View Full Version : Wing Chun Teachers in New York City

09-14-2001, 12:33 AM
In your opinion who are the top 5 wing chun instructors in New York City and Why? This is an opinion only. These opinions can help others find an honest and qualified wing chun instructor.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

09-14-2001, 01:24 AM
Well, I don’t know about his teaching ability, but there’s a guy by the name of Kevin Gledhill, a 10th generation wing chun practitioner under Kan Wah Chit, that is simply awesome at chisau and fighting. In my informed opinion, he is one of the best chisau exponents in the world.

If you are genuinely seeking the crème the la crème of wing chun exponents – maybe to test yourself – then this man is well worth a visit. If you can keep an open mind, and leave your initial prejudice behind, I’m sure that you will leave with a free meal: Humble Pie!

All the people that haven’t chisaued with Kevin may think that I’m exaggerating his ability, but you can find out for yourself by giving him a visit. What have you got to lose, other than your ego?

If you were a true champion, you would test yourself against the very best. Anything else is but a hollow victory.

BTW, Kevin can be contacted at the following address:

159 West 25th Street, NYC. Tel: 757 7493

Happy Training (and good luck, if you are testing yourself)

09-14-2001, 01:45 AM
man.... don't start that crap here. Bring it to VTAA

09-14-2001, 02:28 AM
So, you are the chief whip now, are you? Someone appointed you the new moderator on this forum, or is that your aspirations?

If not, don’t try to dictate what people can write or can't write here, as long as it’s relative to the question.

mun hung
09-14-2001, 11:41 AM
Can't give you five, but I will give you one. My SiFu Allan Lee (Lee Che Kong). I seriously doubt anyone comes even close.

09-14-2001, 06:57 PM
I have heard lots of good things about Allan Lee: including praise from Sifu Duncan Leung who I think is pretty awesome.

From what I've seen, Sifu Leung, Sifu Lee, and Sifu Hawkins Cheung all seem to have a similar approach, which actively works Wing Chun movements against boxing, kickboxing, etc.

Of course, there are lots of good teachers out there, though I certainly couldn't rank them since I haven't learned from them. Here is a list of people I have only heard good things about:

A Leung Sheung group, led by Alan Fong (you can reach him through: yongchunman@yahoo.com)

Chung Kwok Chow: our moderator SH73 says nothing but good things, and if you look at how much experience he has with three different teachers, that is significant praise!

"Sex on TV doesn't hurt unless you fall off."

09-14-2001, 10:33 PM
Hi Aelward,

Curiousity has gotten the better of me, is the Alan Fong you mentioned the same as trained in Leung Tings Wing Tsun. The same guy he introduced WT to Germany with?

If so, then I know him quite well. His name appeares along with Keith Kernsprecht's as my Sifu on my Instructor level certificate from Leung Ting. I also lived in his house for a time back in the late eighties. I would agree that he is a good source although he can be somewhat eccentric, not a bad thing just somewhat traditional in some ways.

Of course, I have to say Chung Kwok Chow ;)
In addition to being my current instructor, I find his attention to detail inspriring. I also appreciate his open mind approach to Wing Chun.

I have heard good things about Alan Lee as well as V A Thomas but have no personal experience with either genteman.


BTW: The e-mail address you mention is already in my contact lists but for a different person, named "mustaffa" are you sure this is an e-mail for Alan Fong???

09-15-2001, 04:08 AM
Yes, this appears to be the same Allan Fong.

Also, that is Mustafa's e-mail; he and Sifu Fong are teaching together now.

"Sex on TV doesn't hurt unless you fall off."

09-18-2001, 07:20 PM
James Cama Sifu just back from his California seminar has moved to 440 Lafayette off w8th St Dr. Henry Leung Sifu and James Cama are among the best. www.buddhapalm.com (http://www.buddhapalm.com) (718)692-2281

09-18-2001, 07:33 PM
michael, where do u train in england?

and i assume the date of birth in your profile is incorrect?

"You can't see it if you blind but we will always prevail (true)/Life is like the open sea, the truth is the wind in our sail/And in the end, our names is on the lips of dying men/If ever crushed in the earth, we always rise again/When the words of lying men sound lush like the sound of a violin/The truth is there, it's just the heart you gotta find it in" - Talib Kweli

chu yun
09-18-2001, 11:28 PM
I notice you use the term "10th generation practitioner" alot. What's the difference?

09-19-2001, 02:16 AM

I don’t train with a club any more. I train at home with one of my friends and anybody and everybody that cares to join. My age under my profile is of course incorrect. I haven't disclosed my age for sercurity reasons. Unlike many, many participants, I'm not too ashamed to reveal my real name, but disclosing other detials may compromise your sercurity on the net.

Chu Yun:

In my opinion, your generations are very important because it’s an indication of your wing chun source, or knowledge. The difference is the authenticity of your wing chun. Yip Man was 8th generation, and all his direct students were 9th generation. If it’s possible, you should always try to learn from the most direct source to Yip Man as possible because in all likeness, that source would be the most authentic and undiluted. It’s akin to recording from the master or original tape, rather than a 4th copy, or generation, which have lost much detail.

09-19-2001, 04:20 AM
That means I'm 10th generation too!!! I thought I was pretty good at Wing Chun, but now I know I am.

mun hung
09-19-2001, 12:12 PM
Man, I feel great also! "10th generation!" Everybody kao tao! :D

Jeff Brown
09-19-2001, 02:21 PM
does one check the teeth? or is it like the old boys' club: "hey, we go a long way back, I'll get you a job in the dojo!"

Sarcastically yours,

Meng Shou

09-19-2001, 02:55 PM
Anybody that thinks that he's good JUST BECAUSE he's 10th generation is not accurate, in my opinion.

I am not doubting anybody here, but there are things one learns behind closed doors as an disciple that one wouldn't get as an ordinary student.

My thing is that unless a disciple manifests the closed door teachings (of which I'd imagine that Yip Man had plenty of), he has no right to lay claim to "generation" discipleship.

One thing's for sure: those who REALLY have closed-door teachings and lineage DON'T MAKE FUN OF IT (thus disrespecting the art and those who teach it to them) the way people have been doing above.

Jeff Brown
09-19-2001, 03:02 PM
Just a joke cast upon a sea of somber news (recent events) is all.

09-21-2001, 06:23 AM
... how people come up with whatever code of ethics suits them at the time, and dictate that "this is the martial way....". Wing Chun tradition, has screwed students over time and time again. I'm sure that many can atest to that. So preaching about what YOU deem as appropriate, doesn't hold a Tan Sau.

09-21-2001, 07:33 AM
Sifu Micheal Manganiello is very good. ASk all of yor sifu's about him.

09-23-2001, 12:07 AM
One is a disciple, or he isn't.

Such is the decision of the sifu, not the student.