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11-18-2004, 06:55 PM
now lets quit the babling (and drooling)
now we talk about whats really important
THE most greatest importantest question of all

What is the meaning/reason of life?

Come on, are we going to ignore this?
After all, its ONLY THE greatest question of all

A lot of people avoid it
Avoid it a lot
Ignore it
Run form it

They are scared they might find nothing
They are scared they might contradict what their parents, their religion and the system told em

They are afraid of the pain struggling for this (THE hardest question of all) cos they are afraid of their limits

Why do i feel i am the only one looking for this answer? Everyone else just tells me to ignore it and move "Have some fun" "Have another beer" "Throw a few punches"
Dont mind looking for answers... after all... ITS ONLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE

Are people afraid? Afraid they might go insane and lose themselves when they dig deeper? Are they afraid of letting go and losing touch?
Are they afraid of boderline insanity and the possibily of suicide and everlasting non-avoidance of death?

Think about it
Write if you wanna
After all... its ONLY your life... right?

Or do you not wanna know
Why you wake up in the morning and keep going
Why you suffer so much
For what? For what?
So someday you die and all you have left are theories and theories of all kinds - from religions - trying to rid you from the chaos of not really knowing whats going to happen and what is REALLY the end - in case there is one, that is.

11-18-2004, 07:04 PM
lol aah crazy Brazilian...you gotta know no one is gonna agree on this...

11-18-2004, 07:10 PM
yeah they never do
cos they are afraid to look for an answer

i was gonna find the cure for cancer but now i wont anymore cos it seems you humans dont even know why you exist so why should i bother to help anyway

im not just saying cos im having insomnia now its been 3 hours

Ben Gash
11-18-2004, 07:12 PM
Surely first we have to ascertain if there is a meaning to life.

11-18-2004, 07:16 PM
Indeed man

That is a posibility that cannot be excluded

The point is exaclyt:
If there is reason -> Ok, wich reason is that? -> Ok, now i can follow it, sweet
If there is no reason -> Ok, so why bother suffering and struggling? -> Simple self-inflicted death

11-18-2004, 07:33 PM
I once read a theory that kind of appealed to me. Life is like a classroom for souls. Our souls are trying to attain perfection, but to do so they have to learn lessons about compassion etc. and the best way for them to do this is through living a human life. So, our souls are reincarnated multiple times to learn different lessons, until eventually they attain perfection and join with God/The Omega/whatever.

Just a theory but I liked it :)

11-18-2004, 07:41 PM
surely first we need to define what we are referring to as 'meaning' and exactly which definition of 'life'.

From there, I would also suggest that we use E-prime (english prime - the use of the english language where 'is', 'are' and the like are not used) so as to make things more understandable, i.e. instead of 'the sky is blue' it would be more like 'from this perspective the sky appears blue'.

Also, I suggest that we ask 'what appears to be (is) the meaning of YOUR life?' Because everyone will have their own interpetation of meaning from the perspective of their 'reality tunnel'.

;) :D

11-18-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by MoreMisfortune
What is the reason of life?[/B]

To have the opportunity to crush our enemies, to see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of their attractive and bisexual girlfriends.

11-18-2004, 07:53 PM
your a very violent person. want some ice cream? :)

11-18-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
I once read a theory that kind of appealed to me. Life is like a classroom for souls. Our souls are trying to attain perfection, but to do so they have to learn lessons about compassion etc. and the best way for them to do this is through living a human life. So, our souls are reincarnated multiple times to learn different lessons, until eventually they attain perfection and join with God/The Omega/whatever.

Just a theory but I liked it :)

nice one... joe put into words what i was too lazy to do.

****in 'a' bro

hence the meaning of life.

now close this thread before the forum blows up.

11-18-2004, 07:59 PM
There is no meaning. Our "purpose" is to procreate and ensure continuation of the species. That's all. Guess you'd better start talking to girls, hey Xebs?

11-18-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by MoreMisfortune
If there is no reason -> Ok, so why bother suffering and struggling? -> Simple self-inflicted death

If you're suffering and struggling, stop. Get up and find what it is you really want out of life and do it. There doesn't need to be a meaning for existence, you already exist, make the most of it.

If there is absolutely no way of stopping the suffering, well, mebe the simple self-inflicted death WOULD be better?

11-18-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by FuXnDajenariht
your a very violent person. want some ice cream? :)

**** icecream. That's all I've been able to eat lately.

I want a bean burrito. ******.

11-18-2004, 08:16 PM
im lazy so i took the easy way out by accidentally knocking up my girlfriend when we were 19.

now when the question comes up i can just say that i live to make sure my kid has it better than i did and no one can argue.

11-18-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by FngSaiYuk
If you're suffering and struggling, stop. Get up and find what it is you really want out of life and do it. There doesn't need to be a meaning for existence, you already exist, make the most of it.He wants, nay needs, sex. Problem is, he refuses to talk to girls and his other recent thread showed he may have some problems communicating even if he did approach any.

Originally posted by FngSaiYuk
If there is absolutely no way of stopping the suffering, well, mebe the simple self-inflicted death WOULD be better? Dunno that encouragement helps Xebs. I sometimes get the impression he's treading on thin ice.

11-18-2004, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by Toby
He wants, nay needs, sex. Problem is, he refuses to talk to girls and his other recent thread showed he may have some problems communicating even if he did approach any.

Perhaps he does need sex, but mebe not from a girl? There's always that to consider...

11-18-2004, 08:23 PM
What is the meaning/reason of life?

You can pick your own reason. Each individual could have a different reason, if they've bothered to find one at all. Sometimes, as time flys by, the focus of your life will change slightly or even radically.

I think, for me, it's important just to have one...the focus might be trivial in some folks opinion but just having a focus/reason keeps me sane.

