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View Full Version : Ever used your WC/WT in a real fight?

11-20-2004, 11:06 AM
Hey guys, this was something I was thinking about and is intended more for entertainment value with inserts of wisdom here and there gained from the experience. If you have ever used wing chun in real life...please share. (And Im not speaking about a full contact fight, Im talking a real fight with someone who intended you harm)

11-20-2004, 09:56 PM
Van- this is very open forum. You dont even have to sign on to read it. There are risks in giving details of real events. OTOH-
also talking too much can sound self serving and chest thumping.

On the basis of my experience and knowledge of others, I know that wing chun if properly learned is very effective when you need it for real. It can also fail you if you are too ****y, gabby and inattentive. It has not failed me yet.

11-20-2004, 11:58 PM
Working for the Sheriff's dept I have come into contact with many who have tried to do me harm. If not for Wing Chun I know that I would have been hurt in some way. All the pieces just fall into place when you have an understanding of the battle field. I mostly deploy alot of Chi Na with Wing Chun concepts and that helps out a great deal. I try and help out my partners by showing them how effective it can be, Some day they will awaken. Until then they will still refer to me as five fingers of death, hehehehehe

11-21-2004, 08:06 AM
"Real" fight? OK - the last time involved some guy that was drunk or high who tried to sucker-punch me but I caught a glimpse of it coming, was able to move to avoid it, and I hit him once with a straight punch. The punch knocked him down where he hit his head on the concrete floor knocking himself out. A "real" test of skill. ;)

Then I go to the gym and get my @ss handed to me over and over in "nonreal" fights.

old jong
11-21-2004, 08:35 AM
This kind of question will always bring chest beating and made up stories to make a point.

11-21-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by old jong
This kind of question will always bring chest beating and made up stories to make a point.

This a danger...true.

But since there is rarely ever any real competitions (hard contact sparring tournaments) in Wing Chun....and since chi sao matches clearly don't count - then listening to people's various real life stories is the only measure to use if we want to know about real life wing chun fighting experiences other than our own.

Have had about four real streetfights over the years using wing chun - and posted about some of them on previous similar threads.

And a number of situations in my school over the last twenty years that turned "live"...in one way or another.

11-21-2004, 01:10 PM
Yea...I see your point as far as chest thumping goes...but this is more for like I said - entertainment purposes more then anything else...not to cause any arguments as any thread usually does here. Just a non-chalant recall of something that you may have been involved in and used your wing chun to get out of.

There was a story on the local news a few years ago here in my town about a student of Will Parker (LTWT) who was staying in a run down motel and two guys broke in, one with a gun. The wing chun man actually used his skills to disarm the first individual and then shoot him with his own gun, and the second guy ran off....

I can't recall if the wing chun guy got shot himself though or not...

11-21-2004, 04:51 PM
I did. I was employed as a bouncer in NY Night Club, over 3 years in US, and 11 years as a security agent in Poland.

Real fights? yes - quick, but effective. Weng Chun works very well.