View Full Version : mysterious and esoteric old kung fu wizard

11-08-2004, 08:57 AM
"I'm amazed at how clear you can write. This is the first post from you that I've been able to understand...but if you can write clearly why don't you all the time?"

Because a big part of his agenda is to play the role of "mysterious and esoteric old kung fu wizard."

It's such a waste of time - both his and ours.

Victor Parlati


PS: better migrate this here so it doesnt contaiminate other topic :D

11-08-2004, 09:51 AM
To understand hendrik, one has to think like a mad man. Thus we see clearly the methods of his madness. Speaking of which, I'm off for a few days of vacation. To celebrate this unusual rare treat, I'm going to visit the LA Zoo this morning. Perhaps it is not so much different than our cozy forum of strange species... =D

11-08-2004, 09:51 AM
if you can write clearly why don't you all the time?------

you see ,

most of Wing Chun kuen's grandmasters today speak clear perfect Cantonese and might even comes from one same great grandmaster.

You see, is it strange that as easy/straight forward/simple as an SLT/SNT set there are so many versions?

Werent they clear when they learn the SLT/SNT with their native language Cantonese?

What is clear really means? is "clear" of one person, by default means one grasp the subject of communication totally ?

we might want to contemplate this "clear". there are lots of things can be learn.

As for me, I think "clear" is great. however, "feedback" is what make a precise communication. But then, communication needs protocall and both side need to have the same level of communication frequency to carry out the communication in full.

So, communication is not that easy. if one want to carry out a real communication.


Say, we want to communicate the picture of the goldern gate bridge.

one can present it very clearly.


1, the one who never being in the Goldern gate brigde will not grasp it eventhough they can kind of contruct the picture in thier mind. it will be a 2 D picture. or even a 3 D hologram. But, it is not a muti-dimentional one. ok, some said, we can applied high tech, now, let get a motion 3 D hologram.

But you know what? that is still looking at the Goldern gate brigde from the photographer's or producer's eyes. Is that the Goldern gate brigde?

So, there is an issue of re-construction and REally see one.

2, even if one is already there. Oftern when others talk about the goldern gate bridge, we thought we knew already. But we missed a certain view. and later we said "what the heck is this?"

so, communication is not easy. some is about fine tuning communication protocall. some is about purposely let one observe and think so that one does not running into that "what the heck is this? I never see this before"

and, how to contruct that 3 D moving hologram without the limitation of the producer's view?

So, thing simple. but it is so difficult.

Saying that

I wont deny my problem of being lazy to proof read or trying to feed a say 5 D hologram to some one's mind and get them lost because my tendency of transfer high rate of DATA when I got inspire. I got even problem which native Chinese speaker in Chinese forum when I use classical term.

another IE:

here was one I face yesterday. Some one in the chinese martial art forum is asking me to translate to be more plain chinese.

But you know, it is difficult because of the Vocab.

The classical writing said this (I try to do it in english)

The solid or hollow or the flow of momentum, when it is "express" outward it becomes a potential. When it is " hidden " within it is the Jing (Jing as fajing).

But you know, you might think I am clear and you know what I am talking about . but may be not.

1, flow of momentum is flow of momentum. there is no such thing as "express" outward. or "hidden" inward.

2, express outward and hidden inward are just the "explaination of the "photographer" wants to further describe the Flow of momentum. if one get stuck at this express outward and hidden inward thinking there is something outward and inward. one is mislead.

3, "express" and "hidden" is not a good translation. Because say "hidden", the real world is closer to the sanskrit word SKANDAL. This Chinese word is used in the chinese Buddhism to represent SKANDAL. So, how the heck will this word become a plain today chinese lay people word? dont know. no chinese lay man words equavalent.

So, what is one going to do? the audience can range from patient to not patient. the level of understanding of the material of the audience can range from experience to no expereince.

but, the communication has to be carried because the only way to preserve information is let it out in the public. people might not have a clue what is it. But, somedays, they might recalled. is this what that stupid hendrik talks about? or Prof Joy talks about. or Ken Wilber talks about. or.....ect. oh, somethings like this exist before. and I can check into it.

What is so big deal of a "flow of momentum"?. simple right? why do we want to get into the Express outward discussion of shape such as TAN sau? why do we want to get into the Hidden inward discussion of Jing in that Tan sau? are we still discuss that particular "flow of momentum" the ancestor refer as Tan symbolically? or have been stuck in the Tan which is no longer a part of that "flow of momentum"? anyone is wrong at that point? NO. we just got a problem in communication and things shifted.

in additional, there is a step different between Thinking as for speculation and Knowing the facts. and lots of time, we dont have this training as the ancestors in WCK does. So, we can continous to THINK AND SPECULATE what is a shock power for example. Then, we can all comes up with our INTEPRETATION of Shock power base on our own speculation. But is it or is it not?
The key is as simple as my experience in the Analog Design LAB in the Iowa State University when I did my undergrad class. DR. Brokman throw out my Lab data and ask me. do you really measure these and read it out from the meter or you read some other thing and do you own calculation to fit the curve? It is not a pleasent incident to have lab book throw out. but, that teach me. IS IT or IS IT NOT?