At one point in my life I was just living to play tennis. It was all I cared about...and one of the least stressful times I've had in my life. I wasn't even really THAT good, but my life had a fantastic clarity with such a simple "reason to be".

11-18-2004, 08:26 PM
Good post.

11-18-2004, 08:27 PM
hehe .... tennis is gay.

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2004, 08:28 PM
The true meaning of life!:

Matter is energy. In the universe there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person's soul. However, this "soul" does not exist ab initio as orthodox Christianity teaches; it has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved owing to man's unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia. Also, people aren't wearing enough hats.

11-18-2004, 08:50 PM
fukc hats

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2004, 08:54 PM
Xeb probably would. I find dirty socks more convenient, though.

11-18-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
im lazy so i took the easy way out by accidentally knocking up my girlfriend when we were 19.

now when the question comes up i can just say that i live to make sure my kid has it better than i did and no one can argue.

I cannot think of a better reason to live :)

11-18-2004, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
The true meaning of life!:

Matter is energy. In the universe there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person's soul. However, this "soul" does not exist ab initio as orthodox Christianity teaches; it has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved owing to man's unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia. Also, people aren't wearing enough hats.

So true. Hats are essential to the attainment of perfection.

11-18-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Xeb probably would. I find dirty socks more convenient, though.

D00d, go with clean socks. Don't want to get athlete's *****.

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2004, 09:33 PM
Clean socks, what are you, crazy?

I don't want to ruin my shoes.

11-18-2004, 09:39 PM
i just use a paper towl, but who am i to judge.

i've tried the sock before.

11-19-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
The true meaning of life!:

Matter is energy.

Yes, but is energy made of particles or waves???

.....let the endless paradoxes begin!:D

11-19-2004, 07:09 AM

"In the beginning" there was only One thing (pick a name, its of no material consequence).. as the ONLY thing it had no feedback, no thing to interact with, no mirrors.. just itself and the Void (two things, Yin and Yang).. now, it began to wonder "what am i?".. and, in the event we conceive as the "big bang", the One thing became many things.. it sent itself out as a universe of possibilities and sent with it the Prime Directive: Go ye therefore into the Void and have experiences.. and through the inherent connection between the parts and the One, the One could begin to understand what it "is" through the experiences of its "parts"..

So, the purpose of life is to have experiences, to be the "senses" for the One and provide feedback as to what the One "is".. the One was more clever than us, its parts.. it didn't say have only a special kind of experience, it knew that to fully understand itself it must have ALL the experiences, good and bad.. Yin and Yang.. it is only our arbitrary labels of desirability that separate experiences into categories.. otherwise, they are just experiences with consequences.. and desirabilities change over time and between differing cultures..

So, enjoy the experience, it is why we are here....... (or not)..

Be well..

PS: Energy is energy.. it is only our limited perceptions that separate into particles and waves.. (actually, it is a wavicle)..

11-19-2004, 07:20 AM
but are we truly alive to live?.....

:p :p :p
yeah that made sense :rolleyes:

11-19-2004, 07:50 AM
no meaning to life. It begins and it ends and a lot of stuff happens in between.

I don't like to clean up after agood yank. Guilt overtakes me and I just lay there until the alarm goes off.

That and masterkillers girl likes to swallow.

11-19-2004, 08:03 AM
She told me she calls you snowball.

11-19-2004, 08:04 AM
you are incorrect, that is her pet name for you. I don't question what she tells me cause she likes to go down.

11-19-2004, 08:09 AM
She did say it was kind of gross how you gargle your own stuff before you swallow.

11-19-2004, 08:13 AM
alot of people think it's weird I swallow my mouthwash after gargling, I like the minty fresh stomach acid.
what's more weird is the pictures she showed me of you going down on yourself. You could make money off the internet doing thaty. Of course she has to come to be to get a good taste now a days but hey, I do what I can.

11-19-2004, 08:40 AM
Life and everything are in movement and changing.

What people are looking for is the stillness or something constant.

Life is day and nite, sunrise and sunset, heat and coldness, scorching and freezing, happiness and sadness, togetherness and loneliness, etc.

So the "meaning" of the life is the stillness or something constant/permanent we are seeking.

The religion, pholisophy, Do/Dao/path/way, love, etc.

Yes, you find your goals or your definitions and you mold your self to be in stillness or constant.

It is like a Bansai tree. You attend to it everyday. In the "end", it is "you" represented by your goals or definitions or a Bansai tree.

You become your own Do/Dao.

Bruce Lee is JKD.

Guan Gong is a warrior with Yi (justice and loyalty to his friends).

Da Mo is Chan.

Buddha is 4 truths and paths (dharma).

Jesus is the greatest love and sacrifice for us and thus our salvations to be with God again. (Love, sacrifice/lamb, savior)

Chan is a meditation about life and everything.

So life is Chan.

Life is meditation.

Life is love in Christ.

Life is------

Life is BS.

Life is---


11-19-2004, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by TaiChiBob
PS: Energy is energy.. it is only our limited perceptions that separate into particles and waves.. (actually, it is a wavicle)..

LoL. ;)

Is it really a 'wavicle'?

Or is it a wave when you view it from one perspective and a particle when you view it from another?

11-19-2004, 09:19 AM
wavicle sounds like what you'd get if you flash froze some rough waters

11-19-2004, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
alot of people think it's weird I swallow my mouthwash after gargling, I like the minty fresh stomach acid.. If that's what you're using for mouthwash, it certainly explains why your woman calls me all the time. Do you brush your teeth with poop as well?

