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View Full Version : Good Xing Yi school?

10-05-2004, 07:58 PM
Hey guys, been lurking for a while but don't post much. Either way i just wanted to know what you guys thought of this school http://www.wudanginternal.com/ and just wanted to hear feedback. I realize it's kind of hard to judge seeing as there aren't any video's of him in action, but am just curious as to whether your first impressions of this guy is good or not and how legit you'd think he is (lineage etc)? I'm not all THAT familiar with internal arts so even if it hit me in the face, i might not be able to notice good from bad xing yi. Thanks in advance.

10-05-2004, 11:02 PM

Dunno him in person.

But his list of lineage is very good if holds true.

You are very lucky.

Best of luck.
