View Full Version : Dr. Sun 139's B-day

11-13-2004, 09:16 AM
We remember.

Dr. Sun Yet Sen was the voice that awakened so many sleepy dragons.

Rights to people, a country ruled by the people, economics for the people. (Ming You Ming Zi Ming Xiang)

After 2000 years of dynastic rule of China, people arose to effect a change.

CCP downplayed and vaguely called him a pioneer in revolution.

DPP considered him as a foreigner to be forgotten.

The idea of people first is immortal.

Tian Xia Wei Gong.

Dr. Sun would do whatever is in the best interests of the people, not himself.

Yuan Si Kai was the president of the Republic in the beginning.

People in the beginning, in the middle and in the end.

Sad to say, only a few people remember him on his birthday.

And so many are in a hurry to ignore and intend to forget him.


11-14-2004, 09:15 AM
Even though, school children in Taiwan no longer study the three principles of people, consititution of 5 powers. (San Ming Tzu Yi and Wu Quan Xien Fa).

His life story and especially his life endeavor to bring about a democratic China should be told.

His last words were peace, struggle and save China.

Ho Ping Fun Do Jiou Zhong Kuo.

For the politics of the moment; he is to be forgotten by those in power.

11-14-2004, 09:23 AM
Here is a story I was told;

A thorn.

A cow got stuck with a thorn in the foot.

Monk A said that we will remove the thorn, clean the wound and bandage with some herbs.

The cow said it is very painful.

Monk B said that we may chop off the leg, then no pain, no infection.

Monk C said that better yet we take off the head, there will be no more pain.

David Jamieson
11-14-2004, 03:23 PM
And so many are in a hurry to ignore and intend to forget him.

don't be so discouraged. Every Chinatown across Canada has a Sun Yat Sen Centre. Gardens are made in his honour and celebrations are had anually to mark great events led by SYS.

Don't blame the communists for winning and the Nationalists for losing.

Nobody celebrates sitting Bulls birthday either. In most cases, not even the plains Lakota do.

11-14-2004, 04:50 PM


once ronin
11-15-2004, 01:22 AM
The selfish chinese is always that way. Forgetting their roots.

Without Hawaii, California and Sun Yat Sen where would China be today?

The Taiwan goverment today refer the overseas chinese as 2 class. The Taiwan people themself like to not be refered as chinese either but taiwanese.

11-15-2004, 04:03 AM
"don't be so discouraged. Every Chinatown across Canada has a Sun Yat Sen Centre. Gardens are made in his honour and celebrations are had anually to mark great events led by SYS."
* Ive performed kung fu in the Sydney centre the place was packed and has been every time ive been there at an event, Kung Lek is right he will always be remembered.

We should try to remember the man in good spirits over his birthday.