11-19-2004, 10:10 AM
Xebs, have you read existentialism? Have you read Betrand Russell (pragmatism)? I'll summarize for you, since both provide a similar alternative to the Bible-based religious viewpoint. Man is the sole source of meaning to his life. He should be proud of that. Meaning is not universal and does not come from the outside. It's a human concept, a byproduct of language and the idea that some kind of "meaning" could or SHOULD come from a source external to us is silly. If God exists as a thinking spirit and also has the concept of "meaning," then it doesn't relate to us and we couldn't understand it anyway in a typical human sense.

As Russel pointed out, fear of death (due to old age) is silly too. It probably arose through evolution in order to provide impetus for procreation and living long enough to do so. There is no reason to fear what comes after death any more than to fear what happened before we were born. All this talk about what's going to happen in 8 billion years to the Earth is BS too, no human sincerely cares about what is going to happen 1000's of years in the future. We are not designed to do so by God/Nature.

Be the human that you were designed to be. Live your life according to your own wishes (but be careful, don't be impulsive, don't do things that you will regret later). Live for your own reasons, that is Nature's design. As far as a Universal "meaning," that is up to God for himself.

(no offense to the more religious among us)

11-19-2004, 10:28 AM
another thing that might help you is to follow certain Existentialist's suggestion to recognize that most people can't stop fearing death, like I pointed out before it is part of our wiring. Rather, keep a constant low-level awareness of death rather than trying to forget about it, so that it doesn't hit you all at once like a hammer. Use it to convince yourself to get off of your ass and do sh!t. Accept our Nature, it is a beautiful thing.

And, what the other posters said.

And, a reminder to lower your standards, get a girl, and then work your way up. Sage advice.

11-19-2004, 11:27 AM

Death is not a destination, it is a new point of departure.. the continuation of the journey is hidden from us (largely due to our addiction to the physical manifestation).. but, our current existence is plainly and simply clear.. that we entertain our idle hours with religious rituals or philosophic ponderings is primarily a distraction from the impending withdrawals as we anticipate going "cold-turkey" from this addiction..

When all is said and done, life is not the physical pile of chemicals and compounds that make up our physical being, life is the energy that animates that stuff.. what happens to that energy when the flesh expires is grand speculation.. better to attend to the things we know about the here and now, the better we do now the more likely any continuation of the journey will continue in that direction..

Be well..

11-19-2004, 12:59 PM
life is a video game and god is a geeky sadistic computer programmer.....

11-19-2004, 01:05 PM
speaking of minty fresh ... (http://www.mintyass.com/)

11-19-2004, 04:21 PM
Do you brush your teeth with poop as well?

don't drag me into your weird fetishes there hot chocolate

11-20-2004, 03:18 PM
You guys, first off let me tell you Thanx for repling to this wich is the MOST IMPORTANT thread of all times.
I got plenty o time on my rights exaclty right now since i got no bloody hell shy to do anyways...
Ill try to reply how i can

Originally posted by joedoe
I once read a theory that kind of appealed to me. Life is like a classroom for souls. Our souls are trying to attain perfection, but to do so they have to learn lessons about compassion etc. and the best way for them to do this is through living a human life. So, our souls are reincarnated multiple times to learn different lessons, until eventually they attain perfection and join with God/The Omega/whatever.

Just a theory but I liked it :)

Dude thats cool... but how does anyone ever prove or know for sure that there is such an evolutionary soul-system (assuming that there is a soul)? How can i ever be convinced without proof?

11-20-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Toby
There is no meaning. Our "purpose" is to procreate and ensure continuation of the species. That's all. Guess you'd better start talking to girls, hey Xebs?

Well Toby... i dont think it is.
First of all, why would i want to continue the species? Why should i give a da.mn about my species everlasting?
Second of all, if that was the case I could easily go out and rape a good number of women and inseminate them... and basicly just wait for the results since aborption is illegal here so only a few of those women will even try to go to an illegal clinic and face the danger of the procedure. The law says a woman can try to make a legal aborption if she was raped, but in most cases it doesnt happen. Its quite uncommon for legal aborption to be accepted/done. Its fine if you say that wont work - i can donate my sperm to sperm banks. Or better, i can hold some women captive and perfectly inseminate them, no worries. There you go, all my purpose is done and it doesnt matter if i live or die... right? Hmm i guess not.

11-20-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by FngSaiYuk
If you're suffering and struggling, stop. Get up and find what it is you really want out of life and do it. There doesn't need to be a meaning for existence, you already exist, make the most of it.

If there is absolutely no way of stopping the suffering, well, mebe the simple self-inflicted death WOULD be better?

Maybe its easy for you to ignore the fact that a lot of people go through a load ass more suffering than we can imagine... for years... maybe even their whole life... and i am saying a lot more suffering than me too of course
I wont bother to give examples right now, i assume you can think of many horrible ways of life that people can not escape from, most the times inflicted by evil or careless people.
I dont really understand what you mean by making the most of it... would you care to further explain this "most"?

Yes, indeed there is a real possibility that self-inflicted death could be better. Euthanasia (sorry if misspelled) on other animals is not a rare procedure, for example.

11-20-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Toby
He wants, nay needs, sex. Problem is, he refuses to talk to girls and his other recent thread showed he may have some problems communicating even if he did approach any.
Dunno that encouragement helps Xebs. I sometimes get the impression he's treading on thin ice.

Actually i have "communication issues" (as todays society would put it) with people in general, not just girls.
By my definition i am in fact, everyday, treading on thin ice, but thats not just me - for more info on this look for stuff about what the buddhists call impermanence and how death can come at any time be it expected or not.

11-20-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by FngSaiYuk
Perhaps he does need sex, but mebe not from a girl? There's always that to consider...

As contrary to the belief of some i am not Ho.mosexual nor Pansexual nor Bisexual nor Trisexual.

11-20-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Radhnoti
What is the meaning/reason of life?

