View Full Version : For bloominglotus ONLY!! Members please do not add to this.

11-09-2004, 05:00 AM
Hi bloominglotus,

Gene, in another thread, mentioned that you gave him a call.

You can not keep doing that. It is not healthy for you. You have to let it go and move on with your life. I say this because this looks like it is starting to get a little strange. This is stalking.

I say this to you because we have never had any conflict of any kind.

I hope you will take some time to reassess this situation (especially how Gene thought you were some practical joke being played on him at the early stages).

I know that you are a good person. You have to stop calling Gene and leave him be. Do not try to contact him in any way whatsoever. Move on. It is not worth it. You have a beautiful daughter. Focus your attention on her. Be there for her. She needs you.

Written with Care and Concern,


11-09-2004, 05:03 AM

Please put a lock on this thread immediately.


11-09-2004, 05:27 AM
A delete would be more appropriate.


11-09-2004, 09:57 AM
But it actually fuels the fire. Everytime she reads her name her, it gives her more reason to come back. FWIW, BL isn't the first unusual case here, just the first one that was on the forum. We actually receive a fair amount of odd mail, as you might imagine. After a patient from a UK mental asylum sent us a dirty hypodermic needle, we contacted the police and postmaster general and since have had a policy in place for documentation and filing of suspicious mail. It's something I've tolerated for years, being that this is my second Chinese martial arts company and my third position selling swords. All three companies keep files on suspicious mail - and they are fat files, ever growing. If anything positive came out of this, you all got a peek at one of the daily bothersome situations that coattail on my line of work. It's a dream job to work in the martial arts, but when a dream becomes reality, there is always dark side...