View Full Version : Who is Sandman? Where is Sandman?

Roy D. Anthony
09-13-2001, 07:49 PM
Who is Sandman? Where is Sandman? Why are there no responses or posts from him or Moderating?

09-13-2001, 07:56 PM
Hi Roy,

Why do you ask about Sandman, do you feel the need for "moderation?" :)

You could contact him by clicking on his name and checking his profile. Unlike some people he does have an e-mail address listed in his profile making it easier to contact him directly should you, or anyone else wish to.

I know that he is kept pretty busy and posts not as often as some would wish as he has much knowledge and a willingness to share the same. Still, he does post from time to time and he also moderates as he feels the need.

However, I do not wish to speak for him so I suggest you e-mail him directly if you need something which he can help you with.



Roy D. Anthony
09-13-2001, 07:58 PM
Thanks Dave, no no moderation required. Just proved something to me is all. SMILE

Sandman2[Wing Chun]
09-13-2001, 08:58 PM
Is there something I can help you with Sifu Roy?

Sandman[Wing Chun]
Wing Chun Forum Moderator.

Roy D. Anthony
09-14-2001, 03:45 AM
not at all Sandman, you never seem to be here. But you just helped me to prove something. Thank You.