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12-30-2004, 12:00 PM
Out of respect for brothernumber9, I started kung fu stories II. I'm sorry that your other thread got hijacked over stupid crap. I do hope IF it is going to keep going it stays on that thread and not this one... Attn: Kung Lek I am asking you, to NOT start it here out of respect for the others on the forum.

I will start one here:
This story is from my Sifu.
(Out of respect for the people in this story I will only use GM Wong's Name. The student has made up his own style and schools now. For respect to his students that are here on KFM I will not use his name)

There was a student in GM Wong's (WJM) class that liked to go to tournaments. While he was in class he kepped asking GM Wong to teach him more stuff, so he could win in these tournaments. GM Wong would just tell him to practice what he has. Well as time went on this student would not stop asking to learn more. And he was doing well in tournaments too. GM Wong had enough of it, and asked him to stop asking. Well the student got all butthurt and mad at GM Wong. GM Wong said hence you do not have respect for your Sifu you can leave, and not come back.


Pork Chop
12-30-2004, 12:49 PM
As I've said in other threads my first sifu past away this year, so I find myself thinking back on the good ole days more often than not.

I think I'll go ahead and post some of the stories as I take my trip down memory lane.....

During the first month or so I was in kung fu one of the older students started helping me out and being generous; as I was probably the worst of my little gang of friends that joined at the time (ability wise). His name was Kai and he was built like a bald Tyson. Although a good number of people seemed intimidated by his appearance, he was actually a really nice, soft spoken guy. He was pretty religious (think he was muslim), big into his family, and a total softy around his son.

One of the first stories I heard about Kai was one of persistance; which is I think why he helped me out. Kai joined at the same time as his buddy Chris. For some reason Chris reminded me of the long haired biker from Bloodsport; eventhough he probably wasn't that big or scraggily, it was kind of the aura he gave off. Chris was quite a bit taller than Kai and about the same strength if not stronger. When they started out Chris got further, quicker; almost leaving Kai behind, especially when they sparred. The 2 were part of the last generation of "bangers" from my sifu's school in Oki; the rest of us being more forms oriented. Chris used to beat the tar out of Kai when they sparred; but it a weird thing happened. Chris got complacent and Kai got more serious. Chris plateaued in what he was able to do, while Kai really started getting good. One day, practising in the park Chris asked Kai to spar; I guess to assure himself that he could still beat Kai no matter how much recent progress he'd made. Kai tore Chris a new hole this time and I think it ended up being the last time they sparred.

The second story about Kai was the funniest. The subject of tournaments came up; probably as a result of asking why it seemed the training was focusing less and less on fighting, and Norm used Kai as an example of why he wasn't eager to have people entering more tournaments. I was a bit shocked, because knowing Kai, I'd gotten used to him being this genuinely nice guy. Turns out, shortly after I joined, Kai went to one of the on-base karate tournaments and entered in sparring. He used the hsing yi punch that's like a shovel uppercut, but aimed at the head (Tzuan Quan after looking at Empty Flower). According to Norm, he knocked out 4 of the guy's front teeth from the shot. The story gets funny because immediately after hearing it, I went home and talked to my dad. See, my dad makes dentures (prosthedontist); and I asked him if he had recently treated anybody who lost 4 front teeth. He's like "yah, some guy from a Karate tournament. you're not doing that stuff are yah?".

12-30-2004, 12:54 PM

I always enjoyed the stories between the teachers and the students.

Dong Hai Zhuang and 8 famous disciples. (Ba Gua Men)

Ding Tzi Cheng and Liu Yun Qiao, Zhang Xian San (Liu He Tang Lang).

On and on.


Ming Yue
12-30-2004, 01:26 PM

A parapalegic man had been coming into the school for about a week's worth of evenings and watching the advanced students train. Master Fong was there taking turns schooling us on the mat and noticed this gentleman roll in.

