View Full Version : Ideas for a Taijiquan/etc... documentary request!

09-27-2004, 02:10 PM
Hello there, I hope this post finds you all well.

I have been given the opportunity to…let’s say propose a documentary on taiji or qigong, etc… I am actually already making a very scientific documentary on taiji, but this second new documentary will be is more lifestyle oriented.

So I thought I’d ask for your suggestions for what topics in the internal arts you think will make interesting documentaries for mass consumption. The length can be one hour, or feature length, the genre can be any…investigative, health oriented, culture, humor,….etc… Just think of what may interest an American and International audience, and how it should be presented.

The most overdone type of taiji doc which I’ve seen, which I don’t want to do is the “this is taiji, look how wonderful it is, now let’s go hug some trees” which I’ve seen far too many off.

Any suggestions would be great. You can email me at eb7g @shaw.ca. Thanks.