View Full Version : WHOE!!! What the He!! is THIS???

Royal Dragon
10-03-2004, 06:32 AM

You know, haveing been through a custody battle myself (And WON BTW), I have to ask "Where was the Guardian??"

For those who don't know The Guardian is a Lawyer specifically appointed to the Child, or Children to protect their rights and intrests speciffically so the children don't become pawns of one, or both the parents during the custody fight.

Anyone else think there is more to this one? If so, What?

10-03-2004, 06:51 AM
Yet another reason judges should be elected to terms and the mechanism for recall should exist.

Royal Dragon
10-03-2004, 07:17 AM
Yes, I agree. However, there is alot more to a custody case than a judge. BOTH sides have lawyers, AND the Child herself has their own, independant Lawyer too.

I'm wondering if there is a legit reason to take the He's parental rights away.

In my case, there was abuse and neglect on the part of the mother, as well as psycologocal issues on her part too. No Drug use ort anything, but it was bad enough wihtout that. My Ex was under supervised visitations for a long time and everything. Even under all that, there was no real need to take away her parental rights (Although I could have). We ended up with joint custody, and residency resided with me.

Now granted, our case could have been worse, but it certianly was not a light situation either. My ex very well could have lost parental rights if I had pushed it. BUT, I had to have very real, and credible evidence against her to do so (And I did, lots of it). If that is not there in the He's case, I don't see how it could have gone this far.

Financial issues are not all that big of a deal to the courts, as they feel public aid can take up any slack in the parents ability to support thier children.

Something just seems fishy to me about this case.

MonkeySlap Too
10-03-2004, 08:35 AM
That sounds potentially very messed up... need to read the case though...

Your right though, on the surface sounds very fishy...

David Jamieson
10-03-2004, 08:40 AM
Your checks and balances and your civil liberties are eroded away each and everyday.

This is yet another flag on the american path to a police state run by the wealthy.

there it is, right there in front of you. it likely isn't the only case too. more likely this is the one that hit the radar that's all.

10-03-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by TonyM.
Yet another reason judges should be elected to terms and the mechanism for recall should exist. ]

or just make it legal to attempt to assasinate any public official.

you try much harder at something when your life depends upon it.