View Full Version : Bung Bo having surgery

yu shan
12-06-2004, 09:09 PM
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know Bung Bo (Dustin) is going under the knife Wednesday morning. It is to repair a break in his wrist. The guy has been training since the summer with a broken wrist. And I mean hand drills kicking drills and two man sets. He has restored my faith with atleast a few in this generation. And with no surprise to me, he will be in class Tuesday night. Dustin is a cherished student, I wish him the best and a speedy recovery.

12-07-2004, 06:39 AM
Sounds like a dedicated individual!

Judge Pen
12-07-2004, 07:32 AM
He is hard core! I wish him luck and a speedy recovery!

12-07-2004, 08:10 AM
Sounds like someone I'd like to train with.

Good luck on your recovery.


12-07-2004, 08:11 AM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

12-07-2004, 08:12 AM
Had a chance to train with Bung Bo in November. Really nice guy. And he does train hard.

Get Well Soon.



12-07-2004, 08:28 AM
good luck with the surgery, really sorry about that but i told you not to **** with me.

just joking, it wasn't me!!!

12-07-2004, 11:32 AM
Please send my regards and a wish for speedy recovery to Dustin. Thanks

Warm regards


12-07-2004, 04:45 PM
best wishes for a speedy recovery!

bung bo
12-07-2004, 05:01 PM
Thank you all so much. I'm sure this will heal up in no time. All your support really means a lot to me. My shifu has been behind me 100% and I would like to thank him for starting this thread. I'm glad I can restore his faith in my generation because his generation is definately harder than mine. Hopefully I'll be back 100% the next time I see any of you.

The receptionist called me this morning to tell me what I can and can't do. I can't eat after midnight tonight. No alchohol:( . I can't even drink water tomorrow before the operation. On a good note (a very good note), today was the last day of my crappy mall job:D :D :D .

bung bo
12-09-2004, 09:43 AM
I'm back and in pain. I took an Oxycotn a while ago and I feel better. I'm only typing with one hand so this taking a bit longer than usual. The pain meds are getting more this very minute. lol

So I went to the surgery center and they show to my room almost right after I get there. That was cool. I answer a bunch of questions and change into my gown and then the nurse marks my hip and wrist. then I get my IV. The guy was real good; it didn't hurt at all. Then they gave some stuff to relax me. I wasn't out yet, but a little woozy. Then they roll to the OR. They put the sedative in the IV line and put an O2 mask on me. The med. burned a bit going in and somehow I felt like the O2burned as well andI got scared and then I was out. When I woke up, my Dad helped me get dressed and I told the Nurses some jokes. I got wheeled out to the car and another nurse told me her daughter was my age. Then I asked her if she was pretty. lol. Like I'm ever goig to meet her. I slept for the majority of the rest of the day. I tried to eat, but I felt nauseous. My friend came over to hang out and we laughed a lot.
This morning I watched some of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. That's very funny.

Just wanted to tell evryone how it's going.

12-09-2004, 09:50 AM
glad all went well.
we'll get the other side next time i see ya

bung bo
12-09-2004, 09:55 AM
Thanks, Steve. You mean we'll break your wrist?!:cool:

12-09-2004, 09:57 AM
Congradulations on the surgery going well!

I also just had surgery after an injury I sustained while training.

Take it easy, nows a time for relaxing and healing proper. Not re-injuring yourself training again.

I'm on the back end of my recovery and I'm currently doing light to moderate work outs to prepare myself to play with the big boys again.

Good luck and relax!

bung bo
12-09-2004, 01:39 PM
I've been checking on this thread frequently and it's really great that so many people are responding.

MantisFistMonk--Taking it easy is the name of the game, at least for now. I just did a horse stance and it didn't hurt my hip at all!!! (some spongy bone was taken from my right hip) I can train some! My hip was hurting like a mofo this morning. Making up my bed was he11. Moving around is helping a lot.

I've got a rigid split over my hand, wrist, and most my forearm. Cotton is over the splint with a wrap over that. I can wiggle my fingers but not my thumb. They gave a big foam rectangle thing with holes in it so I can hold my wrist above my heart without my arm getting tired.

Hey everybody--Another Pong Lai brother is going under the knife. Oso is having surgery on his shoulder. Serious stuff. Good Luck, Matt.

yu shan
12-09-2004, 04:47 PM

Glad you made out fine. Rest my man.


Had a nice conversation with Profatilov Laoshi while he was visiting in Florida over Thanksgiving. I hope you get well soon.

bung bo
12-10-2004, 09:14 AM
Thanks, Shifu. You'll have to tell me a little about it.

12-12-2004, 10:57 AM
yu shan - I'm glad you two are keeping in contact.

I hope to work out with you again in the future.

bung bo - I can't stress recovery time enough!

It's better to just do it right the first time then having to re-do it a thousand times.

