View Full Version : some say SLT/SNT is a dictionary

10-04-2004, 10:05 PM
some say SLT/SNT is a dictionary. Dictionary of what? technics? momentum? energy?

is it true a dictionary or just a wishfull thinking?

Frank Exchange
10-05-2004, 05:18 AM

10-05-2004, 05:55 AM
not a dictionary
not an encyclopedia

the forms dont give you the answers, they just get you to ask yourself the questions

old jong
10-05-2004, 06:36 AM
If it was a dictionary,they could just have written a list of the motions instead.

10-05-2004, 07:06 AM
I too see the forms as something much more than flat dictionaries of terms, techniques, or even concepts.

To me they are a) tightly integrated multi-dimensional repositories of knowledge b) incarnated in an active physical environment c) enabling limitless learning, research, and personal development.

- kj

old jong
10-05-2004, 07:27 AM
I like the term "multi-dimentional"!
You learn in a cognitive fashion: " Learn the motions/applications"
You learn in a more physical fashion: " Learn by muscle memory/repetitions"
You learn by doing properly: " Learn proper structure and relaxation/delivery of power"
You learn intuitively: " Learn to calm the mind and the use of what is learned"

10-05-2004, 07:30 AM
I like the 'workbook' analogy.

It is like a 'list' of techniques, but with space to 'add your own notes'. Blanks to fill in answers to the questions that arise from training....and to raise more questions.

10-05-2004, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by old jong
I like the term "multi-dimentional"!
You learn in a cognitive fashion: " Learn the motions/applications"
You learn in a more physical fashion: " Learn by muscle memory/repetitions"
You learn by doing properly: " Learn proper structure and relaxation/delivery of power"
You learn intuitively: " Learn to calm the mind and the use of what is learned"

Agreed. Nice elaboration. :)
- kj

10-05-2004, 08:45 AM
Personally I believe that SLT is an stargate transporter device. One has to push the right button to activate the beam me up process. So far I have not seen any stars yet but lot of fun tinkering and breaking it apart. Toy R Us for now. =)

old jong
10-05-2004, 08:49 AM
Some also like to call SLT the "textbook" of Wing Chun. If taken at first level it can be.The beginner will learn "words" and later make "sentences" with these learned words. There is also some "grammar" or applications/chi sau to be able to write or read properly.Great for most beginners.
Then there is what lies in the deeper meaning of words. What the sound of words mean to you?...What feelings and images these words/sounds bring to you?...Their effect on you?...All things very hard to put in words!...;)

10-05-2004, 09:13 AM
Yup, it is Multi-dimentional.

SLT is a model of 4 dimentional realtity into 4 quadrants.

the nature of the body, technics, momentum, Awareness.

10-05-2004, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by PaulH
Personally I believe that SLT is an stargate transporter device. One has to push the right button to activate the beam me up process. So far I have not seen any stars yet but lot of fun tinkering and breaking it apart. Toy R Us for now. =)

Hey Paul

The oldest Original Technics how the Ming over turn Qing in Court found. Mightyier (sp) then anything. :D

secret scroll of the Red Boat!


How to deflet, disarm, and defuse any conflict.

Part 1. Respond Rahter Than React. (AKA SNT)
1, Name of the Game
2,Handle Hassles with Fun Fu
3, Fast-Forward Throguth Frustration

part 2, HAnds to Lose, HAnds to use (AKA CHUM KIL)
1, Acknowlegde
2 Turn orders into Requests
3 Clear Away the " can't becauce" Barrier
4, Become Problem Free
5, Avoid Going to Extremes (Broken Arrow)

part 3, Turn conflics into Coopration (AKA Biu Jee )

1, Listen up!
2, Rules for Unruly Behavior
3, Defuse
4, Approach with an Open Mind
5 Share control

Part 4, Get More of What you want, need, and Deserve (AKA Advance Biu Jee )

1, Choose Your battles
2, Terminate Tactfully
3, ACT and FEEL confident
4, Break Free from Bullies
5 Maitain a Positive Perspective
6, Ki/Qi em with Kindness

Oldest original Top secret : Turn intentions into ACTIon

Tom Kagan
10-05-2004, 09:32 AM
Interpretation is key to understanding. It can also be a stepping stone to a bonafide bias, however.

SiuNimTao is SiuNimTao.

Why in the world would I need to interpret SiuNimTao as something else? ;) Why would I need something to transport me to somewhere else? No matter how many dimensions and quadrants found in someone's interpretation, why do I need a model representation when I have the reality? :D

10-05-2004, 09:33 AM
why do I need a model representation when I have the reality?

