View Full Version : Stupid but interesting question...

11-23-2004, 08:08 AM
There is a lot of talk about Kung fu verses other MA like Thai boxing BJJ etc, but what I am looking for is any good stories (true of course!) of “Very good Kung Fu practitioners Vs Untrained” Like your instructor for instance. Eye witness reports would be most valued be anything would be good!

I’ll start with mine:

I used to train Wing Chun in the UK under a guy who was in my opinion very very good! He had over twenty years experience, and the mentality to match. A great teacher. One lesson, before class I over heard him talking to his senior student about an situation that he had been in over the weekend, they were just talking like friends, no ego involved, my instructor described how he had been coming back late one night in his car through the town centre, and saw three guys attacking a man with a hammer. The guy was virtually unconscious on the floor. My Instructor jumped out of his car and ran over, and knocked the guy with the hammer clean out, they other guy got a palm to the face, and the other started to run away, to which my instructor got in his car and backed into him knocking him over! The situation was dealt with and the police called.

Some stories are hard to believe I know, but this guy wasn’t the bulls**t type, plus he had teeth marks on his lower palm and a dent in the back of his car!

Looking forward to your contributions


11-23-2004, 06:04 PM
"There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people."

- Mr Garrison.


11-23-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by william
“Very good Kung Fu practitioners Vs Untrained”

Oh yeah, that's a fair fight.

11-23-2004, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by william

I used to train Wing Chun in the UK under a guy who was in my opinion very very good! He had over twenty years experience, and the mentality to match. A great teacher. One lesson, before class I over heard him talking to his senior student about an situation that he had been in over the weekend, they were just talking like friends, no ego involved, my instructor described how he had been coming back late one night in his car through the town centre, and saw three guys attacking a man with a hammer. The guy was virtually unconscious on the floor. My Instructor jumped out of his car and ran over, and knocked the guy with the hammer clean out, they other guy got a palm to the face, and the other started to run away, to which my instructor got in his car and backed into him knocking him over! The situation was dealt with and the police called.

Some stories are hard to believe I know, but this guy wasn’t the bulls**t type, plus he had teeth marks on his lower palm and a dent in the back of his car!

Looking forward to your contributions


you know this story include a serious felony (knocking a man unconscious with a hammer), then, a good samaritan, a guy intervened and fought off the three attackers. then, the police were called in.

this type of story usually make the newspaper. I don't live in big city, but I am sure the police report in the newspaper would mentioned it. did you ever check it out? it wouldn't be too hard to verify it yourself.

11-23-2004, 09:05 PM
look up bak shaoline eagel claw grand master Lueng Li Fu, I am sure you can hear some nice stories there. I know a couple that are pretty nice, his chi and skill is amazing.

11-24-2004, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by WanderingMonk
you know this story include a serious felony (knocking a man unconscious with a hammer), then, a good samaritan, a guy intervened and fought off the three attackers. then, the police were called in.

this type of story usually make the newspaper. I don't live in big city, but I am sure the police report in the newspaper would mentioned it. did you ever check it out? it wouldn't be too hard to verify it yourself. He knocked out the guy who was holding the hammer. The felony would be hitting the 3rd guy with his car.

Li Nin KiT
11-24-2004, 06:57 AM
very intresting story, i know of young guy who was at a club and he bet these guys up cause they harrased his gf. One night he was living the club when 10 guys approched him with battons and **** and broke his back now the dude is in a wheel chair.

11-24-2004, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by Becca
He knocked out the guy who was holding the hammer. The felony would be hitting the 3rd guy with his car.

my instructor described how he had been coming back late one night in his car through the town centre, and saw three guys attacking a man with a hammer. The guy was virtually unconscious on the floor. My Instructor jumped out of his car and ran over, and knocked the guy with the hammer clean out,

based on my reading comprehension, the instructor saw three attackers (One of which was holding a hammer) beating up on a fourth person. "the guy was virtually unconscious on the floor", beating someone unconscious with a weapon is a felony in my part of the US. It can go all the way up to assault with a deadly weapon with intent to do grave bodily harm. that's a felony. You might be from a tougher part of the country in which they let the attacker go away with a misdomeaner.

running into someone with a car, may or may not be a felony depending on the situation and the severity involved. MN Viking star receiver ran into a traffic cop in MN with his car on purpose. He was angry with the traffic cop for writing him a ticket and decided to give the cop a scare. It was really stupid, but he was not charge with a felony.

