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11-05-2004, 09:46 AM
OK, here's a weird question, hopefully someone has some insight.

Recently I (or rather my wife) has noticed an increase in the 'pungency' of my body odor come noontime after whatever excercises I've done throughout the morning.

Now my workout/excercise schedule is what I'd consider rather unique do to my occupation. I tend to have ~1 hour worth of dedicated excercise time eary in the morning, then about 5-15min worth of excercises every 1-2 hours throughout the rest of the day.

Anyways, I've googled about and found this (http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1608/is_5_19/ai_100545110) article and was wondering if anyone else had any experience with this sort of thing.

11-05-2004, 10:17 AM

The modalities that I was going to suggest are in the link that you posted:

1) More vegetables. You may also want to take chlorophyll tablets

2) Salt baths: Arm and Hammer baking soda is cheap but very soothing and effective.

3) Drink more water.

Are you taking sports supplements? I remember taking Twinlabs Carbo Fuel many years ago and it gave me an ammonia smell so serious it would make cats go crosseyed and have racoons following me for miles with lustful looks in their eyes.

If you are doing exercises that are internal, you may be going through a cleansing process. Steps one through three are essential. And the elimination of meat is absolutely necessary.


Meat Shake
11-05-2004, 10:18 AM
Maybe you just need a new deodorant?
Old spice high endurance red zone, baby!
With a name that long, how can you go wrong?

11-05-2004, 12:00 PM
heh, yah deodorant helps...

Originally posted by mickey

Are you taking sports supplements? I remember taking Twinlabs Carbo Fuel many years ago and it gave me an ammonia smell so serious it would make cats go crosseyed and have racoons following me for miles with lustful looks in their eyes.

If you are doing exercises that are internal, you may be going through a cleansing process. Steps one through three are essential. And the elimination of meat is absolutely necessary.

Y'know what, that's a GREAT point! I did JUST start recently using the Atkins Accel 'fatburner' pills. Mostly 'cuz my wife started taking them and I decided to try them out since I was kinda lethargic in the morning due to increased work reducing my sleep time to under 6 hours a night.

11-05-2004, 12:22 PM

Please give us a follow up. I hope those pills are the cause.


11-05-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by mickey
And the elimination of meat is absolutely necessary.

Yes, unless you wish to consume protein in order to build/maintain muscle.

11-05-2004, 01:30 PM
I'm probably going to continue eating meat... It's just the tastiest way for me to get protein into my system.

I mentioned the pills to my wife and she's telling me she'd prefer I trim my underarm hair... I think I'll cut out the energy pills first and then shop around for a compatible deodorant before I consider heading down that route.

11-05-2004, 06:15 PM
Hi again,

Vegetables ARE a protein source. You can supplement your vegetables with spirulina if necessary: another source of vegetable protein that has a high absorption rate while requiring a small amount of energy to metabolize.


11-05-2004, 07:37 PM
Yes, yes on the vegies being a protein source.... meat, however, is the TASTIEST source of protein for me... ::grin::

11-06-2004, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by mickey
Hi again,

Vegetables ARE a protein source. You can supplement your vegetables with spirulina if necessary: another source of vegetable protein that has a high absorption rate while requiring a small amount of energy to metabolize.


Most vegetables don't have enough protein to even be considered a source of protein. Most of the ones that do (beans) are an incomplete protein source, which means your body doesn't even use the protein unless you eat them with the right stuff.

I believe soy beans are the only(?) vegetable that is a complete protein, but it's not the best source of protein for men. Soy protein had estrogen-increasing properties in men or something. That's not what you want.

norther practitioner
11-08-2004, 05:17 PM
Soy protein had estrogen-increasing properties in men or something. That's not what you want.

Unless you want man boobs.

11-08-2004, 05:39 PM
OK, for those who do wanna know - it appears as if my prob was with the Atkins Accel pills. I stopped taking them, replacing them instead with the Twinlabs Ripped Fuel Extreme pills and I'm back to my normal rate of BO.

No other real change diet wise. Still using the same deodorant as well.

11-08-2004, 06:33 PM
Thank you for getting back to us,

I am glad it was just the pills.