Attachment: pikachu.jpg <-------- illusion of reality based on wrong reading glasses

http://www.angelfire.com/nf/mypikachupage/pikachupics.html <---- the reality without reading glasses

how many diamentions is the reality? :D

10-05-2004, 09:59 AM
I like your "open" commentary on the forms, Hendrik. =) Hawkins Cheung once commented similarly that Chum Kiu is about reading your oppenent clearly and proactively.

10-05-2004, 10:05 AM
Ha ha - I like this, Hendrik. Thanks. :)
- kj

Originally posted by yellowpikachu
How to deflet, disarm, and defuse any conflict.

Part 1. Respond Rahter Than React. (AKA SNT)
1, Name of the Game
2,Handle Hassles with Fun Fu
3, Fast-Forward Throguth Frustration

part 2, HAnds to Lose, HAnds to use (AKA CHUM KIL)
1, Acknowlegde
2 Turn orders into Requests
3 Clear Away the " can't becauce" Barrier
4, Become Problem Free
5, Avoid Going to Extremes (Broken Arrow)

part 3, Turn conflics into Coopration (AKA Biu Jee )

1, Listen up!
2, Rules for Unruly Behavior
3, Defuse
4, Approach with an Open Mind
5 Share control

Part 4, Get More of What you want, need, and Deserve (AKA Advance Biu Jee )

1, Choose Your battles
2, Terminate Tactfully
3, ACT and FEEL confident
4, Break Free from Bullies
5 Maitain a Positive Perspective
6, Ki/Qi em with Kindness

Oldest original Top secret : Turn intentions into ACTIon

old jong
10-05-2004, 10:15 AM
When I look at all those links (http://www.wingchun.com/newLinks.html) I think it could as well be a phone book!...;)

Tom Kagan
10-05-2004, 10:19 AM
how many diamentions is the reality?

You say four. Some guy out west says ten.

Some theorists speculate 11, 26 or 16, but that's only if you're working to avoid ghosts and infinities.

So, I suggest: how many dimensions do you want it to be? After all, there are those theorists who suggest that the problem never existed in the first place.

My prescription is fine. As proof, I've attached the following image of Kadabra. Some might believe he is holding a spoon. But, the reality is there is no spoon. Even Pikachu has lost because he didn't see it coming. :D

10-05-2004, 10:57 AM
You know, Hendrik, Your mural post reminds me of another Chin Yung novel where an illiteracy boy figured out the secrets on the mural wall where the rest of famous skilled masters went insane trying to figure out the secrets. =)

10-05-2004, 11:04 AM
KJ - Tufte would be so proud! :)

"one candle does not loose anything by lighting another candle. - anonymous"

Sure it does: mothes. Twice the previous number of flames to like to.

Tom - Isn't the latest fad 2D info holgraphically projected? Sounds cool, like graffiti.

10-05-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by PaulH
You know, Hendrik, Your mural post reminds me of another Chin Yung novel where an illiteracy boy figured out the secrets on the mural wall where the rest of famous skilled masters went insane trying to figure out the secrets. =)


You see, the Ming and Shao Lin Zen monks passed the paradigm shift art to the Red Boat opera people so that they can use it every instant EFFORTLESSLY to subdue any Qing general without casualty --- The power of the SILENCE in action.

Then, As RENE FLEET to CANADA with his COMPLETE WINGCHUN who is who. :D

Sister SAM Hung (yup similar to Hung Gar but not related to Hung Gar) Fleet to the USA with the LOST SCROLL OF THE RED BOAT (not SEA!) . :D

She some how changes her name to SAM HORN and make use of the LOST SCROLL and published a few books so that the OLDEST MOST ORIGINAL WING CHUN FUN FU secret is not LOST!

THESE all are great book to against those Qing or the ANTI-Qing...




Pika pika CHU!

PS: Do you know why all those the rest of famous skilled masters didnt get it?

1, they fight too much and thier head get beaten out of shape instead of stay "in Shape"

2, they didnt Watch the POKEMON where their AWARENESS AND LIFE FORECE AND CHAKRAS ALL become soooo dimm that thier Brain doesnt work in 4 dimentions but 1 --- thier own dimention.

10-05-2004, 11:44 AM

No SLT is an island. Look underneath its water surface, you will find it just a nexus point in a vast array of land geography. SLT is connected to a specific purpose. Exactly what it is depends on how your journey ends. =)

10-05-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by PaulH

No SLT is an island. Look underneath its water surface, you will find it just a nexus point in a vast array of land geography. SLT is connected to a specific purpose. Exactly what it is depends on how your journey ends. =)

Do you know why people love the sound of Chime?

