View Full Version : Sihing73

09-14-2001, 03:48 PM
You are leaning toward not being fair.

09-14-2001, 10:22 PM
Hello Whipping Hand,

Please explain how I am being not fair. Is it because I ask for and expect an answer to questions posed? Is it because I have deleted posts of yours which are rather negative and insulting to others? Is it because I have the audacity to question some whom you may respect and don't take their word as law?

Please elaborate, I assure you I am open to discussion if that is what you wish. I will not, however, accept what someone says just because they say so. Nor will I expect anything less than an answer to questions posed. If you think this is unfair then I am sorry but I guess I am unfair then. Tell me, if you were to enter into combat on the street would you cry unfair if things did not go your way? I feel you have been somewhat rude to Rene and others without reason, of course that is my perspective yours may be quite different. I am willing to discuss things if you wish to do so.



09-14-2001, 11:05 PM
Sounds fair to me!

One can only expect to receive as much respect as he gives...


Surrounded by chaos, the true taoist laughs...

09-14-2001, 11:16 PM
as for me too. dave's always fair. :)

09-14-2001, 11:33 PM
I agree. Just because I dont like whipping hand. haha!

Actually...Ive left a few reasons why I dislike his attitude on here...so theres no reason to reiterate on this thread.

"From one thing know ten thousand" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

"Loy lau hoi sung, lut sau jik chung"

Roy D. Anthony
09-14-2001, 11:55 PM
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09-15-2001, 12:56 AM
I wrote "leaning toward not being fair". Not as extreme as you suggested.

I have no problem with you deleting my messages. I know that I lean toward being, what is perceived as, rude and/or negative. That won't change. What I have a problem with is you deleting my message, and NOT deleting the corresponding response(s), which also happen to be negative. If negativity is what you're trying to eliminate in this forum, then eliminate it. That's my qualm.

But since you mentioned other issues: Your bias toward Rene is stunting your better judgement.

09-15-2001, 12:58 AM
Hi Roy,

You now it is interesting how many things can be taken out of context to support a single view. Often when one looks at the whole picture you will find a meaning other than what you would like.

This forum exists for the benefit of all of its members. It is a medium for the discussion of Wing Chun. It is not a place for one sided postings which attempt to inflate one person or group of people. If you want to spout only the veiws whihc suit you then I would suggest creating your own forum for such postings.

Lets look at some of the other "rules" for the use of this forum>

****You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Forum Roundtable to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by Kung Fu Magazine.******

Notice the words defamatory, hateful, innaccurate, abusive, threatening etc. Everyone has the right to post here. Everyone hs the right to be able to expect their views to be respected and their questions answered. No one has the right to expect a person or group of persons to attempt to belittle them or imply their veiws are without merit or wrong just because they differ. No one should be expected to accept the rudeness of others either.

ROy, I have been moderating on thsi board for a little while now. So far the majority of people have supported my appraoch. Should this change then I will be glad to modify my approach. However, as long as I am a moderator on this board I will not tolorate anyone putting down the views of others and using this board in an attempt to build their own ego. If you don't want to answer questions posted to you then I see little reason for posting in the first place. It is very easy to sit behind a keyboard and sound like you know what you are talking about. It is far harder to actually practice the moral ethics which, usually, go hand in hand with the development of true Kung Fu. If you do not feel the need to respect the wishes and opinions of others then be assured I will delete or edit posts which I feel are innappropriate. As always, I am available via e-mail to discuss such things. I noticed your e-mail address is missing from your profile and you removed it from your reply to Patrick Gordon. What are you trying to hide?

You are welcome to complain about my actions or attitude if you wish to. However, I must reiterate the fact that as long as the majority of people on this forum are supportive of my methods I will continue in the same vein

I have stated time and again that this is not MY board but YOURS. I believe that the majority of people are in agreement with my methods and again, I have always been available to discuss differing views. You accuse me of dictating...Well, perhaps in your mind I am behaving in that manner. I am sure you would be much happier if I simply turned a blind eye to your methods. I wonder if the rest of the board would be as happy. I have worked, and the members of this board have worked, to make this a place where we can discuss the art and leave ego at the door. We are not always successful and it is a work in progress but it is moving forward. There is no place for backbiters or instigators here. If you don't like it then you are welcome to move elsewhere. I will not see this board degenerate into the kind of bickering and insulting place some others have become!!!