You can pick your own reason. Each individual could have a different reason, if they've bothered to find one at all. Sometimes, as time flys by, the focus of your life will change slightly or even radically.

I think, for me, it's important just to have one...the focus might be trivial in some folks opinion but just having a focus/reason keeps me sane.

At one point in my life I was just living to play tennis. It was all I cared about...and one of the least stressful times I've had in my life. I wasn't even really THAT good, but my life had a fantastic clarity with such a simple "reason to be".

I agree with you about the importance of focus - i crave for focus hence i created this very MOST IMPORTANT THREAD OF ALL TIMES.
Contrary to popular belief, my point of existance is not "to have a woman". In fact, i consider that not enough for me. I would consider life ultra-pathetic if it was based simply and only on that.
But if we all can pick our reasons (that is, if we want) - then that means we are completely free from "right" and "wrong"? What are the results of each path? Is there definately no good path and bad path at all? And how does one prove or demonstrate such?

11-20-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
The true meaning of life!:

Matter is energy. In the universe there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person's soul. However, this "soul" does not exist ab initio as orthodox Christianity teaches; it has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved owing to man's unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia. Also, people aren't wearing enough hats.

I like hats but i never had one, exepct for the cap type (that i do not like much). I would wear some cool hats, if they were more socially acceptable where i live.
I agree that there are fields we cannot percieve (for example, certain wave frequencies), but that doesnt mean their existance cant be proven, since it has been proven as a matter of fact. However this such refered to as "soul" (be it whatever it is) has not been fully proven nor have the processes surrounding it...
Should i simply accpet that what is told to me just becouse some acient tradition said so? I think not...

11-20-2004, 04:06 PM
MM, have ya by any chance gone to a dr or therapist? Might be a good idea to find a good one in your area...

This is just based on the stance you present in these recent replies and your notion that you're constantly on 'thin ice' and that a meaningless life may drive you to acts which would not only violate accepted social behaviour, but may have rather negative consequences. This is all putting things VERY mildly.

11-20-2004, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by FngSaiYuk
MM, have ya by any chance gone to a dr or therapist? Might be a good idea to find a good one in your area...

This is just based on the stance you present in these recent replies and your notion that you're constantly on 'thin ice' and that a meaningless life may drive you to acts which would not only violate accepted social behaviour, but may have rather negative consequences. This is all putting things VERY mildly.

I havent been to any dr nor therapist
I am unsure about how they can/cannot help
You see, and btw... hmm i think my health plan doesnt cover this and i so if i wanted to go to one id have to get money from my parents
Ill have some moloko plus now

11-20-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by TaiChiBob

"In the beginning" there was only One thing (pick a name, its of no material consequence).. as the ONLY thing it had no feedback, no thing to interact with, no mirrors.. just itself and the Void (two things, Yin and Yang).. now, it began to wonder "what am i?".. and, in the event we conceive as the "big bang", the One thing became many things.. it sent itself out as a universe of possibilities and sent with it the Prime Directive: Go ye therefore into the Void and have experiences.. and through the inherent connection between the parts and the One, the One could begin to understand what it "is" through the experiences of its "parts"..

So, the purpose of life is to have experiences, to be the "senses" for the One and provide feedback as to what the One "is".. the One was more clever than us, its parts.. it didn't say have only a special kind of experience, it knew that to fully understand itself it must have ALL the experiences, good and bad.. Yin and Yang.. it is only our arbitrary labels of desirability that separate experiences into categories.. otherwise, they are just experiences with consequences.. and desirabilities change over time and between differing cultures..

So, enjoy the experience, it is why we are here....... (or not)..

Be well..

PS: Energy is energy.. it is only our limited perceptions that separate into particles and waves.. (actually, it is a wavicle)..

Hmm having experiences... sounds cool. But dont they come to an end before biological life expires? I ask this since i see really really a lots and lots of old people are so da.mn stagnated in every aspect of their lives.
And what does those who are deprived of their senses do since they cannot use their senses to have experiences? Should they be removed since their power to interact has been sucked?

11-20-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by SPJ
Life and everything are in movement and changing.

What people are looking for is the stillness or something constant.

Life is day and nite, sunrise and sunset, heat and coldness, scorching and freezing, happiness and sadness, togetherness and loneliness, etc.

So the "meaning" of the life is the stillness or something constant/permanent we are seeking.

The religion, pholisophy, Do/Dao/path/way, love, etc.

Yes, you find your goals or your definitions and you mold your self to be in stillness or constant.

It is like a Bansai tree. You attend to it everyday. In the "end", it is "you" represented by your goals or definitions or a Bansai tree.

Im not sure if i understand what you be saying. Care to give some more details if possible?

11-20-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
Xebs, have you read existentialism? Have you read Betrand Russell (pragmatism)? I'll summarize for you, since both provide a similar alternative to the Bible-based religious viewpoint. Man is the sole source of meaning to his life. He should be proud of that. Meaning is not universal and does not come from the outside. It's a human concept, a byproduct of language and the idea that some kind of "meaning" could or SHOULD come from a source external to us is silly. If God exists as a thinking spirit and also has the concept of "meaning," then it doesn't relate to us and we couldn't understand it anyway in a typical human sense.

As Russel pointed out, fear of death (due to old age) is silly too. It probably arose through evolution in order to provide impetus for procreation and living long enough to do so. There is no reason to fear what comes after death any more than to fear what happened before we were born. All this talk about what's going to happen in 8 billion years to the Earth is BS too, no human sincerely cares about what is going to happen 1000's of years in the future. We are not designed to do so by God/Nature.

Be the human that you were designed to be. Live your life according to your own wishes (but be careful, don't be impulsive, don't do things that you will regret later). Live for your own reasons, that is Nature's design. As far as a Universal "meaning," that is up to God for himself.