Master excused himself and walked over and introduced himself and us (as a group) to this man, who proceeded to tell us all what a badass he was--even in the chair--and that he had broken his back in a fight and the other guy had gotten off worse and so on and so forth... He finally asked if Master Fong would train him and teach him to fight even though he could only use only his arms and hands.

Master Fong said: "I'm sorry, but It would seem what you need to learn is how not to fight."

pretty much shut him right up.

norther practitioner
12-30-2004, 01:45 PM
Good story Ming.. one thing though.. he'd be a paraplegic.:p

12-30-2004, 01:53 PM


If some one is somehow weak or handicap with feet, on other hand; he or she may practice Tai Chi or Wing Chun.


Ming Yue
12-30-2004, 02:02 PM
oh yea, of course. thanks enpee.

quadra... para.... the guy was a jerk.


12-30-2004, 02:02 PM
This one I'll keep names out of it because it caused a huge riff between our school and another.

Now keep in mind that this was during a time that there was no such thing as a CMA Federation in Brazil and it was still "wild west" style where each school stood on it's own reputation.

Master Wu was at a meeting with some other Masters and there was a Shifu that boasted of his "iron shirt" capabilities. Master Wu wasn't one to hear people bragging about how great they were so he came up to the Shifu, raised his index figer and said "This one finger goes through your eye and kills you. No iron shirt can stop that." The bragging Shifu shut up and walked away.

Ever since that day the two schools never got along.

12-30-2004, 02:12 PM
this one isn't "kungfu" related but it's one of my favorites cause you guys are always knocking TKD.

I was in ahigh school and had this freind named Kit. I think he was korean. Anyway he had been studying TKD for years, since he was small. and was really freakin fast. He was also about 5 ft tall.

Anyway, I had been walking along with him and he stopped at his locker, I was going to keep going. the hall was mostly empty and there was this big guy named Chad, probably about 6'2 or so and about 250 or more.

Anyway, for some reason they got into an argument, I think maybe chad had dumped his books or something. Anyway, they stat arguing and Chad throws down his books and takes a swing. Kit sort of ducks down and jumps straight up and tornado kicks the guy right in the face!! BAM! Chad goes down like a sack of potatoes. chad started to get back up but a teacher who had been walking buy ran in and stopped the whole thing.
I have anothe great story about Chad geting hus butt kicked too but that's for later

My other TKD story is about a chick and a party. We were at this party and she was a freind of mine, had been taking TKD for a few years. I was in Karate at the time so we used to spar a little and tease each other.
Anway, this guy at this party kept bothering her. He got more and more drunk and more and more grabby. At one point we were out in the front lawn chit chatting and he comes over and grabs her shoulder and says something sleazy and she turns around and tells him if he touches her one more time she's going to knock him the fukk out.
A few minutes later we moved down to the road, I think she was getting ready to leave, and we were apparently standing by this dudes car. He gets out and walks around the car and grabs her arm. She yanks her arm out and spin kicks the guy! His head bounces off the window and he collapses to the ground, his passenger side window cracked.

12-30-2004, 03:19 PM
1998 I went to Lily Lau's first eagle cup invitational. My sifu was talking to Sifu Lau before the master's demo and I was standing near my sihing Linh who won the men's eagle cup. Sifu Lau was telling our sifu how she hurt her back and she didn't want to do too much to aggravate it, so instead of doing an entire form she wanted to do some application or something aesthetic.

Sifu Lau walked over to my sihing Linh and asked him if he could flip/tumble. I had seen pictures of Linh doing all sorts of tumbling, back handsprings, layouts, back tucks, and butterfly twists from several years prior so I knew he could do it. He casually says to sifu Lau "NO, but HE can" and points to ME! I learned how to tumble very poorly and I was about to tell sifu Lau, but I don't even get the chance. She tells me before I can speak "okay, I do like this (some form sequence) then you run, flip, and punch to me, then I flip you, PUM! like dat okay? I tell you sifu, its okay." then speeds off.