Good luck Oso!

yu shan
12-12-2004, 05:16 PM
Indeed, but I should communicate better with your Shifu. I look forward to training with you and all the guys in "the park" soon. Thank you for the advice to Bung Bo, he will listen.

bung bo
12-12-2004, 05:31 PM
MantisFistMonk--that's a big 10-4 on the recovery time. When I got this x-rayed a few days after this first happened, the x-ray didn't even show a break (or it was so small it wasn't visible). What did me in was training on it afterwards for a few months. I bet it would've healed by itself if I would've rested it in the beginning. So I am taking all the time I need for this to get better.

bung bo
02-07-2005, 09:15 PM
It has now been 2 months since the surgery. It is healing (slowly) and feeling better and I can move it more. I was being too rough with it earlier. I was lightly training just 1 week after the surgery. Nothing I did hurt too much but when I went back to the doc 2.5 weeks later he said to stop whatever I was doing with it and rest. That did it for me. Since then I've doing just that and it's really paid off.

I just wanted to post a little update.

yu shan
02-08-2005, 06:03 AM
It is good that you rest. Everyone appreciates the fact that you still come to practice and help out. Plus you can atleast watch what material we are doing and we can talk.

Judge Pen
02-08-2005, 07:22 AM
I feel you BB. It's hard to sit on the sidelines. I rested for 2 months and then went back slowly and the results are great so far. I'm sitll only 80% to 85%. But with your injury, and the way you guys bang arms, you need to rest it as much as possible. Heal well.

Lu Bu
02-08-2005, 04:57 PM
Like I told you before, man...you set a GREAT example for the rest of your gongfu brothers and sisters, and I am very happy to be one of them. I hope more people can learn from your example, because I feel that many need to.

Keep getting better! Or else! :eek:

See you in class, my friend.

bung bo
02-08-2005, 09:57 PM
Good to have you back on here Lu Bu. Thank you very much for the compliments everybody. It means a lot to me that my friends and shifu respect me. You are all very important to me.

Shifu--Yes, coming to class is good. I look forward to it all day. Watching does help keep the material in my head. Plus, seeing and talking to everyone in class helps keep me from going crazy from just hanging out at my house all day:)

bung bo
03-09-2005, 12:17 PM
I had it x-rayed on March 2nd and the doc said the bone graft is taking well. The next day I had a CT done on it. That revealed a small(but smaller than it was)fracture line. That didn't really suprise me all that much. I didn't think it had healed all the way yet. So yesterday my doc gave me a device called a bone stimulator (and I don't mean he sent a nurse home with me :cool: ). It uses ultrasound to heal the break. It's not guaranteed but they do have a high success rate. I've also been applying zheng gu shui and comfrey generously and it has helped alot.

Overall--I'm doing a lot better. I guess this thread will be my BLOG since everyone and their grandma has one on the training forum :rolleyes:

03-09-2005, 12:47 PM
I'm thinking you need better medical insurance so they would send the nurse along as well! SCHAAA-WIIIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!

"Total Health" Package.


Glad to hear your doing well.

I had it x-rayed on March 2nd and the doc said the bone graft is taking well. The next day I had a CT done on it. That revealed a small(but smaller than it was)fracture line. That didn't really suprise me all that much. I didn't think it had healed all the way yet. So yesterday my doc gave me a device called a bone stimulator (and I don't mean he sent a nurse home with me :cool: ). It uses ultrasound to heal the break. It's not guaranteed but they do have a high success rate. I've also been applying zheng gu shui and comfrey generously and it has helped alot.

Overall--I'm doing a lot better. I guess this thread will be my BLOG since everyone and their grandma has one on the training forum :rolleyes:

bung bo
03-11-2005, 09:16 AM
BTL--Maybe I should push for that kind of insurance "coverage." Seriously though, if I didn't have medical insurance...I'm just glad I do. I've seen these bills and they're HUGE!

BTW-I like your sig. KOTH is really funny.

03-11-2005, 11:50 AM
BB, we've never had a conversation, but I can share an experience similar to yours.

I had a bone grapht from my left hip to replace about an inch and a half gap in my right clavicle (collar bone) that I broke playing football. They then secured it with a titanium plate. The docs said after a month or two I could resume all activities including weight lifting, just no more contact sports like football. Well, I did none of that. No lifting, no sports...nothing. I went back a year later to have x-rays to see when they could remove the plate. It turned out that I somehow bent the plate (my guess is the way I sleep). So the only recourse besides removing the entire right portion of my clavicle was to have a vascular bone grapht, where they took a vein and the majority of my fibula and attached the vein to an artery in my neck and put in a larger amount of bone, as well as a much larger and longer plate. My shoulder grows hair (the vein was from my leg :)), and I really don't know if it has healed, but at this point I don't care, because it hasn't hurt for years.

Point to all this is rest all you can. Even when I didn't push it I still managed to fu*k it up.

Hope you heal well.

- Eric

bung bo
03-12-2005, 03:12 PM
ewallace--That's some crazy stuff, duder. Anyway, glad to hear everything is sorta normal. I know what you mean when you say you messed it up when you didn't even try to. That happens less and less as mine heals more, but I still have to remind myself that 2+2 means don't fvck around :rolleyes:

ALERT:My bone stimulator just stopped working as of 2 hours ago. The customer service rep who gave me the thing is going to have another one shipped to me this week.