(no offense to the more religious among us)

I havent read any o those guys. The few philosophy classes i had were pretty pathetic.
I can see the idea that meaning is a human thing... but... then how come so many people are swallowed/sucked in by the external (from other people) idea that they exist to have a family, a house, a good paying job and thats it? And when you try to pry their eyes open to other possibilities they anger go defensive. They have indeed taken something external and shoved in their interior... keep it to themselves and act violent if anyone even exposes the idea of removing it or changing for something else.
I mostly agree with the rest of what you posted... but i do still wonder, cant help but wonder what the hell happens when we die -> since all my life i heard several theories about what happens from several sources...
All this be causing a pain in me gulliver

11-20-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by MoreMisfortune
And when you try to pry their eyes open to other possibilities they anger go defensive. They have indeed taken something external and shoved in their interior... keep it to themselves and act violent if anyone even exposes the idea of removing it or changing for something else.

Good rule of thumb is, if they get angry & defensive, you've hit something they're very unsure about. They prolly DON'T have a good idea on what they want out of life.

I mostly agree with the rest of what you posted... but i do still wonder, cant help but wonder what the hell happens when we die -> since all my life i heard several theories about what happens from several sources...
All this be causing a pain in me gulliver

Yep, most everyone would like to know for sure what happens after, and the idea of there being NOTHING after tend to mess w/our natural reasoning faculties.

I'm under the impression that you're seeking some sort of value to your life. The only real measurable value you can compare peoples lives with is the effect they have on other lives. So rather than being distracted so much with what possibly happens to YOU after you die, you may have an easier time figuring out the kind of effect YOUR life has on others particularly after your physical body has expired.

Chang Style Novice
11-20-2004, 07:00 PM
cant help but wonder what the hell happens when we die

Centuries of observed evidence suggest that we turn into maggot chow. Some don't find this very comforting, but I rather like the idea.

11-20-2004, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Centuries of observed evidence suggest that we turn into maggot chow. Some don't find this very comforting, but I rather like the idea.

I'd much prefer someone vengefull turn into maggot chow after their death than to cling to enough of their life force and manifest their vengeance on the material world.

11-20-2004, 07:14 PM
Theories of afterlife or beforelife;

1) Qi theory. Qi is from the heaven and nurtured by the earth. So when we pass away, our bodies decompose and Qi moves on.

2) Spirits or souls theory. Good souls go to the heaven and stay with the realm of Angel and God (heavenly father). Bad souls go to the hellish fire and party with Satan the leader.

3) Nothingness or emptiness. We are a transcient state of existence. We come from nothing and we go back to nothing.

4) Kong Fu Tzu theory. If we do not know about life, we need not know about death. Meaning we have to find answers for life first.

5) Gift theory. Life is a gift. We have to return it.

6) Daoists theory. Life is to be with Dao/path/way. The beginning is the end. The end is the beginning.

6) Sufferrings of attachments. (Buddha theory) We all become sick, age and die. If you meditate and transcend karmic cycle, you will reach Nirvana. If not, we will see each other in the next life.

On and on.


11-20-2004, 07:17 PM

Sorry it was a Chan post.

I need several more posts with life examples to expand the post.


11-20-2004, 07:50 PM
Since this question has no answer or maybe 1000 answers, you might argue that it is not the most important question.

Think about it, man was designed to be ignorant of certain things, and has been reasonably successful on this planet. So it is hard to argue that he needs to answer the question.

11-20-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
Since this question has no answer or maybe 1000 answers, you might argue that it is not the most important question.

Think about it, man was designed to be ignorant of certain things, and has been reasonably successful on this planet. So it is hard to argue that he needs to answer the question.

jealous of my thread someone is, maybe, hmm?
:cool: :D

he does need an answer... he has been driven by it (or so called it) or by the search for it... since ages... hence the existance of religions, for example.
AND must i say... "our" "success" is quite relative
looks more like we keep repeating old mistakes and ****ing ourservles over again

Chang Style Novice
11-20-2004, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
Since this question has no answer or maybe 1000 answers, you might argue that it is not the most important question.

Think about it, man was designed to be ignorant of certain things, and has been reasonably successful on this planet. So it is hard to argue that he needs to answer the question. That's a very good point. As a lot of people have already stated here, perhpas the most important question is "Wherezahoesat?"

11-20-2004, 10:49 PM
Xebby, you are going to fallin love with the first girl you sleep with. Don't worry, it's a natural process. But try to get some perspective on it, especially if she isn't a keeper.

11-21-2004, 02:59 PM

The drive to "know" is based on a distant memory of "wholeness" when we were all One thing, ignorant of even its own existence.. in order to know itself, it had only itself to know, so.. it devised a cosmic game of hide-and-seek.. it maintained an observer status, a cosmic consciousness and sent the balance of itself on a mission of "experiences".. each particle contains a memory of complete and content balance, total stagnation, everything balanced so perfectly that no motion existed.. boring.... so, as the Whole cast its "universe" of parts into the void ("big bang"), each part began its journey back to the Whole (read repetitive "big bangs) with the inherent memory of some past wholeness, some blissful contentment, contentment that fades as there are no comparisons.. urging the next "big bang"..

