View Full Version : Just an idea!

Jim Roselando
12-15-2004, 10:06 AM

There is so much talk about fighting and theory/historian non-fighters and this or that. The problem is since we are all saying this stuff on the keyboard it really doesn't show us anything.

2005 is almost here and by now we all know someone who has a digital camera. Why not set up link or site that all the fighters and theory fighters etc etc from this list can send in some footage of themselves using their or demo'ing their WCK?

We all love what we do and believe it works for us but this is a good way to see some action from the list members and it also allows us to chat about it. Plus! If anything! It puts a face with the name!



12-15-2004, 10:11 AM
I suggested something similar a while back also. I think its a good Idea Jim. I'm in to send in more clips..


12-15-2004, 10:51 AM
i thought we were doing that already :D

Jim Roselando
12-15-2004, 11:17 AM
Hey E!

I dont mind that for myself (especially since I dont claim to be good) but would like to see a lot of the people on this board do the same. You and a few others dont seem to mind showing your WCK. Lets all do something so we can all see each other in action. Then, we can talk about the things we see each other doing or not doing.

Why not!


12-15-2004, 11:25 AM

My computer skills are still very young and pretty awful. But I hope to convert some video into a format that can be posted on here sometime in the near future.

Got to get some of my more computer-literate students to help me with this.

12-15-2004, 11:27 AM
True Ernie we are, but some continue to lay claim to revolutionary training methods for all of the "Non-Fighters" out there but we still have no clue as to the quality behind the name. I've failed to see anything from people like Victor, Andrew N, Knifefighter, Joy, Hendrick, etc.. It would be nice as Jim pointed out to have a face to the name, and a idea of what one has to offer on more of a physical skill level...

Check out this site www.wck-media.co.uk/ , its a exclusive video site for Wing Chun pratiticoners and the person responsible for it will post any WC video if you send it to him via email.


Jim Roselando
12-15-2004, 11:47 AM

Join the club!

I am lucky I know how to send e-mails!

Way way low level computer skills!

But! Thats what we have students for! hehehehe

Just kidding!


Gotta run,

12-15-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Jim Roselando


Sure, infra red camera, EEG mind wave data recorder, Heart beat data logger, acceleration speedo data logger.

with that, those ZEN, Qi..keng geng.... speak for themself naturally nakedly :D

Jim Roselando
12-15-2004, 12:05 PM

Sure, infra red camera, EEG mind wave data recorder, Heart beat data logger, acceleration speedo data logger.

with that, those ZEN, Qi..keng geng.... speak for themself naturally nakedly

Hendrik is right! There is a lot that also needs to be thought of when examining this stuff.

Does the mind stay calm? Does the heart rate go up? How fast is the acceleration? Where is the power coming from? etc. etc.

Lots to think about!


12-15-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by sihing
True Ernie we are, but some continue to lay claim to revolutionary training methods for all of the "Non-Fighters" out there but we still have no clue as to the quality behind the name.

I've failed to see anything from people like Victor, Andrew N, Knifefighter, Joy, Hendrick, etc..

It would be nice as Jim pointed out to have a face to the name, and a idea of what one has to offer on more of a physical skill level...

Quality behind the name? I didnt recall I sell any product. :D

But if you have never use those EEG brain wave logger, Acceleration speedo meter, heart rate logger, in fra red camera or thermal sensor to check your processes. Try it, it will be fun to find out is it brute force quality or is it Technological Process Quality.

12-15-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Jim Roselando

Lots to think about!


and, why do one wants to give out his mind/body capability and Process of development profile?

12-15-2004, 01:24 PM
For a $100,000 purse and a legally valid waiver of liability the Indian rope trick could emerge.
What do you need a video for? Chit chat? More of the same?

Hey- my face is on my website-

12-15-2004, 01:52 PM
"What do you need a video for? Chit chat? More of the same?"

Oh no.....here we go again!



12-15-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Jim Roselando
Hey E!

I dont mind that for myself (especially since I dont claim to be good) but would like to see a lot of the people on this board do the same. You and a few others dont seem to mind showing your WCK. Lets all do something so we can all see each other in action. Then, we can talk about the things we see each other doing or not doing.

Why not!


alot of people won't do it because then they won't be able to hide behind there [talk]

For all the voodoo shock talk, there should be visual results, small action creates big reaction, or small motion creates large effect

This is very easy to pick up on film

But then all the soothsayers would have to shut up and put up and of course they never will do that they will come up with a million well thought out excuses to protect there need to feel special

no one here claims at being the best [ though some sure try to act like they know it all but can not produce much :rolleyes: ]

so there is no shame in sharing or putting yourself out there , it should be fun

but to many glass houses will be exposed so sadly this idea will never take flight

i will continue to share with those that have been sharing with me no problem

i got tons of video of sparring and training methods been shooting for the last few months , now stalled by injury

so for those that are willing to share and critique and grow
i'm always down

and to the others that just run there mouth day in and day out
well , talking is easy :cool:

12-15-2004, 02:25 PM
Good post, Ernie.

Just decided that one of my New Year's resolutions will be...to post some video footage of myself and some of my students doing some competitive sparring/wrestling at least several times during 2005.

Jim Roselando
12-15-2004, 02:53 PM
Hello E,

I think you are correct.

I find it real funny to see how many people jump on all kinds of topics. They talk about training, different ways of using their methods with all the reasons behind it, how you have to train to be a fighter, lineage/historical info. (which I love(I'm a sucker for that stuff)) :-) etc etc etc.. All good things to chat about.

But! When an idea like this comes out you see little to no responce! Funny isnt it!

Tisk Tisk!


12-15-2004, 03:04 PM
people are afraid

1 of being seen for what they really got instead of there sales pitch

2 of the back lash from all those they have dissed as they sat in there high chair

but really we are all students some are on slightly different roads but all of us want to improve and most of us really like to share and help the next guy out

so what if people call you this or that
hell i've been called so many different things , just from the stuff i put out , i don't care

i know when i square off with some one what i can do [ if it is enough well thats another story ]

i know what helped me develop those skills

is some arm chair mouth piece and his oppinion going effect me , no way

so people should lighten up

12-15-2004, 03:10 PM
I'm hoping to get up some videos soon and maybe starting up another website, or at least upgrading the one for the current school that Im in.

If I were to upload vids to this forum...where would I put them? Does someone have server space to save this stuff on?

12-15-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Jim Roselando
2005 is almost here and by now we all know someone who has a digital camera. Why not set up link or site that all the fighters and theory fighters etc etc from this list can send in some footage of themselves using their or demo'ing their WCK?
Set up the host and I'm in.

12-15-2004, 08:37 PM
I have my own website but sometimes I use another to put some photos and videos there. check it out,
VingDragon's website (http://www.imageevent.com.com/vingdragon) and come back again there, because I often change those files into another ones



12-15-2004, 08:42 PM
For Wing Chun video's look at my second post on this thread. His name is Garry Short and he will accept any Wing Chun video's that you can send him. With hotmail you are allowed to send attachments that are no larger than 10mb, so that's plenty for a good video demo or what ever, it depends on the quality you want for the video that makes the size larger.

I agree also that some are all talk and no action, but I really enjoy watching others perform their ideas on video for all to see. I think it is inpolite to critque a video of someone doing some WC unless they ask for it a review of it, and the context also has to be taken into account. If someone is doing a demo don't start complaining about the attackers being bad attackers as these things are out of the control of the person profiled in the demo, although before hand the stipulation should be that the attacks will be good ones.

I should be putting more up soon in the early New Year, and looking forward to all of yours also..