IE: A shock power generally has two parts.
A, the generation process B, the propagation to the target process. Shock means STEP. a Step function for those knows math. How is this Step function generate and transfer without facing a delay of propagation?...ect. how many second one can continously fire the shock step similar to how many second one has to wait for the stunt gun or similar to the flash of the camera to store the energy before the second short? how many step needed to draw this shock power similar to how many step needed to draw a pistol?....How the heck one handle the Shock power if the above is not concern?. etc. all these components are in SLT/SNT if one carefull about observing SLT/SNT , it might not be what you think. But it is there. IMHHO. otherwise, why is those old guys so cooko to ask keep doing SLT/NST? and similar to , having a laser blade is not make one Darth Vader the best jedi. having know Shock punch doesnt solve all the problems.

As for wizading:D
To Win popular contest and to present something honestly is two things. asking question and being Question are not every one's piece of cake. But, who is perfect?

To be a Wizad, one needs to win popular contest by you scract my back and I scract your. you give me face and I give you. Build up a big network give them benifit to follow you. Those are aso coorporate politics on how build one's empire.

Asking questions, saying crazy riddle to make people jump the hoop and loop, and even get them to face themself ask themself is it or is it not create more stress for others to hate you then love you to call you a Wizad. You want to be called a Wizad or the greatest master?

Do whatever opposite of what I do. Get every one to like you.

As for me, the same question I have to face. IS it or is it not. That I have to answer to myself as everyone else.

Take what you think good and ignore what is nonsense of my post.

As for that

ask all the questions to him. so he think and think and think and develop his Multi-view, and can turn out to be a GREAT one later. Saying Yes to him is going to get him STUCK! why do you want a great material to be wasted in that Yes Yes Yes? that is what a friend is for. push him to the edge hehehehe.:D:D:D

11-08-2004, 05:24 PM
I think the first quote in my .sig sums up the dubious value of "mysterious and esoteric".

11-09-2004, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by PaulH
To understand hendrik, one has to think like a mad man. Thus we see clearly the methods of his madness.s... I'm going to visit the LA Zoo this morning.=D

Is it about embracing of the so called Random, Chaos, and see the nature or is it about madness?

One doesnt have to think. one just observe and ask --- Is it or is it not.

Zoo is a like minded place.
Everymember of the cute animal type speaking about cage and bars instead of the space between them. they might have even forget they are pea****, elephant, tiger.....ect.
within that same cage, same time to have lunch, same being visit..... what is the different between them and the human worker?

11-10-2004, 05:51 AM
what is the different between them and the human worker?

The human workers can go home when they're finished unfortunatly the animals can't

11-10-2004, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by Ish
The human workers can go home when they're finished unfortunatly the animals can't

Reminds me of a Star Trek episode ...

- kj

11-10-2004, 06:22 AM
Personally, I think that if he can grasp the usage and meaning of the 10 dollar words he's using he should be able to grasp grammer and proper sentence formation as well. Especially since he's using it so consistently in forums.

11-10-2004, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by Ish
The human workers can go home when they're finished unfortunatly the animals can't

There are a lots of ZOO in the Silicon Valley these days. There are Intel Zoo. Cisco Zoo. HP Zoo. IBM Zoo.... lots of Zoo. Dont know if those animals go home. ;)

11-10-2004, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by Vankuen
Personally, I think that if he can grasp the usage and meaning of the 10 dollar words he's using he should be able to grasp grammer and proper sentence formation as well. Especially since he's using it so consistently in forums.

according to Louis Hay, should is a bad word because it presume fault on others. such as "You should have known"

Instead of using " You should do this" which means you are wrong before . using " You might want to do this?" ;)

11-10-2004, 08:08 AM
Wise men say "don't 'should' on others."

- kj

11-10-2004, 09:30 AM
"might" is not appropriate because if you have the capacity to learn and understand the dimensions of higher vocabulary, which some americans don't/can't even do, then you should be able to put the lesser words together correctly without a problem.

I'm not trying to insult you, but the prementioned is true. It really does seem as if you try to hide your understanding of english. We would all be able to understand you better, maybe even resolve some issues, if you tried to put together things a little more clearly.

11-10-2004, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Vankuen

It really does seem as if you try to hide your understanding of english. We would all be able to understand you better, maybe even resolve some issues, if you tried to put together things a little more clearly.

I have a kid who knows chinese petty well. But on and off he is using a English translated Chinese.

Human is not robot. and I careless if an english speaker write in chinese and I have to pay some attention to understand what he/she means. Because, An english speaker who might have a PHD is chinese still is not going to be a Chinese Speaker. He might knows all the rules or all the gramma. He will not used it occationly because when communicate, every person does different thing.

11-10-2004, 02:07 PM
he should be able to grasp grammer

I have some sympathy for the general thrust of your arguments, but offer this advice: if you wish to criticise someone else's use of English in their posts, make real sure you leave out typos and spelling mistakes.

11-10-2004, 10:26 PM
I know....I know....I wasn't counting the typos in my post, it was riding more along the lines of actual usage more then anything else. But you're right...

11-11-2004, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by yellowpikachu
Human is not robot. and I careless if an english speaker write in chinese and I have to pay some attention to understand what he/she means. Because, An english speaker who might have a PHD is chinese still is not going to be a Chinese Speaker. He might knows all the rules or all the gramma. He will not used it occationly because when communicate, every person does different thing.

I agree with Hendrik here. In situations like this, on an international public forum, we need to strive to understand each other, not nit-pick on grammar and such.