Hmm having experiences... sounds cool. But dont they come to an end before biological life expires? I ask this since i see really really a lots and lots of old people are so da.mn stagnated in every aspect of their lives. lol, hardly.. you are simply comparing your concept of experiences with those you don't favor.. old people still feel, remember, have value, live...The One needs even the most distasteful experiences to truly "know" its fullness, to know "what it is".. simply because "you" have devalued "old people" experiences doesn't make it so for them.. life is a choice, if it were without "experience" it would be meaningless, so i would suspect many "old people" to self-terminate if it were as valueless as you suggest.. no, on the contrary, i figure they are contentedly amused at the myriad of games the younger folks play, they have been there/done that and see life from a different perspective.. i know older people that are wonderfully wise, and with that wisdom they counsel me to not be so serious, to slow down and savor each moment, to get rid of burdens and issues that cause conflict.. we are only in this physical existence for a short while, enjoy it don't fight it.. the "old ones" even suggest that a bad experience is better than an unnoticed or unaware experience, which is even better than no experience.. So, live it up.. with sincerity, compassion and gusto.. (even when you're "old")..

It is after death as it was before birth.. we are simply distracted from that knowledge by the outrageously addictive physical experience.. someone once described the physical existence as a "spiritual orgasm", the tactile experience is so distracting that it is only through strong disciplines that we see past it.. hence the rituals, religions, disciplines, etc... mankind looking to see past the distraction of living.. looking to return to the "whole"..

Be well..

11-21-2004, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by MoreMisfortune
You guys, first off let me tell you Thanx for repling to this wich is the MOST IMPORTANT thread of all times.
I got plenty o time on my rights exaclty right now since i got no bloody hell shy to do anyways...
Ill try to reply how i can

Dude thats cool... but how does anyone ever prove or know for sure that there is such an evolutionary soul-system (assuming that there is a soul)? How can i ever be convinced without proof?

How can you prove any theory about what happens after death? They are all theories and unproven because there is no way to scientifically prove any of them. That is where faith and belief comes into it :)

David Jamieson
11-21-2004, 03:36 PM
the meaning of life eh....

hmmm, I am not certain there is a meaning. It is of course entirely possible that everything in existance is happenstance and coincidence.

I think that each of us gives our individual lives meaning due to our sense of self, but as to whether or not that is anything but an illusion created by us for us, wel that is simply unknown.

It is also unknown as to what happns whn we die, other than we obviously cease to function and no longer participate in teh day to day with everyone else. The rest is a matter of faith or illusion, depending on your point of view.

What is important to me is that I am happy and content with who I am. The rest is details.

Chang Style Novice
11-21-2004, 07:36 PM
How can you prove any theory about what happens after death? They are all theories and unproven because there is no way to scientifically prove any of them.The incorrect has had it's way with you, Joe, and I'll bet your orifices are pretty itchyburny right now.

Maggot chow has been scientifically proven.

Religious types live in denial about this, but it's perfectly obvious to the rest of us.

11-21-2004, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
The incorrect has had it's way with you, Joe, and I'll bet your orifices are pretty itchyburny right now.

Maggot chow has been scientifically proven.

Religious types live in denial about this, but it's perfectly obvious to the rest of us.

Fair enough CSN, you got me there :D

11-21-2004, 08:49 PM
Time is relative. Space is relative.

When we see stars in the sky, we know the expansiveness of the universe.

There are subparticles in the nucleas of an atom.

Since we do not know the beginning of the life, we do not know the end of the life either.

However, whatever takes us here will welcome us on the way out.

On a biological level, we are passing on.

Our ideas passed on in people we effected.

Our genes and traits are apparent in our children and grand children.

What we leave behind is a legacy of ourself.

My mom passed away and was cremated. Sorry no food for anything.

I have her diligence and wits. I know her all my life. She lives in me and so many fond memories and pictures. I breathe at this moment.

I am grateful to her for giving birth to me 40 some years ago.

I saw her smile in my daughter and son.

She was known for her honesty, diligence, kindness and devotion to her Christian belief.

My great grand mon was the first Christian mission in Taiwan.

There is a memorial church building next to her grave in Hua Lien. Her story is told every summer in all Presbyterian churches in Taiwan.

My father was from Southern West China,---

On and on.


Ming Yue
11-21-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice

Maggot chow has been scientifically proven.
Religious types live in denial about this, but it's perfectly obvious to the rest of us.

Bad choice of words, but Amen to that.

We are most certainly random-ass free-willed creatures, so there can't possibly be one answer to that question.

Life has infinite meanings (including none at all), as do all happy accidents.

question should be: What is the meaning of your life?

11-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
question should be: What is the meaning of your life?

Ming Yue has taken the correct and forced it through a series of low-paying jobs in the waiting and basic labor fields so it would have the necessary capital required to start a solid crack-whoring and lawn ornamentation franchise.

Ming Yue
11-21-2004, 09:10 PM
During the month of November plastic flamingoes are 50% off.

11-21-2004, 09:11 PM
i dont buy the accident thing. i have no problem with maggots tho. :) natures little sanitation workers.

11-21-2004, 09:16 PM
It is only fair in the circle of life.

How many cows, pork, poultry are consumed to sustain a human life in his life time?

We are giving back what we took away.

Maggots are high protein sources for something else.

I have to shut up.

I am too tired to think.

It is freezing cold.


What am I talking about?


11-21-2004, 09:19 PM

Chang Style Novice
11-21-2004, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Vash
Ming Yue has taken the correct and forced it through a series of low-paying jobs in the waiting and basic labor fields so it would have the necessary capital required to start a solid crack-whoring and lawn ornamentation franchise. Indeed. Most excellent maintaining-perspective technique.

11-21-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Indeed. Most excellent maintaining-perspective technique.

You're God ****ed Right, Mother****er.


11-21-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
During the month of November plastic flamingoes are 50% off. What? You only get half a flamingo?

Ming Yue
11-22-2004, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by Serpent
What? You only get half a flamingo?

what do you expect from crack hos? Short attention spans. At least it's the front half.

Ray Pina
11-22-2004, 09:29 AM
Surf. Fight. Write. Try to get some good a$$ and hold onto it. When it goes away, try to replace it with better or at least equal a$$.