As always you, and anyone esle wishing to discuss this are welcome to e-mail me directly to discuss this. I can be reached at either of the following:




09-15-2001, 01:09 AM
There are very few people on this forum who do this, including me and you, Dave.

09-15-2001, 01:24 AM
Dave, FWIW, I've got a little experience in online moderation and IMHO you do a fine job. It's always a line to walk and you'll never make everyone happy. If you can keep the majority happy and make sure the minortiy is respected, it seems to turn out okay. Personally, I struggle most with the latter, especially when it involves new comers - making them feel welcome and accepted while ensuring they don't disrupt what's already there (in terms of atmosphere, not opinion, a little disruptive opinion can be invigorating ;)

In terms of negativity, it doesn't really bother me. I see it as a reflection more than anything else and seems only to harm the poster in the end. You seem to encourage a lot, which is about all you can do. In my experience, those people happy with themselves and their knowledge don't seem to feel the need to attack others.

Again, I'm drawn back to Chi Sao 8)

(And, for those unfamiliar, Dave an I have never been especially chatty online and until I began posting here, I don't think we exchanged more than once or twice a year. Like most people, I find I agree with some of his views and not others, yet he seems well grounded and secure enough in them to explain the why's and how's and IMHO deserves respect.)



09-15-2001, 09:33 AM
The bottom line, Dave, is that you have a biased approach to moderation.

I have no problem with the "manner" in which you moderate, except in your bias.

Roy D. Anthony
09-15-2001, 09:50 AM
None of which I am guilty of, Thank You!!!
Nice try Dave, perhaps you should relax. You have done a great job up till now. Don't take your job so seriously!

09-15-2001, 12:51 PM

This topic is wasting bandwidth.

I believe it is obvious as to the opinions of each of us. It is also highly unlikely that further posting will do little to change anyones minds about anything. Since I have yet to receive any e-mail from either Roy or Whipping Hand I will assume they do not wish to discuss the matter any further than the postings on this board. I have also not received any e-mails from anyone expressing a similiar view to either Roy or Whipping Hand. To the contrary I have received several stating agreement with my approach.

Rather than continue in this vein which does not do any of us any good and simply wastes bandwith I will be closing this thread. I invite everyone to continue the discussions concerned with our art and stand by my previous statements. If you wish to discuss the art then that is great. If you have an ulterior motive then expect the appropriate action to be taken.

Several of your posts during the last couple of days have actually started to provide some information and answer questions. I applaude this as it is exactly what this forum is about. Not all of us do things in the same manner. I will wait and watch and hope that we can all continue to grow towards an open and honest discourse regarding the art of Wing Chun. I look forward to learning from you and the others on this board willing to share their knowledge. I am sure we will not agree on everything but I am hopeful that we can discuss any differences as adults.

Whipping Hand,
Perhaps I am biased. I have a habit of trying to let people post what they want regardless of my personal beliefs. I only take action when it becomes obvious that the posting is to stir things up rather than converse. Or, if things of a negative and likely inflamatory nature which will likely cause no good. True this is biased, to some people.

I would rather be biased toward the good of the board rather then towards a self-serving approach to converting people to my Wing Chun or a means of attempting to boost my own ego. I don't belive that I have ever tried to sound like I know everything nor have I delibertly gone out of my way to make anyone else feel stupid or publicly embarass them in front of others. You could argue that one with my recent posting to you and Roy, if you wished. Still, my view is that some children needed to be reminded of their manners. It seems like one is learning and the other admits he will not change. Guess what? Neither will I. :D

I have repeatadly stated that this is not MY board but YOURS. However this is not Roys board or Whipping Hands board but belongs to all the members in an equal state. Each person that posts here can so do equal to all others. No one is better or worse than anyone else. Some may possess greater knowledge and we can all learn from them. But no one here is any less than anyone else. Each person has something of value to contribute and is welcome to do so as long as they do so in a positive manner and are willing to discuss the subject. I don't know how much clearer I can be than that :rolleyes:

As always anyone wishing to discuss the matter further is free to contact me directly at either of the below e-mail adrdresses:



I am now closing this thread. Please return to the subject of Wing Chun. As a personal note to those not directly involved: I am sorry for airing this in the publics eyes. I have no wish to dictate but I do feel an obligation to keep the board moving forward. I would like to thank those who contacted me to express their support, I do appreciate at.