View Full Version : Any new students in your school?

10-18-2001, 01:59 AM
Since the Sept 11 event has you school had a flood of new students signning up to leaarn how to fight? Are people are showing more interst in learning how to defend themselves now that all this has happened? I see our classes are growing since sept 11 and am wondering if it is happening where you train.

One who has two roots becomes a stronger tree.

10-18-2001, 03:16 AM
People have been attending quite a bit, but nothing that unusual. Turnover rate is about the same.

10-18-2001, 03:55 AM
same turn out, nothins really changed.


"He's not dead, 'es resting! Well if 'e's resting, I'll wake him up! 'Ello Mr. Polly Parrot...." -Monty Python, Dead Parrot Sketch

10-18-2001, 06:47 AM
same, maybe even less actually.

"****ed be the day that befalls us in a most hostile manner that shall compromise our Country, and ****ed be the great lengths at which are required of to stir our Patriotism." - Anonymous

10-18-2001, 06:49 AM
About the same. I kind of thought there WOULD be a larger influx after the 11th, but I was wrong.

K. Mark Hoover

10-18-2001, 02:07 PM
big difference between spectators and gladiators.

10-18-2001, 10:49 PM
I'm taking out the dan-daos and gims from our weapons rack and replacing them with AK-47s, maybe that'll help.

10-18-2001, 10:52 PM
No real change. I still can only get like 3 people to show up for Saturday morning class. But the porn shop next to us has a packed parking lot by 9am. The way of the world, I guess.


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

KC Elbows
10-18-2001, 11:35 PM
Perhaps it might help if you changed your uniform to a thong.

KC Elbows
10-18-2001, 11:37 PM
Of course, membership at my school would drop right off. We're an ugly bunch.

10-18-2001, 11:55 PM
Had a few girls come in for the free trial period - but as usual they dropped out after a few weeks...

10-20-2001, 08:40 PM
ours stayed the same..

www.kungfuexchange.com (http://www.kungfuexchange.com)

10-20-2001, 10:22 PM
what do u mean *change* his uniform to a thong?? :confused: :confused:

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.