View Full Version : wushu basics video review

12-06-2004, 11:04 AM
So i ordered the wushu basics video (http://www.martialartsmart.net/vidwusbastra.html) and im gonna write a review.

the video goes over the basic stretching punching and kicks or wushu. some of the punching drills too. they show pretty good examples of how every move is done. the students are pretty good at everything, except for the front sweeps, they have trouble landing them. but you know no ones perfect. overall its a good video to show wushu basics done in modern wushu classes. not much for applications and such. jsut movements and action.

they do not show you any type of combinations though and the tape is lacking in length. would like to see that more.

lueb gives it 3 out 5 yingyangs.

12-07-2004, 06:06 PM
We've included the wushu basics material as a bonus track on all of the Jiangsu Wushu DVDs, like the Eagle Claw (http://www.martialartsmart.net/videagclawbo.html), you mentioned earlier. DVD technology is a better format and a better buy.

12-07-2004, 07:29 PM

are you doing any more forms? like northern or southern fist? maybe staff. or were these jsut more of the rare forms not seen on dvd?

12-08-2004, 03:18 PM
Right now, our video dept is backlogged like you wouldn't believe. We're looking at expanding it, but that'll be a costly investment because we'd have to expand the work station, or have the new employees work the night shift or something. There's a lot in the queue, and a lot still waiting to be converted to DVD.

12-09-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by GeneChing
Right now, our video dept is backlogged like you wouldn't believe. We're looking at expanding it, but that'll be a costly investment because we'd have to expand the work station, or have the new employees work the night shift or something. There's a lot in the queue, and a lot still waiting to be converted to DVD.

fair nuff. we'll jsut have to wait. :D