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View Full Version : CLF in the UK?

10-07-2004, 12:42 AM
A friend of mine is heading over to the UK for an indeterminate time and wants to know what CLF schools are over there. It's been a long time since I was last there. Can anyone list out any schools and teachers they know of (anywhere in the UK). Websites would be great too! ;)


10-07-2004, 08:58 AM

10-07-2004, 03:09 PM
try http://hometown.aol.co.uk/choylifutuk/myhomepage/martialarts.html
this is part of doc fai wongs plumbblossom federation with a good rep.

Ben Gash
10-08-2004, 06:25 AM
Whereabouts in the UK? Of course the greatest CLF practitioner in the UK is ME!!! :D

10-08-2004, 07:11 PM
He hasn't decided where to spend most time yet, and a good CLF location is part of what will decide him. So, anywhere!

Where are YOU, Ben!?

10-09-2004, 06:11 PM
Hi Serpent. ;)

I can hand on heart reccomend Newcastle as a good location.

Great CLF squad there, very respected Sifu, and a fun place to be of an evening.

PM me for details.

Ben Gash
10-11-2004, 01:20 PM
I'm in Swindon (not much else to recommend it really). There's good CLF in Norwich (sadly the same applies) and of course there's Edmund Ng in Newcastle (but it's REALLY cold and the accent's unintelligible). Jow Gar in London though...

10-11-2004, 11:47 PM
Ben Gash,

but it's REALLY cold and the accent's unintelligible

its so weird how one country has so many different accents. The worst of course are the Scots, I watched train spotting, and struggled to follow the dialogue.

Been wondering for some time, where about in the UK is Stains?

10-11-2004, 11:59 PM
Newcastle accents are harder than Scots for the most part. With the possible exception of Glasgow.

Staines is not far from London. See map:

10-12-2004, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by Eddie
Ben Gash,

its so weird how one country has so many different accents. The worst of course are the Scots, I watched train spotting, and struggled to follow the dialogue.

Been wondering for some time, where about in the UK is Stains?
Eddie Baby, long time no see. :D

OK, Train Spotting was done in a broad Glaswegian dialect.
You understood Ewan McGregor ok in Star Wars though/

Same guy.

I dunno, Soud Afrikanners n Ozzies slagging off other countries accents is a bit rich. :rolleyes:

Besides, Beer tastes more like **** the further south you go in the UK. Fault thatrationale. :D

10-12-2004, 08:21 AM
Meant no offence to the Scots. Last thing I want is to have some aggro kilt wearing fighter to bash my head in with a baastert sword.

Gotto love the Brits. They have the best sense of humour in the world.

10-12-2004, 09:08 AM
Andy, don’t know what the fuss is about accents considering the Scots and the northern English speak the language in it oldest form.
As for Glaswegian I had no trouble with Train spotting or even the legendary Rab C Nessbit.

Serpent, it’s not that cold in Newcastle and it has a lot more going for it than Swindon or Norwich besides CLF have a look here (http://www.newcastle.gov.uk/tic.nsf/a/home?opendocument)

10-12-2004, 05:33 PM
Yep, I'm pretty familiar with Newcastle, actually. I'm asking this question for a friend of mine, so I'm thinking that I might suggest Newcastle as the best place to stop.

Andy said:
I dunno, Soud Afrikanners n Ozzies slagging off other countries accents is a bit rich.

I was born in Scotland and grew up in England before I moved to Oz, so I've got grounds to slag off everybody! ;)

Ben Gash
10-13-2004, 01:37 PM
AndyM, what's the form that Sifu Ng does on the "Chinese Masters of Kung Fu" tape?
Newcastle is cool if you don't want to go elsewhere and you like clubbing (and you don't mind the cold).

10-13-2004, 03:36 PM

It must have been pretty sh!t acting from Ewan McGregor and co!!!

Trainspotting was set in Edinburgh!! Ya bunch of fan(ees)

Choose life......blah bleh blah


10-13-2004, 04:45 PM

Choose "choose life"........eh?

Classic Trainspotting moments.....

(***warning - bad language***)

Of course, goldfinger's better than Dr No.


10-14-2004, 01:55 AM
The shop next to our school is owned by an Englishman. I took a stroll over there this morning, and asked him about Newcastle ‘s accent. Funny enough, this old man was born in Newcastle, and his family still stays there. He lived and studied in London, and he’s been staying here for over 30 years, so he spoke with a ****ney accent now. This morning he spoke to me with his Newcastle Accent (he said something that’s its called pigmy or something like that?). It’s even worst than the Scots. I couldn’t understand a word he said. and he called a toilet a latty? You gotto hear that.

oh well, Ali in da USA was on last night. See the Americans trying to figure out this pommy is really funny. If we cant laugh at ourselves, then who can we laugh at?

And again guys, no disrespect intended.

10-14-2004, 09:01 AM
Eddie, the shop owner has certainly been away from Newcastle for a very long time because the Geordie word for toilet is nettie.
Other Geordie terms are:
Mel = hammer, as in to mel, to hit some one with a hammer.
Coin = turn, as in turn the corner or turn around.
More here


an i abit iv histry

10-15-2004, 03:07 PM
Ben Gash,
The form that my Sifu does on that tape is the a begginer form called Choy Lee Kuen:)

And as for the rest of you's "Ah dinnae knaw what ye meen, aboot accents, we speek areet oop here in sunnie Newcastle, its the rest of the UK that has the weird accents:D

Anyone wanting to train at our club is more than welcome:)

10-16-2004, 04:23 AM
Yes darkholme, that’s it. I just typed it as it sounded to me.
Chazz, we have a Newcastle down here too. Actually, many of the places in SA were once called after some place in the UK.
Downs here the girls love guys with weird accents (and guys love girls with funny accents), so I hope it’s the same up there. If I’d to go to the UK, the chicks might think my accent is sexy??

John C
10-26-2004, 05:36 PM
Hey Chaz,

Just dropping a note to say hi. I practice a different style (SPM)but I'm really good mates with some of your CLF brothers (Simon Shek, Steven Kwan in particular). Good to see you on here!

Good stuff, Ng Sifu's CLF. I would definately recommend to our travelling friend (sorry, forgot the name).

All the best, hope your training goes good.