View Full Version : ganglion

11-18-2004, 03:03 PM
a friend of mine has a ganglion on her wrist, that is a cyst of fluid that appears for no reason, is large like a marble, painful and unsightly.


i was wondering what your experience of having or treating this condition might be? i was amazed just now to search the whole forum and find no mention of this problem which is fairly common, and quite a problem if you are a martial artist who is engaging in locks, strikes etc all of which may hit the ganglion itself.

any ideas?

11-18-2004, 06:12 PM
my girlfriend has one too - not sure but may have something to do with her having a weak wrist on that side (can be very painful)

apparently they used to bash 'em with a bible (though any heavy text should do :D ) though I doubt that did anything constructive. make sure you post if you find out anything interesting.

11-18-2004, 06:37 PM
Going to acupuncture school and all...I would recommend acupuncture to rid the body of such a thing.

Other than that...the book or needle technique seem to work:



Good luck,

bung bo
11-18-2004, 09:59 PM
My dad had his drained and it is coming back, but he is a very unhealthy guy. I agree with couch on TCM. An acupuncturist could drain it internally through the lymphatic system (this is just a guess) and advise you of a diet to keep the cyst from coming back. I still wouldn't rule out a western M.D.

11-19-2004, 12:08 AM
Cysts like that can be produced by some sort of repeditive stress. I had one form from work I was doing (and exercise etc, that I wasn't doing to counter the stress), I was instructed to hit it with 'heavy text' but I just slammed it against the side of my car, it did the trick. And, it may or may not return, that of course depends on how you take care of it from that point on.

11-19-2004, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by bung bo
My dad had his drained and it is coming back, but he is a very unhealthy guy. I agree with couch on TCM. An acupuncturist could drain it internally through the lymphatic system (this is just a guess) and advise you of a diet to keep the cyst from coming back. I still wouldn't rule out a western M.D.

Even though I will be practising TCM, I will never rule out Western Medicine.

There are many naturopaths(not to pick on them), etc. of that dicipline that may say that Chemo therapy for cancer is bad and that they may have a solution.

I believe that TCM and W.M. can work together...such as Chemo to kill off the cancer cells and TCM to boost the immune system and allieviate the pain. (I think that is why the TCM hospital in China is attatched to the W.M. side and W.M. doctors can do some TCM and TCM doctors can do surgeries!)
