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View Full Version : what to do when your babysitter beats up your kid

11-09-2004, 09:27 AM
here is what happened this one time
so the b-siter was caught on tape beating the kid

next day the neighbors of the family decide to take action themselves - since the justice system take too long


the dude that performed the move is called Lindomar... also known as "The brazilian Sub-Zero" on the internet LOL :D

David Jamieson
11-09-2004, 09:32 AM
man, that's not even good photoshop :rolleyes:

11-09-2004, 09:35 AM
son, it aint a photoshop, that pic i believe was scanned from a newspaper
they actually showed the video of the flying kick on tv, man
they showed it on a program jerry springer style we have and also showed on some news programs too
this happened a long time ago, i remember seing the vid :D
what peeps are doing now is we are trying to get a copy of the video on the internet, but we havent been able yet.

11-09-2004, 09:49 AM
this sounds about right. (http://www.inquisitionchamber.com/church/saws.htm)

11-09-2004, 10:07 AM

What Would The Punisher Do? In this case, I'd beat the living **** out of them in a dark alley somewhere, I mean to within an inch of their life and leave a copy of the video of them beating my kids so they get the point. then I'd send copies to the police and to the local news stations.

11-09-2004, 10:13 AM
holy ****!!!!


"There is no doubt that you will burn, but it it the burning of the mortal flesh that we focus on here. Of the many different fires that can be unleashed upon you, this is perhaps the most agonizing, and quite assuredly the most prolonged. After you are bound to the stake, as in many other burnings, rather than surround you with timbers to be burned, we place piles of hot coals at your feet. These are constantly replenished so as never to allow a respite from the intense heat which they throw forth. You may wonder at the purpose of this, but all to soon you will understand.
The hot coals, instead of incinerating the whole of your body as does a normal burning, cause a slow cooking, if you will, of the flesh. As the outer skin is seared away, the more sensitive tissues underneath are exposed to the heat, and they too are baked to the point of ash. Eventually, all that remains is bone. Making this an even more enduring process is the fact that the pile of coals is only gradually built. This results in you being alive as you witness first your feet, then legs, and finally torso fall victim to the starving embers."

What the fuk was wrong with those people?? :eek:

11-09-2004, 10:20 AM
Read the water torture one!!

11-09-2004, 10:26 AM
Dude....i read them all

I'm scarred for life.... :eek:

They sure dont teach you that in HS....

Those Christians were whacked out of their minds..... holy ****!


The combination of pain and the longevity of this sentence will be the most severe that you can endure. It begins with a wheel and its iron rim. You will be tied to stakes, naked and spread out upon the ground, where triangular blocks of wood will be placed beneath each of your joints. One by one, we will smash them to splinters with the rim of the wheel, from your wrist to elbow, shoulder to hip, knee to ankle, and then the bones between. This will be done with caution, so as not to accidentally inflict a fatal blow and release you from your penance. Then, your shattered limbs will be woven through the spokes of the wheel which was your destruction, and bound in place. You will be hoisted up, and left to bake in the sun or freeze in the snow, and left as food for the scavenging birds who will pick your eyes from their sockets as you watch. Death will not come peacefully or soon.

"The victim is transformed into a sort of huge screaming puppet writhing in rivulets of blood, a puppet with four tentacles, like a sea monster, of raw, slimy and shapeless flesh mixed up with splinters of smashed bones."
-Newsletter, Hamburg, 12th June 1607

11-09-2004, 10:45 AM

I'm with you F-n. I knew about these things, but never took the time to read like I just did.

Scarred. Or is it scared?

11-09-2004, 10:48 AM
haha i'm both scared and scarred.