View Full Version : Mother ****er

10-15-2004, 08:57 PM
i just wasted 2 weeks of my life. i was litterally hours away from 2 complete weeks without a single ****ing drag off of a cigerette and i ruined it cause im a weak piece of **** **** mother****er.

jesus ****ing christ.

i was hoping it would get easier after a month but i guess it doesnt ****ing matter now.

**** me.

10-15-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
i just wasted 2 weeks of my life. i was litterally hours away from 2 complete weeks without a single ****ing drag off of a cigerette and i ruined it cause im a weak piece of **** **** mother****er.

jesus ****ing christ.

i was hoping it would get easier after a month but i guess it doesnt ****ing matter now.

**** me.

you mother ****ing **** sucker titty ****er ass sucker **** knocker!!!!! :D **** happens.

10-15-2004, 10:06 PM
may be you can switch to the patch?

probably a better nicotine delivery system without the tart and all the other carcinogen. I mean to eventually wean you off smoking that is. but, if you only switch to it to fill the need, I suppose nicotine addiction wont' be any worse than cafee addiction. those patch are just a lot more expensive.

KC Elbows
10-15-2004, 10:30 PM
Doubt this will help, but I quit exactly when I realized I stopped enjoying smoking.

It went from brand to brand.

Got sick of marbs, switched to camels.

Got sick of camels, switched to american spirits(back before PM changed them).

Got sick of those, switched to marb lights, camel special lights.

Eventually, I realized I hated all decent cigarettes. The last holdout was Benson and Hedges from England(not the ones we get in the US, that's britain's crap tobacco). Got a pack of those, and quickly got sick of them.

Once it no longer appealed to my decadent side, the addiction was actually quite easy.

I simply quadrupled my mountain dew intake and quit smoking. Quiting the dew was another story. I had to hit bottom first.

The other thing with quitting is to quit all the time, fail quiting, well, quit again, over and over as long as it takes.

Mr Punch
10-15-2004, 11:31 PM
What you need to hear right now, and it helps that it seems to be true in terms of quitting psychology, is rather than saying "I've f**ked up, I'm weak, I'll may as well have another one," say, "I f**ked up, I'll have to do better next time."

Take it from me, I know what I'm talking about, I've quit dozens of times.



Mr Punch
10-15-2004, 11:37 PM
And drink lots and lots of water. Lots. Not only is it good for cleansing your system and expelling the toxins, but the habit time you normally invest in the ritual of popping out for a quick snout is replaced by the delightful change of scene in popping out for a quick ****...

Kills many birds with one stone: you can also maybe get a breath of fresh air on the way, and reacquaint yourself with your ***** in a much deeper way. The amount of water will bloat you a bit at first, but it should also stop the compulsive overeating urge you'll soon be getting, so while water weight is bad, it ain't as bad as pure fat *******.

You may think I'm taking the ****, but believe me, you'll be giving it away!

10-16-2004, 12:55 AM
I found pepermint candy to be very effective for controlling the crave. Don't get rid of it, but it helps some.

SanSoo Student
10-16-2004, 04:08 AM
I just started to drink more often, and I still do...:(

10-16-2004, 10:27 AM
I hear ya. You've got the same problem most people do. You're being too hard on yourself. I can relate to that, I am an on/off person myself, and sometimes that's a good thing, but sometimes it's not (Yin & Yang).
If you slipped, you slipped. It does NOT mean you failed. Holy guacamole, who said you have to quit 100 % and if you even think about smoking, you FAILED? Man, it doesn't work like that - except that it does, for most peeps. But that ain't right.

So, chill, allow room for some slips, and most importantly, keep at it. Whatever you do and however you do it, it's all good, and the only way is up.

Trust me, I know what I am talking about.

You'll be fine :)


10-17-2004, 01:03 AM
im a friggen crybaby.

thanks guys. it's true that it's not the end of the world, but i thought i was doing so good and that i was a non smoker and i just beat the **** out of the world while giving 604 supermodels multiple orgasims and then it all came crashing down with a single inhalation of poisoness bliss.

i've smoked a couple now, but im back to none on monday. i had already been cutting way back for months and i thought i could do it without falter. i had aready seperated smoking from most things like eating, sex, and masturbation so there werent any situations that made it more difficult than any other craving. that is until the first time i got clear ****ed off. i'm just gonna pat myself on the back for making it two weeks on the first try and go at it again.

i think its cool that we have a place to vent online. and when i say we i mean me. hell you ****ers are more supportive than most of my friends and family. i think they get sick of me and just wish id smoke a ****ing cigerette so that i'd die of the cancer already.

bung bo
10-17-2004, 05:40 PM
Don't sweat it. You went 2 weeks and that's is good. The next try it'll be easier because you know you can go at least 2 weeks.

