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11-13-2004, 01:28 AM
hey tobers -- how much has your produce bill gone up since you started juicing. and how much fruit do you go through per week?

11-13-2004, 05:58 AM
Hey rub,

Dunno. I'm not good with bookkeeping. Plus I haven't had a regular juice a night. Just when I feel like it. It takes me about 1/2 hour from start to finish to make a juice, drink it and clean up and pack away, so I need the time as well. If I had one every night, I could easily go through a bag of apples, a bag of oranges, a bunch of celery, a bag of carrots and a medium ginger root a week say, with a bag being say a couple of pounds. Add to that whatever's in season e.g. for us at the moment watermelon is dirt cheap. So are strawberries. So if I were drinking a large 20-25 fl. oz. juice a day, I could spend probably around US$10 a week on it. At the moment probably 1/2 that with just the occasional juice every couple of days. Since you brought it up, I'll have one after training tonight ;). Just went shopping today too, so I'm stocked. Dunno - that's all an estimate. Ask Ka, he's been doing it for a while.

Each time I go shopping (for 5 of us) I seem to spend the same amount - AUD$150-$200. We've got two kids that wear nappies (diapers), so that's a fortune in comparison to a stocked fruit bowl ;). The extra fruit wouldn't make a noticeable difference in the bill.

On a related note, I finally got some organic soil and a bunch of wheatgrass seeds today so in a couple of weeks I should be downing a shot or two of that a day as an experiment.

Ford Prefect
11-13-2004, 08:36 AM

I juice too. My produce bill has gone way up since I started a few weeks ago. I definately need to find a place that sells bulk. It tastes so much better than store bought though and you can make your own combos. I'd say it's worth it. Oh. Cleaning sucks too. ;)

11-13-2004, 08:42 AM
Trained a couple of hours then made a juice. Just finished "eating" it:

3/4" ginger
1/2 punnet strawberries
3 carrots
about 1/10 watermelon
5 celery sticks
1 drop Sudden Death hot sauce

Made about 750ml. Mmmm - the hot sauce combined with the ginger gave it some bite. Nice though. Like I said before, you can't go wrong no matter what you put in. To put it in perspective, I had 2 drops of hot sauce with 2 rump steaks for dinner. I managed to finish both drops, but my mouth was burning for about 1/2hr afterwards, and that was after 2 large glasses of milk too.

11-13-2004, 11:05 AM
coo -- thanks, chaps. do you ever mix in protein or other stuff with yours?

11-13-2004, 10:17 PM
I prefer to mix whey protein into a smoothie. Not sure how it'd be in juice....

11-14-2004, 05:11 AM
When I first started eating protein, I remember I ran out of milk one night and mixed it with OJ. Never again. I used to also toy with the idea of a super-strict ketogenic diet and I mixed it with water a couple of times. Also a bad idea - nauseating taste. With milk it's actually pretty tasty. Of course, YMMV depending on your powder. Some are formulated to mix with water obviously. But if it's pure like mine, milk is pretty much the only option.

11-14-2004, 12:59 PM
i did whey isolate plus cranberry juice, thinking the cranberry would overpower the taste of the whey. sweet jebus, that stuff tasted like ass. :(

11-14-2004, 03:32 PM
when I was very young, I combined beer and milk. My parents made me drinkded it.

11-14-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
when I was very young, I combined beer and milk. My parents made me drinkded it. It's obviously still affecting you to this day :D.

rub, told you so :p. And yet, like me, you probably didn't want to waste the protein powder and drank the whole lot anyway :D.

11-16-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
how much has your produce bill gone up since you started juicing. and how much fruit do you go through per week?
If your the sort of person that 3 pieces of fruit a day is a lot, then expect to spend a little more when juicing.
I generally eat a lot of fruit and veg even outside the juicer stuff(which as I said is generally hard vegies/grass/nuts and some soft fruits)that and being rice people (not pasta or bread)means that a fair bit of the food budget goes towards F&V.

I get the feeling that many here exist on takeaways, protien powder and power bars:o,if thats the case then going F&V will probally be cheaper just more labor intensive.
But hey,I live in a country that gets good quality,cheap,and a variety of F&V all year round.

11-17-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
hey tobers -- how much has your produce bill gone up since you started juicing.

Wow. I found that funny. Juicing is slang for using steroids. Ok n/m.