David Jamieson
11-22-2004, 10:57 AM
while vash has indeed alluded to it, I would say that this actually really is the meaning of life.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

11-22-2004, 04:03 PM
i've always wondered why things exist at all as opposed to a big empty void. what were the first forms of energy/matter that allowed "creation" or "happy accidents" to even be a consideration or a possibility. i dont think the big bang theory goes far enough or anywhere at all really in my opinion since i dont think accidents constantly correct themselves. i dont see an accidental universe ****ing out sentient life forms. my happy accident were always pretty kewl but they never amounted to anything useful or profound. its was more like "holy sh!t, how'd you do that?!?" my reply being...."dude...i meant to do that". lol i didn't create a new species of housepet tho. im not saying evolution doesn't exist. im just saying probability of it all isn't probable(?). so i wonder....hypothetically if a being that you could call god created life in this particular universe. where did "it" orginate from? what sparked the first signs of consciousness out of the void...

of course im not expectin anyone to know the answer..... just thinking aloud.

even if matter can (re)format itself spontaneously to a perfect working machine. what we call nature or life. the law of universe/physics still had to exist independent of it right? or no forms would be able to exist. we have muscles and nervous systems etc because its the most efficient within present conditons. we could of all ended up big amoeba like etheric masses with no reasons to change i suppose. they dont seem to mind..... where does prana/consciousness come into the picture?

11-22-2004, 04:04 PM
lol i hope that made sense. :)

11-22-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by FuXnDajenariht
i've always wondered why things exist at all as opposed to a big empty void. what were the first forms of energy/matter that allowed "creation" or "happy accidents" to even be a consideration or a possibility. i dont think the big bang theory goes far enough or anywhere at all really in my opinion since i dont think accidents constantly correct themselves. i dont see an accidental universe ****ing out sentient life forms. my happy accident were always pretty kewl but they never amounted to anything useful or profound. its was more like "holy sh!t, how'd you do that?!?" my reply being...."dude...i meant to do that". lol i didn't create a new species of housepet tho. im not saying evolution doesn't exist. im just saying probability of it all isn't probable(?). so i wonder....hypothetically if a being that you could call god created life in this particular universe. where did "it" orginate from? what sparked the first signs of consciousness out of the void...

Well, interestingly enough, quantum theory predicts that, even within a complete void of nothingness, there are random 'appearances' of matter that are typically annihilated near instantaneously. There is a theory that the interaction of a pair or more of these sudden appearing bits of matter were the precursor to the 'big bang'.

The chances of this happening are very very VERY low - you're more likely to win the lotto jackpot several times in a row - however, over a VERY long period of time ....

So the theory goes - void..nothingness..after a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooong time, boom!!

11-22-2004, 05:19 PM
****in 'A' wolfen :D i give that a 10.0. excellent postage bro. very quotable i might add ;)

i gotta add that i do think evolution takes place. i just dont leave it all to chance. i believe humans are gonna be completely more advanced in the future. i dont mean technologically but psychologically maybe even physically. as it is now a utopia isn't possible but in the future it will be. its best to take small steps now to help later on instead of huge societal changes which no one is really ready for....

on the religious level reincarnation iiis evolution. humanity not being the first or the last stage

11-22-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
At least it's the front half.
Well, what good is that?

Think about it... ;)

11-22-2004, 06:42 PM
or i guess this could happen to us........... hehe

The cataclysmic apocalypse refered to in the scriptures of every holy book known to mankind. It will be an era fraught with boundless greed & corruption where global monitary systems disintegrate leaving brother to kill brother for a grain of over cook rice. The nations of the civilized world will collapse under the opressive weight of parasitic political conspiracies which remove all hope & optimism from their once faithfull citizens. Around the globe, generations of polluters will be punished for their sins. Unsheilded by the O-zone they have successfully depleted, left to bake in the cering naked rays of light. Wholesale assassinations served to destabilize every remaining government, leaving the starving & wicked to fend for themselves. Bloodthirsty renegade cyborgs created by tax dodging corporations reek havok. ****ed off androids tired of being slaves to a godless & gutless system, where the rich get richer & the poor get ****ed over and out, unleash total world wide destruction by means of nuclear holocaust, annihilating the terrified masses, leaving in its torturous wake nothing but vicious, cannibalistic, mutating, radiating, and horribly dis-figured hordes of satanic killers, bented on revenge, but against whom? there are so few left alive. Starvation reins supreme, forcing unlucky survivers to eat anything & anyone in their path. Massive earthquakes crack the planets crust like a hollow egg shell, causing unending volcanic eruptions. Creatures of the seven seas, unable to escape the certain death upon land, boil in their liquid prison. Disease then circles the earth, plagues & viruses with no known cause or cure laying waste to whatever draws breath, and human-kind having proven itself to be nothing more than a race of ruthless scavengers, fall victim to merciless attacks at the hands of interplanetary alien tribes who seek to conquer our charred remains.....

ya recognize what album this is from? :D

Chang Style Novice
11-22-2004, 06:45 PM
Clay Aiken? Ashlee Simpson?