When i quit, I happened to be listening to a lot of Henry Rollins spoken word. He's really into self-reliance and exstinguishing weakness, and I was all like,"He11 yeah." But I was being controlled by these little sticks of tobacco full of a whole bunch of other bad sh1t that was messing up my life and killing me...and I was PAYING FOR IT! I was very disgusted with myself and felt like a weak piece of sh1t. So, i smoked the last cigarette in the pack that morning and haven't ever bought any again. I smoked 3 in the next year and then quit for good. I started at 16, then quit at 18.5. I'm 22 now and it is up in the top 3 best things I've ever done for myself. I work with a bunch of smokers and I really see how much it controls them. This isn't the rule, and there are exceptions, but most smokers are weak-willed people.

P.S.--I read your chemo thread and you're somebody I think about when I start to think that I've got it rough. You're a tough mofo to go through all that. Keep on truckin', dude.

10-17-2004, 05:55 PM
You all already know what I'm about to say...

Marijuana will take care of those cravings....oh yes, you'll forget those cravings....as well as everyones name you meet after that:D

10-17-2004, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by bung bo
I work with a bunch of smokers and I really see how much it controls them. This isn't the rule, and there are exceptions, but most smokers are weak-willed people.

I started at 16, then quit at 18.5.

i appreciate the kind words, but i wanted to point out that you might be judging people at your workplace a little harshly considering you only smoked for 2 and a half years.

im 24 and i smoked my first cigerette at 7. i was smoking quarter to half a pack a day by 11 and half a pack by 13. when you quit you were able to still remember a time in your life when you didnt smoke. i can't. and there are people under 40 smoking longer than either one of us have been alive.

im not saying that it's impossible for these people to quit, but i just hope that puts it into perspective a little. two and a half years is nothing dude. im not saying it wasn't hard to quit, but just imagine if you had been smoking for 30.

Mr Punch
10-17-2004, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
...7... !!!

****ing hell dood, that is your picture in your avatar innit! :eek: :p

Smoking stunts your growth you know :D

So good work. Make it longer next time. (The break, I don't mean make longer cigarettes...!) And if you mess up, just keep it to one, don't give it that, "Ahhh, I'll quit again on Monday..." crap. After you slip up, the next time you get the urge, practise your breathing or slap a nurse or something.

10-17-2004, 09:11 PM
Train Satan to maul little girls every time he smells tobacco on your breath. Then, if you smoke, your dog will kill your daughter. That should be deterrent enough, even for you.

10-17-2004, 09:28 PM
Hello lists of friendly folks :)
Serpant, I dont think its very good to put young children in such danger. Just trying to help here :)

10-17-2004, 11:33 PM
You know, Xebby, this latest incarnation of you is pretty boring. Why don't you pull another Dr Who and regenerate again. Try to become something with a little more zing next time. It might help you with the ladies too. ;)

10-18-2004, 07:09 AM

I smoked for 10 years. And if someone came up with a drug that would take away the ill effects, I would light up right now. I love smoking.

There are only 2 things that you need to do to stop smoking. Both are difficult:

1) Decide that you are going to stop. A hand full of sh!t and good intentions is worth a hand full of sh!t. You have to want to stop or you never will. Tell everyone that you are stopping. Including your parents and grandparents if possible. Make promises. It's a lot easier to break a promise to yourself than to someone else.

2) Just stop. Don't try to slow down, smoke less, ease off. That doesn't work. Just stop. You'll never quit if you enjoy it, so just stop. Take your cigarettes and throw them away.

I would say good luck, but you don't need luck to quit. Tell ya what, I'll make a deal with you. If you stop smoking, I'll stop drinking coffee in the morning. I drink 1-2 cups a day and it's not good for me. For each day you smoke, I get a cup. Deal?

Meat Shake
10-18-2004, 11:50 AM
Jesus hates cigarette smokers.

That should be on T-shirt hell.com
Awful *******s.

Tell the fat nurse you've got a friend that wants to meet her, and continually fill her with false hopes that your friend is a rich beautiful man who wants to take her out. Tell her you lied and laugh at her misfortune. Nothing makes a day better than ruining someone elses week.