Because, there are silence and Now hidden within the sound of chime.

When one listen to the sound of Chime, one's Buddha Nature/soul/oor whatever you want to call it, recognized that silence and Now. But since one is not that develop yet, one dont know how to express it. So, one will say, Oh, it is silence, very wide, free, relax, flow, spacial,.....

Look for this within SLT, and the rest you fill in your own blanks. There is no one size to fit all. Only one can answer one's questions, but that is after one know and embrace who one really is.

Yuup. SLT is an stargate transporter device. and first one has to find that Silence similar to the one from the sound of the Chime but not produce by the chime when the wind blow.

The rest is as you likes it.


similar to how a loudspeaker sound system produce music in a direct and indirect way.

There are 4 basic ways to generate power, two direct. two indirect with resonators..... you know how the speaker box sound different between the one with direct radiant path and the one with resonent port or as they called --- Base reflex?
The sound which hurt your ear with direct high note and the The sound with rumble shock you while playing earth quake sound surrond in the movie theather? you know that -120db silence which is suddent but not a hearing?

Go to visit Bose Show room and find out!

listen with lesser and lesser thoughts.

The song just beging.......

10-05-2004, 12:06 PM

since you like the
The Smiling Proud Wanderer.

One sword waving,
a life with Smilling Proud
Passing a song until the heaven and Earth become old.
With formless defeat the form ,
meet the heros under the heaven.


And here is the song :D

If the sky opened up for me,
And the mountains disappeared,
If the seas run dry, turned to dust
And the sun refused to rise
I would still find my way,
By the light I see in your eyes.
The world I know fades away
But you stay.

As the earth reclaims its due,
And the cycle starts anew,
We'll stay, always
In the love that we have
Shared before time.

If the years take away
Every memory that I have
I would still know the way
That would lead me back to your side.
The North star may die
But the light that I see in your eyes
Will burn there always
By the love we have
Shared before time.

When the forest turns to jade,
And the stories that we've made
Dissolve away
One shining light will still remain.

When we shed our earthly skin,
When our real life begins,
There'll be no shame
Just the love that we have made before time.

10-05-2004, 06:01 PM
Could you clarify more on what exactly are the 2 direct and 2 indirect power? Thanks!

10-05-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by reneritchie
KJ"one candle does not loose anything by lighting another candle. - anonymous"

Sure it does: mothes. Twice the previous number of flames to like to.

LOL. That's great Rene!

Actually I witnessed, on my wifes birthday, one candle lighting another and then it went out......I figured I would have to change my signature eventually.


10-05-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by PaulH
Could you clarify more on what exactly are the 2 direct and 2 indirect power? Thanks!

Hi Paul,

Thus, I have heard, the Legend from the RED ROAT said,

There are direct Yang and Ying makes two types
There are indirect Yang and Ying makes another two types.

So, a total of 4 basic types of Jing hidden in SLT. (from 4 can be combine and makes other types)

and these 4 types of Jing are prepared for one to use them in different situation, range, rate of acceleration, amount of power,....

1, how much power needs to be applied,
2,what is the direction of the power and consist of how many dimentions,
3,how is it applied,
4, where is it applied and how many dimentions involved.

(sound like matrix isnt it? sure, modern localization evolution paradigm shift art involved with multi-dimentionals. :D )

ALL these 4 stuffs is Yik Kam's lineage Trade marks according to legend. 4 Sections, 4 circles, 4 power generation, 4 properties of power, 4 core (open, close, raise, sink, not a direct equavalent to suck, spit, float, sink)...... with the Broken Arrow stuffs. etc.

Thus, I have heard. So dont hold me responsible and cast in stone.

Dont mind to keep the Legend flowing but dont 'steal/opps borrowed" the legend and makes His-story. similar to the concept of Zen and Awareness and HIs-story and Ying way of doing BJ.... , someone always put mission impossible key code to track those.:D

But, I believe, these four types exist. Why? because WINGCHUN's characteristics is be able to use all parts of body to strike. So Wing Chun cannot have only one power generator, that doesnt make sense and too risky. what if one power generator fail or doesnt turn on in time? I heard the Jet plane carry the ex Taiwan President has two sets of enginee in it.

10-05-2004, 07:35 PM
Ah yes, I remember now! Thanks! =)