View Full Version : Flowing Combat

10-13-2004, 04:29 PM
I just came across this site (http://www.flowingcombat.com/faq.php). Why does the name Gary Romel ring a bell?


10-13-2004, 04:36 PM
OK I found this in the testimonials section, so he was at least discussed in the olden days here...

From Chris McKinley As originally seen on KungFu Online

Hi all, just chiming in. As some of you may know, in addition to teaching my own classes etc., I assist Gary in teaching his Taiji Boxing class at Tinker AFB. There have been quite a few criticisms of various kinds regarding Gary and his choice of statement on his website. He can and has answered those himself. This post is really in reference to one of the statements by honeysmacks.
RE: "You simply aren't a fighter.". I can certainly understand your skepticism. Depending on how you are defining that term, I could partially agree or completely disagree. If you mean that Gary doesn't maintain the type of fairly heavily muscled physique that is common to NHB fighters, I would have to agree. Gary himself would admit that if he were interested in that arena, he would have to include that type of conditioning training. If you mean that Gary cannot successfully apply the fighting techniques of his art to defend himself, then I would disagree entirely.
Over time, Gary probably could benefit from packing on some solid muscle mass...it would only make his already significant striking abilities even more powerful. But in my 26 years in the martial arts, I've rarely encountered individuals who so completely optimized their attributes the way Gary has. Pound for pound, he punches with more power than literally any person I've ever known. The man is one of the fastest (if not "the") martial artists I've ever seen in person. He is also wickedly accurate, in a way that even most of the celebrity martial artists I've met would have a hard time competing with. No, he's not as powerful as he ultimately could be by adding some size, but he CAN definitely pull it off. No doubt about it.
In balance, you do make some valid points in your post in other areas and you do show some mature perspective in your last paragraph. That kind of attitude is something I wish wasn't so rare these days. Really though, I just wanted to vouch from personal experience that Gary very definitely can apply what he knows successfully, all references to "cheesy" mysticism aside.

Chris McKinley-Baguazhang and Kali instructor

Mr Punch
10-13-2004, 09:22 PM
Yeah, you remember Gazza99 I think it was? Used to post here a hell of a lot, but got the hump and left at about the time Merry really started challenging a lot of the engrained TMA attitudes... not really sure why: he always seemed very realistic to me.

Nice logical eyes-open kind of geezer from what I remember.

10-13-2004, 11:56 PM
yeah, he used to post as "gary", then came back as "gazaa99"

his other site is/was www.pressurepointfighting.com

10-14-2004, 04:13 PM
OK, that's why the name sounded familiar. I remember his site had a karate guy attacking him like a yellow belt doing basics.

This sounds positive, does he come around anymore?

Are you ready to learn an extremely fluid, dynamic and powerful self-defense system? For the last few centuries these methods have all been hidden in forms, cryptic Chinese terms, and only understood by a handful of people throughout the world.
These arts have been streamlined to offer a more focused combative based curriculum oriented to the needs of 21st century street realities. Flowing Combat is taught in a way that is conducive to western understanding, using the latest advances in training methodologies. Flowing Combat utilizes mainly Taijiquan principles and applications, but also includes some principles and techniques taught in its "sister arts" of Baguazhang and Xingyiquan.

10-15-2004, 06:47 AM
He's a EF regular.

10-15-2004, 07:09 AM
This thread should have been about diarrhea.

10-15-2004, 07:54 AM
This thread should have been about diarrhea.
Were you in the next stall a few minutes ago?

Fred Sanford
10-15-2004, 09:49 PM
my combat flowed right out of my anus.