11-24-2004, 09:39 AM
Some local guy about my age was known for bein a great fighter, trained in Kung Fu (and boxing, I think). 5 of the wannabe tough guys from school way back in the day wanted to prove themself so they jumped him. One of my relatives and some friends to the family was with him and they all told me the same thing - he just destroyed those guys. He took out 3 pretty badly, then he realized they were no threat so he started playing with the other two who were now scared ****less.

He was the first street fighter I knew about. Apparantly he had it pretty rough. He went in to jail for something, were some gangbangers took notice of him. So they threaten him and forced him to go around and fight people. Well, it forced his family to move around and stuff. I've heard so many stories about his fights. Last I heard he quit training and started playing soccer instead.
Havn't seen him in 3 years

11-26-2004, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by WanderingMonk
based on my reading comprehension, the instructor saw three attackers (One of which was holding a hammer) beating up on a fourth person. "the guy was virtually unconscious on the floor", beating someone unconscious with a weapon is a felony in my part of the US. It can go all the way up to assault with a deadly weapon with intent to do grave bodily harm. that's a felony. You might be from a tougher part of the country in which they let the attacker go away with a misdomeaner.

running into someone with a car, may or may not be a felony depending on the situation and the severity involved. MN Viking star receiver ran into a traffic cop in MN with his car on purpose. He was angry with the traffic cop for writing him a ticket and decided to give the cop a scare. It was really stupid, but he was not charge with a felony.
My Instructor jumped out of his car and ran over, and knocked the guy with the hammer clean out, Take out the italisized text. If it makes sence then it was an ajective, describing the guy who got knoked out. If it don't make sence, it was an adverb verb, i.e. the object used to hit the guy on the ground. Basic reading comp from grade school, dude.

David Jamieson
11-26-2004, 07:45 AM
soccer? doesn't he know that's dangerous? he'll probably get less injured if he sticks to fighting! :p

On reflection, the best fighter i ever knew was a real old friend of mine named Alvin.

Completely untrained and never got schooled or tooled. Grew up in the mean streets, had a terrible life and background, but holy muckaloly, that guy could totally roxors.

He shoulda went pro really, but who knows where he wound up.

pound for pound, the best fighter i've met in my life including all my instructors and sparring partners and other MA friends.

I think it had a lot to do with his intent. The dude had serious intent.

11-26-2004, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Becca
Take out the italisized text. If it makes sence then it was an ajective, describing the guy who got knoked out. If it don't make sence, it was an adverb verb, i.e. the object used to hit the guy on the ground. Basic reading comp from grade school, dude.

I know the instructor knock someone out. but according to the story, a victim was already knock out before the instructor intervene.

my instructor described how he had been coming back late one night in his car through the town centre, and saw three guys attacking a man with a hammer. The guy was virtually unconscious on the floor. My Instructor jumped out of his car and ran over, and knocked the guy with the hammer clean out

italisized text point to the event which occured before the instructor intervened. "the guy was virtually unconscious". I seriously doubt the original poster was referring to someone his insturctor took down. I assume you didn't miss that part.

Yes, the poster used the title "the guy" twice in reference, but I doubt "the guy" was referring to the same person in both instance. It is not the best written account, but based on sequence of event, "the guy" in first instance refer to the victim attacked by three atacckers. This victim was attacked by three guys and one of attacker was holding a hammer. That is a felony. "the guy" in second instance refer to someone his instructor knock out.

yeah " Basic reading comp from grade school, dude."

In the act of intervention (coming to the defense of someone in danger of serious bodily harm/death), the instructor may or may not have committed a felony, but a court will decide that. I don't think this story is real because it should be easy to find a newspaper article covering this incident. the original poster should be able to find it on the web to back up the story.

11-27-2004, 12:42 AM
Actually, it is possible to kill someone in Colorado and get away with it. It's called the "Make My Day" law. It wouldn't apply well in this situation, only if you are in your own home, but you never know.

I think I found my mistake, though. I assumed the "knocking a man unconsious" was for the one who was knocked unconious, not the one who was mearly being attacked.

11-27-2004, 04:55 AM
But back on topic...

I heard second hand from a former wosu (now a sifu) of some eyot who walked up to his sifu with the idea of challenging him (I think it's the one you used to know, sayloc. He used to own our kwoon before my sifu inherited it.) Anyway. I guess back in the very early 80s this bonehead dicided it would be a good idea to walk up behind this sifu, grab his sholder to spin him around, and swing a wild punch. He came to several minutes later with cops standing over him.

The story goes, Sifu felt the touch on his sholder, started turning into it, making a simple block, when he saw it was not someone he knew, the block turned into a backfist strike to the eyot's left temple. Sifu then called the cops because he didn't want charges put up against him for defending himself...