View Full Version : Computer question

09-26-2004, 04:47 PM
My new computer came with a 90 day trial of MS Office 2003. It expired, and I don't want to buy it because I'm poor right now. I own MS Office 2000 (yes, a legitimite copy). Should I:

a) Uninstall Office 03 and install Office 2000?

b) Install Office 2000 on top of 03?

All the old files that I've modified in 03 will still open in 00, right?


David Jamieson
09-26-2004, 04:53 PM
karate chop it, then kick it across the room.

then call the company you bought it from instead of asking us, wtf do we know? lol

09-26-2004, 05:09 PM
Cuz some of use are good at computers.

Actually, I usually know stuff like this, but I don't want Microsoft to eat my computer if I mess up.

David Jamieson
09-26-2004, 05:11 PM
just throw it away and post something about kungfu after that. :p

09-26-2004, 05:18 PM
how many hours do i have to train a day if i want 2 b able 2 do chi blasts lol?!!11!!!11!

How's that?

09-26-2004, 05:22 PM
1) backup data (your documents) - uninstall O2003, then install O2000 - make sure you do a custom install and install ALL

2) SOME types of data will not open properly under 2000... It depends on how you save it. If you want to be certain, open up your documents in O2003 before uninstalling it, then save the document in an O2000 compatible format

3) consider using Open Office (http://www.openoffice.org) as it's free and actively being developed including active development for MS Office compatibility

David Jamieson
09-26-2004, 05:28 PM
you will never be able to do chi blasts.

There is no such thing as taking someone down without touching them.

There seems to be more bogus and phony kungfu schools out there than there are "for real" ones.

To much of kungfu schooling has become about face and not about acquiring skill.

ufc type fighting is a legitimate measure of empty hand skill.

even some kickboxing venues are totally silly and the fighters lack a lot of the skills recquired to fight.

wrestling is not the be all and end all.

kungfu is not the martial arts, it is what a martial artists seeks to attain through diligent practice.

Don't listen to second hand stories, they are more often than not third hand BS.

Lot's of sifus don't fight not because they are moral, but because they can't afford to lose.

Lot's of senseis are fat because they are simply lazy. It has nothing to do with internal development and has more to do with abusing the services of those who respect their fat asses.

Here's what it comes down to, you either train or you don't train. That is all there is to it. There is always someone who is better that you and that person just might be a snotty little b@stard, but he's still better than you anyway. That's sucks, but that's life.

The truth is as painful as a knife, be careful when you ask for it because it will awaken your senses and you will realize a lot of your own failures and weaknesses if you are answered by a person who knows what it is.

No one knows your personal truth.

No one can give you their experience, but you can benefit from listening to theirs.

Everyone has faults.

Everyone has done something stupid.

Everyone has done something deceptive.

Everyone has told a lie.

Now, just reinstall the software, or uninstall it and restart your system. Should work fine.

09-26-2004, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek

Everyone has done something stupid.

Everyone has done something deceptive.

Everyone has told a lie.

Now, just reinstall the software, or uninstall it and restart your system. Should work fine.

I take it you are a glass is half empty sort of guy Kung Lek.

09-26-2004, 07:10 PM
but i wanna b able 2 shoot chi balsts like they do in da moviezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! 111111!!1!11!11

Ok I'll uninstall 03 and then install 00.

David Jamieson
09-26-2004, 07:35 PM
There is no glass.

09-26-2004, 07:53 PM
If there is no glass...wtf is the liquid in?

David Jamieson
09-26-2004, 07:57 PM
it's in the cow

09-26-2004, 09:08 PM
You can get beer from cows!?

David Jamieson
09-26-2004, 09:17 PM
they eat barley don't they?

SanSoo Student
09-26-2004, 09:18 PM
I'm not advocating this but you may find your answer using bittorrent. go to www.suprnova.org and search for Office 2003;)

09-26-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
they eat barley don't they?
Ima buy a farm.

David Jamieson
09-26-2004, 09:21 PM
soon you will have many gallons of thundabird in your mofoin cows!

09-26-2004, 09:55 PM
Another vote for OpenOffice if your new computer is fairly good spec. I'm using it because my old home Office was 97 and I thought it was time to update.

09-27-2004, 10:29 PM
Yeah, I was going to say check out OpenOffice

09-28-2004, 03:57 AM
Kung Lek just summed up the last 10,000 hours I spent on here.