Finally it's her turn for the demo and during the whole time I'm contemplating how to get out of it, but my sihing sold me out, my sifu was going to demo as well so I coudln't find him, so I was stuck. She does her sequence and I run out, do a round off back something that barely makes it around (I had to use my hands on the landing) then while landing, twist and throw at her a wide cup choi, she snatches my arm then caveman tosses me over her back onto the gym floor hard. As I'm getting up she comes over to help me up, but instead starts doing chin na wrist locks. All I could do was roll in the dirction she twisted until she was done. Then I got up and bowed out and ran away. One good thing did happen though, before the demo I had a bad pain in my wrist that hurt when I would twist my forearm inward. After the demo the pain was gone.

David Jamieson
12-30-2004, 04:55 PM
Attn: Kung Lek I am asking you, to NOT start it here out of respect for the others on the forum.

dude, i ain't gonna "hijack" your precious thread, but this barbed comment is an example of YOU starting it up with me. So don't even speak my name and we be just fine.

12-30-2004, 06:37 PM

Many years ago I was part of an in house demonstration and I was paired with a female classmate to demonstrate self defense techniques. One of the techniques ended with her stepping behind me with one leg and pulling up both my legs, throwing me backwards. Well, each time we practiced in front of our instructor she would always stop short of pulling upward and executing the throw. I was really getting steamed because I was paired with a female (which meant that I could not use full power) and she did not have the strength to do the technique. We took a break and things were't looking well timewise because the demo was about an hour away. Our instructor asked us up to demonstrate again, and I think from my body language it showed that I was less than enthused to do so. When it came to do that particular technique, I thought, "Oh, my God! Here we go again." In that instant, I strangely felt the cool sting of the concrete under linoluem flooring against my back and found myself looking upward to see my classmate looking into my eyes, while holding my ankles, as if to say, "Is this how you want it?" The expression on my face had everyone laughing. I was shocked and awed.


12-31-2004, 01:25 PM
My ex-senior student Alex worked with a few friends that were all Martial Artists. Most of them were TKD, and one of them was Kempo.

After work one day, one of the TKD guys said to another TKD guy Ely "you really need to see Alex's footsweeps." Well, Ely being the red/black belt that he was said "sure Alex, try to footsweep me...I can take it" thinking he could move out of the way in time. Mind you, they were all in suits as they worked for an insurance company, and all just getting off of work.

Alex didn't want to hurt Ely, and said "No, I don't want to hurt you" but Ely insisted. Ely turned his head to hand his briefcase to another one of the guys, and before he knew what hit him, he was flat on his back. Everyone was laughing, and Ely's suit was ruined.

12-31-2004, 10:39 PM
a short martial arts story, showing the pain of the loss of fear...(Takes place in Japan, no date needed)

It was a hot summer day and a samurai warrior was travelling the lands. He came apon a small hut and walked inside. In the hut there was an old man sitting meditating, the samurai warrior demanded the old man to show respect by welcoming him. The man sat unmoving. The samurai warrior grew agrivated and drew his sword. He twirled bringing the sword down on the old man, stopping it in front of his face. The old man opened his eyes, stood up and started to walk away. The warrior demanded him to turn and bow. The man showed no fear and the warrior attacked again, knocking him to his knees. He only wished to strike fear; he did not want to hurt him.

"How do i rid myself of my fears old man?" The Samurai asked.

"Why would you want to rid yourself of what you hold onto dearly?" The man responded with.

"I hold onto my fears?! I can hardly agree to that!!" Said the Samurai a little agrivated.

"Learn what your fears protect you from, then you will realize your folly..." Said the old man.

The Samurai warrior, obviously being agrivated by the man's ignorance, attacked him killing him instantly.

The important lesson in the story is that your fears protect you from what may hurt you, ridding them will rid you of your protection. The old man had no fear of the samurai, which was eventually his demise. When you rid yourself of your fears, you are taking a great risk. The samurai realized what the old man's words meant eventually because he was the ignorant one, and the foolish one.