quite deadly, LOL. However, I will most likely be bringing her as she loves watching me practice and I want to nurture that interest as much as possible. So far she thinks she "knows" Wing Chun. Shoot, I don't even "KNOW" Wing Chun we are just on speaking terms. :p

In any event, I hope to see some of you there.



09-26-2001, 04:12 AM
Please go to our web sites for details info concerning the tourny. www.yeeshungga.com (http://www.yeeshungga.com)

The registration starts at 8 Am and the competition around 10 Am. We try to get things going on time but as anyone who been to tourny before, it will be a hard task, lol , but we will try our best.

Sihing73, will you be available to help judge? If so,the judges meeting will probably be around 9:30 AM.


ps By the way, no need for bodyguard. Yee's will provide protection during the tourny, but not in the parking lot, lol.
Its a friendly gathering , just come and have fun.

09-26-2001, 01:15 PM
Hello DF,

Thanks for the times I hope to be able to meet with you at the tourney.

As to judging, I am not sure I am competent enough to offer anything of value. If you have a need then you can e-mail me directly and we can discuss whether or not I have anything to offer. I would like to see this event a success so if I can be of any help I will be glad to do what I can.



mun hung
09-26-2001, 04:02 PM
So who else is showing up besides you, Abstract and myself?

09-26-2001, 04:36 PM
Hello Mun Hung,

I am hoping to be there. It is about 110 miles and 2 1/2 hours from my house. Given this I am hoping we can confirm who will be there as I would hate to make the trip and find no one else made it. If it starts at 10 am I would need to leave no later than 7:30 am to make it. I am not used to getting up that early on weekends :rolleyes: come to think of it I try not to get up that early during the week either :(

Right now it looks like you, me and Abstract. I guess meeting at the main table as suggested by DF is a good idea. Want to figure on about 9:45 or so?

Anyone else care to join us????????? I promise not to bite :p



09-26-2001, 04:55 PM
I won't be there until 11:30-12ish. One of my friends is coming with me, but he's gotta do abit of work until 10am, so after I pick him up, we'll be there.


In mildness is the strength of steel

09-26-2001, 08:56 PM

Well since Abstract can't make it till around noon I would propose we meet around 12-12:15 at the main table, wherever that is :D .

I will try to be there earlier though so if anyone else, Mun Hung, wants to meet earlier and then meet up with Abstract later that could work.
Lets say those wanting to ge there early meet at 9:45-10 am at the main table then around noonish we saunter over to the main table again to meet Abstract and his friend.

Right now it looks like some of us will be meeting over the weekend. I hope this comes off.

BTW, Mun Hung are you Marcus???



Universal Stance
09-26-2001, 09:04 PM
Four years ago when I went to the Wong Fei Hung Tournament in NYC, I met my current fiancee while she attended a Yee's Hung Ga school. :)

WFH tournaments RULE!!

However, the wing chun competition wasn't that great. It mostly consisted of chi sao bouts, and even though we (WWCKFA) was there, we didn't participate.

Are they still just having chi sao bouts or did they go into free-sparring yet? I've been out of the loop for a very long time.

"Any style that can protect you is valuable; keep the 'who's style is better' debate to yourself" - Me

09-26-2001, 11:42 PM
Hi there, Bill Fong will be calling you for the infos. he is one of the organizer of the event. I just go there and chill, lol.


mun hung
09-27-2001, 02:43 AM
I should be there at about noon also - maybe earlier. Meeting over at the main table sounds like a good idea to me.

BTW - I am not Marcus. You will get to meet him on Saturday also.

What happened to all the other NYC based people I've seen posting from time to time? Like Peng_Lu_Ji_An, Tom Kagan, Jaeson, sumyoungdummy, and Sam, to name a few. Oh well!

Cheungstyle - I've got to admit the chi sau competition I saw last year was kind of cheesey, but there was some good sparring matches going on between all the styles.

Anyway, it should be lots of fun, and I look forward to meeting you guys.

09-27-2001, 02:53 PM

Well, it looks like the concensus is to meet at the main table around noon. If anyone can not do this please let us know ASAP ;)

Mun Hung,
Not sure where everyone else is but I will be there, does that help ;) ? I finally get to meet Marcus too, I am looking forward to it. I wish there was not so much distance between us.

Spoke to Bill Fong last night. Seemed like a nice guy and I am looking forward to meeting him as well as you and Pedro as well.

Remember this is a work in progress so there is still much room to grow. I am sure that any suggestions would be welcome. I think part of the "problem" would be on getting different lineages to agree on the rules. If it makes you feel any bette according to Sifu Fong there is some interest in having the Chi Sau competition next year performed on table-tops. There would be a padded floor around the platform but two people would perform Chi Sau and the loser would be pushed/knocked off of the table. I imagine it would make it much easier to judge as the loser will be on the floor LOL. :D

I have also received e-mail notification from my Sihing, Sifu Wilfred Lopez that he and several of his students will be attending as well. Sifu Lopez is one of Sifu Chows instructors and one of, if not his, oldest students. He is a heck of a nice guy and I am sure anyone who meets him will get a good impression. Shoot, if you compare him to me it would be hard not to look at him favorably :p

Anyhow, I am looking forward to seeing everyone there. Lets say noon at the main table. Perhaps some Dim Sum aferwards????



mun hung
09-27-2001, 07:13 PM
Just sent you mail.

