View Full Version : Doing a speech for class need some sources

12-07-2004, 12:58 PM
This is on Wing Chuns advantages, over Karate and other martial arts.

12-07-2004, 01:01 PM

12-07-2004, 01:29 PM
The open letter to potential students on our schools website might give you some direction or insight into how you might want to focus your writing. Good luck.

open letter to potential students (http://www.mengsofaz.com/currentarticles/ltrtostudents.htm)

12-07-2004, 01:46 PM
Why do you feel the need to make that kind of speech?

I would find a better topic. You shouldn't teach your students to think that way.

The practioner is what counts not the art. I know plenty of wingchun guys that couldn't fight their way out of a paperbag.

old jong
12-07-2004, 02:13 PM
Wing Chun certainly have it's advantages but so does Karate or other martial arts!...It always depend on what you are looking for and on what are your perceptions on these matters.
A good Karateka will dominate a Bad Wing Chun practitioner so where is the advantage?...

12-07-2004, 02:26 PM
While it is true that the ultimate arbitor is the individual - not the art...nonetheless....some arts offer more than others. But people sometimes just don't want to hear that.

So just talk about the SCIENCE of Wing Chun....it's major principles, strategies, techniques....ie. the centerline, the six gates, simultaneous attack and defense because both hands are used at all times, the trapping, the practicality of learning how to fight and strike in close quarters, the use of chi sao as a unique method of training close quarter contact reflexes,the speed and economy of straight line striking/kicking, etc...

If you point all of this out carefully and clearly....the benefits of Wing Chun will become obvious.

12-07-2004, 04:14 PM
This is a good topic. Wing Chun is a theory for fighting so you can talk about the science and theory of it. Then talk about some other arts like Karate, Aikido, Tai Chi, Thai Boxing, Capoeira and their theory. Then talk about the training to make any of those things work. Then talk about failures and why theory and practical results do not always match. Arts can be compared on theory and then on evidence that the theory does or doesn't work.

"Wing Chun is like a snow plow".


12-07-2004, 06:27 PM
Try this link and click on the article button. They were quite helpful in my early WC study.
