View Full Version : can i believe that?

09-23-2004, 06:50 AM
I have heard some people said
keep train the Siu Lin Tau again and again and again from 2 minutes to 2 hours and one later will gain a super power....keep training...

can I believe that?

Tom Kagan
09-23-2004, 07:50 AM
If you are a beginner, sure. Go ahead. A few awe-inspiring feats and fantasy goals can keep you interested.

If you are not a beginner, then no, don't believe it. You have to find out for yourself if whomever suggested "2 hours" or "super power" is pulling your leg or not.

If you are advanced, one can only hope you can find better things to do with your time than seeing how much dust can collect on your body. What good are all those gained super powers if you just stand there and do nothing all the time? :)

09-23-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by yellowpikachu
I have heard some people said
keep train the Siu Lin Tau again and again and again from 2 minutes to 2 hours and one later will gain a super power....keep training...

can I believe that?

When I first started, I was told something similar. However, it was in regards to the first section of the form; when you draw out your Tan Sao. "By doing this slow and correct it will help cultivate your Chi."

I'm not sure about cultivating chi, but by practicing Siu Lin Tau, you will gain better structure which in return will help with your Chi Sao.

The super power is in your structure.

09-23-2004, 01:52 PM
In many ways, the human body is the world greatest wonder. It is said that if one measures the total length of all the nerve branches inside, it can circle the world more than once. Then there is the heart. No pump ever devised by man can ever surpass its incredible air pumping action efficiency. The mind - Do we really know how it works? And how about the soul or the spirit of man? If spending more time in SLT helps to understand these things, then the goal has no time limit.

09-23-2004, 03:08 PM
I think the super relaxed feeling that some wing Chun people have in Chi sau and some Tai Chi people have in pushing hands, comes a lot from form practice and from relaxed Chi sau and pushing hands practice and not hitting the heavy bag with all one's might (that trains something else).

The slower the SLT is performed the more it calms and settles the mind and physical body in the same way that various types of QiGong and meditation practices do. Rushing through the form doesn't develop this. Of course that is just one ingredient that goes into making a fighter. But every ingredient is necessary to become a top notch and top quality fighter.

I think doing the SLT for more than 20 or 30 minutes is not of much use. But repeating the form during the day helps. I heard the top Chen people do their form a lot each day and the result shows.