09-27-2001, 07:55 PM

Got your e-mail and sent you a reply. I will probably be giving you a call this evening.



09-28-2001, 02:01 PM

To everyone planning on attending the tourney I am leaving now, it is 8am my time and will meet with everyone at the main table at noon time.

I hope to see as many as possible there and look forward to meeting all of you.



09-29-2001, 04:08 AM
Were you guys there? I didn't see anyone came up to the main table?


09-29-2001, 05:15 AM
Hi DF,

I was there as well as Mun Hung and Abstract. I made a point of introducing myself to Bill Fong.
I asked about you but did not get the chance to meet you. Maybe next time.

All in all I enjoyed the event.



mun hung
09-29-2001, 02:52 PM
It was a pleasure meeting you guys. It was fun. I look forward to sitting down for some lunch in the near future. Anyone in the NYC area who was'nt able to make the tourney is welcome to join us the next time around.

Abstract - your a cool dude to hang out with. Looking forward to training and hanging with you in New York. I'll be e-mailing you some pictures soon! You know which ones! ;)

Dave - I'm glad I peaked your interest in our efficient approach. However, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Looking forward to lunch. Your treat??? :D

09-29-2001, 03:13 PM
Hello Guys,

Abstract it was a pleasure meeting you. As I said if you ever want to check out the class in Westport let me know and I will do mybest to be there.

Mun Hung I did have my interest peaked and would be up for a lunch meeting. But why do I have to pay????? :confused:

I mean, I am already broke as I have to keep paying people to be my friends :eek: Oh Oh I am beginning to see a pattern here, LOL!!

Seriously, lunch sounds good. Maybe we oculd do it near the middle of November as I am travelling the rest of this month.



09-29-2001, 05:17 PM
wutsup guys, I had a good time at the tourney. It was a real pleasure meeting both of you, look forward to doing it again soon! :D

munhung, thanx mayne! your a cool cat yaself. i'll be lookin' forward to training & chillin with you as well...and the pics! :p

In mildness is the strength of steel

09-29-2001, 06:59 PM
Sounds like you guys had a great time. Did you touch hands, demonstrate forms for each other, etc.? Just curious from someone that would have liked to have been there but couldn't make it.


09-29-2001, 08:53 PM
Just want to say thank you for coming and we are glad that you all had a great time. Maybe we see you next year.



09-29-2001, 11:38 PM
We had a great time. Glad I met you guys, sorry I couldn't hang out with you more, but I was running around like a nut from ring to ring watching, rooting for and coaching my guys. Dixon Si-Hing, the tourney was excellent, and I must mention, Sifu Ralph Mitchell ran the best ring I'd ever seen. He was strict, fair, and had the competitors' safety as priority one.(a rare quality, indeed) Also Sifu Bell was very good. Try to get them for next year!I had an opportunity to judge in a few divisions,next time I hope to be of more help-just don't put me in Tiger/Crane division, ok?

09-30-2001, 02:19 AM
Hi Dzu,

I got to the tourney at about 10:15 or so. Unfortunately we did not meet up until just aobut 1:00 or thereabouts. It's funny, I kept going out by the table, of course I did nor know what anyone looked liked :D , and kept trying to figure out who was who. I ran into a few guys I knew from years ago in Philly. I think the guy at the door thought I was crazy or looking for a date, LOL there were quite a few attractive ladies there ;) just don't tell the wife.

Anyhow, they announced the Chi Sau and I was on the other side of the room so I moved over room to get a better view. I found Mun Hung because I noticed his shirt and asked him about it. He kind of gave me a look then asked if I was Dave :) thus we met. He then introduced me to Abstract and Tentigers. I in turn introduced them to my Sihing Wilfred Lopez and some of his students. We sat there and watched the Chi Sau. All I will say is it was interesting. Only really two groups represented, William Cheung and VA Thomas.

Well, to make things even longer, :rolleyes: I ended up bringing my son as my daughter was sick. We decided to go get something to eat and then to drive home. My wife was home with the kids and several of them were getting over the flu so I figured I would head back. Mun Hung was kind enough to give me a very brief explanation of the ocncept of covering in his lineage, which I found interseting and pretty efficient. He invited me to visit his school and I think I will be doing so in the near future. We only had about five minutes or so to do anything prior to my leaving so we really did not get a chance to check out each others methods. I am not sure how long he and Abstract stayed so they may have been able to do more. Still it was nice to meet some people from the forum and put a face to the names. Hopefully more of us will be able to do so in the future.

Next time I am sure we will have more time. The distance, my kids being sick and my having thrown out my back last week all contributed to lack of time we had. Also, if we had been able to hook up sooner I am sure we could have done more. Still, it was a nice day. The drive back and a Nathans HotDog made the trip even more satisfying. We don't have Nathans in Philly and they make the best hotdogs, LOL.

