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View Full Version : Choy Lay Fut Video Clips Online

Sow Choy
10-28-2004, 11:29 AM
Hey Brothers & Sisters,

About 2 yrs ago I had to take over handling our website, teaching myself everything and scrapped it and started it from scratch... Now I will try and put some video clips up. Many have asked me to do this, so I will do my best.

Any of you with experience doing this have any advice? I started off with some clips of Master Li Siu Hung from our videos... I am putting the 5 videos we sell onto DVD as I write this message... So I started with that. Also any ideas on where to put the videos on the site or any ideas are welcome...

Here I do many things, so its nice to hear other points of view to make things better...

Also can all of you view these clips? Because I have a Mac, so I am not sure the format is right...

Here is the link:




Kung Lek... you do this kinda thing right??? Any advice???

10-28-2004, 06:46 PM
I cant see any clips yet.
look forward to seeing them.
Your Organization gets much respect.

My School is out here in california under Ng Fu Hang.


10-28-2004, 07:24 PM
Hi Joe, and Bryan!

Hey Joe, I am attempting to get video clips going on my website also, so if I figure out how to do it properly, I will let you know...unless you figure it out first! :-)

Hey Bryan, how are things going for you down there? Hope your training is going well.


10-28-2004, 09:36 PM
every thing is going good...im working on jau san ma..the running horse form...could always practice more, ya know.

hope all is well.


Sow Choy
10-29-2004, 08:10 AM

Did you try and right click the video hyperlink to download the videos? If it didnt work... what happened? Just wanna make sure they work...


Nice to hear from you... How is your sifu? Tell him we miss him over here and hope to get together again soon...


10-29-2004, 08:20 AM

My computer couldn't find anything to view the files with. I think you might need to save it in a way that either Windows Media Player, Quicktime or Real Player can view it.

Talk to ya later.

Sow Choy
10-29-2004, 12:19 PM

It should work with quicktime... Did you try that? it is a .mov file

Anybody know what I am doing wrong???

I have final "Final Cut Pro HD" and "IMovie"

any help?




Try again, I am uploading them as an .mpg

let me know if they work...


10-29-2004, 12:45 PM
Where on your site are you placing these clips?

Sow Choy
10-29-2004, 12:56 PM

I forgot the link to the page...


10-29-2004, 01:14 PM
Hmmm.... I'll try them at home. My office machine isn't geared for media.

I did notice when I tried to play them , DivX read them as MPG4. You may want to try saving them "down" a bit to MPG2 or MPG1.

Video isn't my forte though... I'm getting into just now as well.

10-29-2004, 01:16 PM
it was able to download , It opens with quicktime and plays fine, but for some reason unknown to me my computer initially tried to open it with windows media... it couldn't work with that.

Sow Choy
10-29-2004, 01:23 PM

is the file an .mpg?

i just changed it to that... hopefully it works...


David Jamieson
10-29-2004, 01:59 PM

Checked it out, site looks good. Nicely organized, lots of content and I like the colour scheme. :-)

I downloaded and opened the video file in mpeg format and played them in windows media player. They worked fine and I grabbed em at a high traffic time too.

Some people may be at work behind a firewall and ergo cannot dl and view films. Or maybe they are experiencing lag etc etc. But Mpeg is a pretty standard format.

Do you want to embed the videos into the page itself so people can watch them at your site?

You can do this using the object or embed tag in the html page that the movie sits on.

Here's an example of what that code looks like to do this:

This tag allows you to insert a video clip into your web page. The starting tag is <EMBED SRC="URL" WIDTH="XX" HEIGHT="XX" AUTOSTART="VALUE"> and the closing tag is </EMBED>. Nothing goes between the two tags.
URL is replaced with the internet address of the video file. The two XX's are replaced with the desired width and height of the movie and controls. VALUE is replaced with either

TRUE - Movie automatically starts
FALSE - Movie starts when play button is pushed


<EMBED SRC="video.avi" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="150" AUTOSTART="FALSE">


You can make a page that has the video on it. You can put a link to that page as a popup using javascript. It is also sometimes a good thing to produce teh film in a few formats using a conversion tool. so mpeg is good, .mov, wmv, rm and others if you want like avi using the divx codec for small file sixe but good resolution. Some tools are better than others for conversion, Cleaner by www.discreet.com is an industry standard for web ready video conversion.

If you wanna see other code samples or tutorials on stuff lemme know I can send you some kicking links to sites that got that covered.

Sow Choy
10-29-2004, 02:05 PM
Kung Lek,

Thanks alot man, but html is like an alien language to me... I know I should learn it though... I am using Dreamweaver MX which allows you to work without knowing the code...

Recommend any sites like "html for dummies"...? :D


Sow Choy
10-29-2004, 02:10 PM
Kung Lek,

What you were saying about video on its own page... is that like a streaming video? I have seen this before I think where u watch it off the server of the site... But for dial up people it would suck right?


Ai Lek Ou Seun
10-29-2004, 03:08 PM

I double clicked on the files and they opened in quicktime for me, no problem.

Daai Hung Kei Guan, cool form.

Do you know the name of the Northern form he was doing?


David Jamieson
10-29-2004, 04:01 PM

nope it isn't streaming, but it is playing in their browser because you are embeding it. so they download it to their temp internet files and it plays in the browser where you define it to play. Like in a table or something. Or in a page that has been designed to be a mini interface suitable for displaying the video.

Streaming servers are extremely expensive and usually used to do live teleconferencing or live webcasts. They also get used on things like elearning production servers where all the content is kept in a repository and accessed through dynamically driven pages.


here's some groovy links:

for colour reference -http://onlineconverters.com/webcolours.html

for html reference - http://w3c.org/MarkUp/

Sow Choy
10-29-2004, 04:14 PM
Ai Lek,

We call that the Ft. Lauderdale Form... Actually it is bits of GM Shek Kin's Won Hop Kuen, a mix of some northern styles... But since some forms are named after a city... We call this one "Ft Lauderdale" as a joke... After this beginning he mixed Ping Kuen in there...

Kung Lek,

That is pretty cool... I will have to re-read your post and give it a shot...

thanks for the links


David Jamieson
10-29-2004, 05:41 PM
I wanted to add that unfortunately for dial up people, most of the internet sucks. lol especially these days where a lot of people are designing specifically for broadband connections.

there are a couple of rules of thumb though for dial up page design.

a) the entrance page should not exceed 100kb in size including all images and text. So, Page, plus all images on it should be less than 100kb total.

b)graphics and other media are heavy and take a long time to download. the formula for download times is based on bits and bytes and bandwidth. :-)

Here's a handy modem speed : filesize calculator (http://davidjamieson.com/speeds.htm) .

If you are going to do up a site, it's good to have as wide an audience as possible. don't fret too much about how one browser reads css over another, etc etc (opera sucks at css rendering, netscape is a pig of an app, ie is a circus, etc etc)

Use the most common denominators, be reasonable with graphic sizes and keep in mind that activex controls, like embedded video, flash or dhtml(javascript controlled pages) are no longer automatically downloaded to a persons system and they will be prompted if using ie in many cases.

HTML 4 transitional is pretty common for the most part. Dreamweaver is using it while you use it.

Many people have flash installed, but a flash site should be seperate from html site or at least a replacement value for any flash content you have on the page. (you can code a detection script in that will allow people with flash to use it and people without flash to load alternate content such as text or graphics.

....I just realized I'm going on and on.:p
Drop me a PM if you want more links to answer questions you might have.