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11-12-2004, 04:14 PM
With chocolate protein powder on top. Why?

Cuz I had all four of my wisdom teeth cut out this morning.

On the plus side, I pulled 360 for 5 reps on deadlift yesterday.

God I hate dentists.

God I love ice cream.

11-12-2004, 04:30 PM
****, and you weigh less than me, too, right? **** you're 0wning me in deadlift.

11-12-2004, 04:36 PM
Well, I weighed 198 this morning.

To be fair, I failed at 285 (only 3 reps instead of 5) because I was stupid and wore a lifting belt. After that ***** strap came off, I hit 295x5, 305x5, 360x5.

I didn't mean to put on 360. I was drowsy and thought I slid on 35s instead of 45s.

11-12-2004, 09:14 PM
That's awesome Vash! So much for your injury time just a few months ago. You've bounced back great!

On the icecream, I had "Ice cream sampler" at the Japanese restaurant last night - Wasabe, ginger and green tea ice cream. The wasabe one was an acquired taste :D.

11-13-2004, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Toby
That's awesome Vash! So much for your injury time just a few months ago. You've bounced back great!

Thanks. It's definetly a thousand times better than being a gimp. PLus, my back is getting better, my knees are shaping up. Stuff's going good. Except the horrible, horrible pain in my jaw.

Ford Prefect
11-13-2004, 08:21 AM
Nice dude. Keep up the good work. I got all my wisdom teeth out at once too. It's fun. ;)

11-13-2004, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Vash
PLus, my back is getting better, my knees are shaping up. If you're pulling 360x5, I'd say they're both shaping up quite nicely ;).

11-13-2004, 02:52 PM
Oh I guess you don't weigh less than me. n/m then.

Your estimated 1RM is like 419 tho which is more than double bodyweight which is better than I can do, so you win. :)