View Full Version : what is your favorite technique?

ng mui rules
08-16-2001, 05:30 AM
what is your favorite technique? mine is jam gaun and ching jin (spade palm). how about you.

Martial Joe
08-16-2001, 07:38 AM
I would say...none of those things that you practice as drills also...

I like the enter/make contact/and hit the guy...

How is that?

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif

08-16-2001, 09:21 AM
I like leaking. You probly haven't heard of it because it's in every martial arts there is. It's basically slowy putting your hands in a place to stike, when you opponent makes a mistake, then BAM!, he gets hit.

08-16-2001, 03:26 PM
i like a double punch

08-16-2001, 03:30 PM
When you say a double punch, do you mean the old one two or do you mean both hands at the same time?

08-16-2001, 05:34 PM
Chon Choi.
I like to use it as both a strike AND a parry.

<img src = "http://members.tripod.co.uk/wingchun/button2.gif">

08-16-2001, 06:46 PM
then takedown

08-16-2001, 06:48 PM
pow chun to yan chun when finishing off.

chi kwai

08-16-2001, 07:30 PM
avoidance or running away are my favourites :)

08-18-2001, 12:57 AM
Why am I not surprised...

08-18-2001, 02:05 AM
Completely aside from actual useful combat techniques, I completely love the double palm strike as shown in the Mook (Wooden Dummy) set. Nothing gets my rocks off more than slipping that leg behind their's and then doing a double palm strike, sending them onto their asses.

Except that I've never gotten it to work, so I just fantasize about it.

I'm probably most comfortable with the basic blocks.. tan, bong, pak, fuk. Y'know. Punching. That's what I do while I spar, anyway.


"Life is hard, but so am I." -- The Eels.

08-18-2001, 02:12 AM
my favorite is kwan sao.

08-18-2001, 08:26 PM
Upward whipping palm .
keep cool.

08-19-2001, 07:00 PM
You were almost banned and you're still acting like a jerk... :confused:

08-20-2001, 12:58 AM
Your point is.....

08-20-2001, 05:26 AM
You just proved it...

08-20-2001, 05:42 AM
A lot more practice is necessary...

08-20-2001, 07:49 AM
are you talking to me or somebody else??? I don't understand where your comment is coming from...

"a lot more practice is necessary..." doesn't make sense... ?

08-20-2001, 08:32 AM
LOL @ WH's jedi mind tricks. :D

Martial Joe
08-20-2001, 09:07 AM

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif

mun hung
08-20-2001, 10:16 AM
I suggest a deathmatch between Whipping Hand and EmptyCup!

08-20-2001, 08:13 PM
Much tell me, you.

08-20-2001, 08:41 PM
At least the man's got a sense of humour... :)

lotus kick
08-21-2001, 08:01 AM
when you face whipping hand, you can use your favorit technique.

:cool: "running away" :cool:

08-21-2001, 08:07 AM
You wouldn't happen to be Whippy in disguise would you??? ;)

So you're in TO as well. Where do you learn if you don't mind me asking...

08-21-2001, 01:54 PM
about favorite technigue: in w.c. that is imposible im mean cose in real fight have big speed so just do tiger-snake-eagle ,go to opponent central line so that is it, depends of situation. ;) - frinedly tiger_1


08-21-2001, 04:08 PM
Say hello to my little tank :)
Well actually a Leopard 2

08-21-2001, 11:29 PM
...Getting hit... :)

I'm still really new to WC and haven't perfected any of my blocks yet, or fast enough to hit back...

Maybe will change reply when more time spent practising...


08-22-2001, 02:57 AM
the faster you learn.

lotus kick
08-22-2001, 05:03 AM
I'm not whippy.
I learn where i want to learn.


08-22-2001, 07:03 AM
well that's a classic whippy answer ;)

08-22-2001, 09:26 AM
the longer it will take to learn.

If you get hit to often as a beginner you will start to develop fear and doubts which are counterproductive. Not to mention the fact that the more you get seriously hit, the longer it will take to recover, and therefore the longer it will take to get back into training.

08-22-2001, 09:39 PM
If you have an ego problem, then that could be the result. However, assuring the junior that it is acceptable to get hit, is of course the other half... that goes without saying, I hope. It is the responsibility of the senior students, as well as the sifu, to help the juniors get over any ego problems (related to Wing Chun). That is, of course, if they don't have any themselves, or, at least, not as many or big.

08-22-2001, 10:40 PM
My favorite technic is no technic.
I think its very dangerous to have a favorite technic, and it goes against everything WT stands for.
If you develope a favorite technic, you are on your way to doing fixed pattern, which will cloud your mind for that split second in a fight. Remember that the strenght of WT is that we are not bound by the pattern rules like many other style.

08-22-2001, 11:55 PM
Other styles are not bound by patterns either. It is the the practitioners who bind them.

lotus kick
08-23-2001, 01:01 AM
again, i'm not whippy.
But if you want to think i'm whippy, then so be it. at lest i'm been compared to someone that's smart.

By the way, I'm a Sunny Tan student.

08-23-2001, 02:25 AM
Don't get offended...doesn't Sunny have different techniques than Whipping Hand?

lotus kick
08-23-2001, 08:58 PM
i would not know because i don't know whom this whipping hand person is.

08-24-2001, 04:33 AM
thank god for that.

mun hung
08-24-2001, 07:28 PM
LOL!!! :D

08-26-2001, 01:31 PM
after alot of thought fook sau around the neck and elbows are cool and using forarms and angles to hack and grind are good useing knife edges and whot not also cool tan inside edge up the neck turn it into fook ad some VIGURE yeeee...haaa

08-26-2001, 08:45 PM
May I ask you ? Name, town, lineage. Its not
often we get fello "kiwi's" here. I usually
just lurk and would'nt ask such questions, its
because of some spacific wording on one of your posts that I do. Anyhow I am from Sigong Tsui
Seung Tin line & live in Auckland.
keep cool :cool:


Ten Tigers
08-27-2001, 01:55 AM
My favorite single technique would have to be the simple punch. Simple, fast, powerful, and a variety of applications.

I love a good fight...