11-22-2004, 06:50 PM
close dude...but more evil and less talent.. lol

11-22-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by FuXnDajenariht
or i guess this could happen to us........... hehe

The cataclysmic apocalypse refered to in the scriptures of every holy book known to mankind. It will be an era fraught with boundless greed & corruption where global monitary systems disintegrate leaving brother to kill brother for a grain of over cook rice. The nations of the civilized world will collapse under the opressive weight of parasitic political conspiracies which remove all hope & optimism from their once faithfull citizens. Around the globe, generations of polluters will be punished for their sins. Unsheilded by the O-zone they have successfully depleted, left to bake in the cering naked rays of light. Wholesale assassinations served to destabilize every remaining government, leaving the starving & wicked to fend for themselves. Bloodthirsty renegade cyborgs created by tax dodging corporations reek havok. ****ed off androids tired of being slaves to a godless & gutless system, where the rich get richer & the poor get ****ed over and out, unleash total world wide destruction by means of nuclear holocaust, annihilating the terrified masses, leaving in its torturous wake nothing but vicious, cannibalistic, mutating, radiating, and horribly dis-figured hordes of satanic killers, bented on revenge, but against whom? there are so few left alive. Starvation reins supreme, forcing unlucky survivers to eat anything & anyone in their path. Massive earthquakes crack the planets crust like a hollow egg shell, causing unending volcanic eruptions. Creatures of the seven seas, unable to escape the certain death upon land, boil in their liquid prison. Disease then circles the earth, plagues & viruses with no known cause or cure laying waste to whatever draws breath, and human-kind having proven itself to be nothing more than a race of ruthless scavengers, fall victim to merciless attacks at the hands of interplanetary alien tribes who seek to conquer our charred remains.....

Well, the bit I've bolded has already happened! I guess it's only a matter of time...

11-22-2004, 07:37 PM
regarding the Universe popping out of nothingness over a period of time, first of all, the laws of physics would have to already exist. Second of all, a long time starting when?? Doesn't really satisfy as a theory.

It is what it is.

11-22-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
regarding the Universe popping out of nothingness over a period of time, first of all, the laws of physics would have to already exist. Second of all, a long time starting when?? Doesn't really satisfy as a theory.

It is what it is.

a) The 'Laws of Physics' are not something that are 'created' they just are. We attempt to figure them out so that we can more intelligently survive. And for that matter our concept of them are really from our limited experience, which is why everything is still considered theory.

b) There is no evidence for or against there EVER being a beginning to time. It's just a dimension of measurement. There doesn't necessarily need to be any boundaries to length and volume. There is no evidence that suggests for or against that there is anything beyond what we've defined as the boundaries of the universe.

bung bo
11-22-2004, 08:34 PM
The meaning of life?


11-23-2004, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by wolfen
What was the question again? ;)

"I always knew something was fundamentally wrong with the universe."


What do you get when you multiply six by nine?

Ming Yue
11-23-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Serpent
Well, what good is that?

Think about it... ;)

I guess that explains the unsightly stains on your giant size inflatable snowman christmas decoration.


11-23-2004, 11:32 AM
hello peoples

first of all id like to say i dont got much time to reply to many stuff so i will reply later
secondf of all id like to say id apreciate if people would not joke and poke fun here on my thread in respect to the most important question of all is being discussed in here

11-23-2004, 12:04 PM
I'm growing up, much to my chagrin.

I'm slowly working on securing contracts with several local branches of big companies to train their employees to improve their productivity.

In 10 years, I will have a private gym frequented only by those whom I train.

I like to think my love of God shows through in my life, at least every once in a great while.

The meaning of my life is in the doing. I have this opportunity to live free. I intend to. I do.

What is best in life? To see I have no enemies, to conquer myself, and to see the smile of a beautiful woman.

11-23-2004, 12:08 PM
I've had a gun pointed at me.

I've had a knife pulled on me.

I've talked my way into fights I shouldn't have.

I've talked my way out of fights I wanted to have.

I've known what it's like to have the person you care most about betray you.

I've known what it's like to have the person you care most about love you.

I've seen, done, heard, felt, and lived a lot. I'm only 20 years old. I've got a hell of a lot of seeing, doing, hearing, feeling, and living to do.

That is the purpose.

That is the meaning.

11-23-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
I guess that explains the unsightly stains on your giant size inflatable snowman christmas decoration.

:p Yeah, I should get a new one.....

11-28-2004, 08:27 PM
hey kids

me is running

to bed that is, now

i got a test tomorrow and i havent even studied for it cos i was busy with something a lot more important (online games of course)

this is a ttt
for the thread that above all deserves a ttt

i am apalled that you let this thread disapear from the first page
so i came to rescue and i shall contribute to the discussion when i pay my dues with the whole test things i have this whole coming week now
saturday i get to wear a suit at a wedding
we can talk about stuff like "The objective of life is to live in love and peace witha woman and the family"
You got pregnant by a bottle of tequila + ex-boyfried + malfunctioning condom while simultaneously cheating on your boyfriend at the time (dont think we dont know that, you tried to hide but we are smarter - why else would he be totally ****ed off at you and demand the money that he spent to buy you your dog back? and what about the months calculation - syncrony anybody? - seems like he wants to come outa the time... or did you lie about wich month of pregancy you're in?)
Your dad is a rich man in your small town and it would look very bad if you didnt marry the dude that got you knocked up wouldnt it?
Well, i tell you this... hey why havent i gotten my invitation card?
Im going anyway, cos you invited me and uni buddies verbally.
We are not buying you super expensive gifts, no mam

11-28-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by MoreMisfortune
i havent even studied for it cos i was busy with something a lot more important (online games of course)Man, for a second there, the ever hopeful optimist in me was hoping that you'd been out with a real human girl.

11-28-2004, 09:12 PM
Your new avatar is real horrorshow, me droog. Makes me thirst for a bit of the ol' moloko-plus meself.

11-29-2004, 05:56 PM
Welly welly welly welly well, my dear brother, this week is certain to be a pain in the yarbles (if i have any yarbles). Tortures, tortures of the dam.nned i sufer with all the testing cheepooka and the young devotchkas in this summer force me to sneety about them yet no in-out in-out sloochats.

11-29-2004, 09:31 PM
wtf Brazilian? are u drunk again?

11-29-2004, 09:35 PM
Pop culture reference. See his avatar and sig line.