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01-04-2005, 10:21 PM
Okay, I think since I'm changing the direction of my training, it'd be fitting to have a new online log (the hell is a blog? Isn't that what I drop in the toilet?).

Also, I'm changing up my supplement regimen, adding in Tribex and Mag-10 Avenger (the one that's not a pro-hormone) [not stacking these things, btw].

I'll post my exercise regimen, karate training program (non-class sessions) and diet and supplement information starting next week.

01-05-2005, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by Vash
the hell is a blog?

Originally posted by Vash
online log A.k.a. (we)blog.

01-05-2005, 09:46 AM
WTF is so hard about saying WebLog? It's not exactly hard to say the whole word, lol.

:eek: :D

01-08-2005, 11:52 AM
Here's my planned routine for the next three weeks - I do have my meso- and macro- cycles planned, but I break them down into three-week plans so I can have a series of short-term goals.

Monday: [Heavy]
Warmup: Sanchin, Naihanchi, Seiunchin, Sunsu
Chins: 5x6
Cable Scarecrow: 2x12
Cable Adduction: 2x12

Peterson Step-ups: 3x70s
Hyperextensions: 4x5
Leg Curls: 4x5

Slant Board Crunch: 65456
Hanging Knee Raise: 65456
Swiss Ball Crunch: 65456
Cooldown: Stretching

Thursday: [Medium - Decrease poundage; Reps on Chins]
Warmup: Sanchin, Naihanchi, Seiunchin, Sunsu
Chins: 5x5
Cable Scarecrow: 2x12
Cable Adduction: 2x12

Peterson Step-ups: 3x70s
Hyperextensions: 4x5
Leg Curls: 4x5

Slant Board Crunch: 65456
Hanging Knee Raise: 65456
Swiss Ball Crunch: 65456
Cooldown: Stretching
Tuesday, Thursday
Warmup: 2-Man Basics [Drill], Seisan Bunkai
15 Upper Body Basics - 20L, 10R
10 Lower Body Basics - 20L, 10R

Chizi Kun Bo - x1
Tokumine no Kun - x1
Bo/Bo, Bo/Sai (Bo side only) - x1

Seisan - x1
Seiunchin - x1
Sanchin - x1
Naihanchi - x1
Wansu - x1
Chinto - x1
Kusanku - x1
Sunsu - x1
8Rounds x 3Min - Bagwork
16 Rounds x 3 Min - Burpies [30s on/30s off]
Cooldown: Stretching

Warmup: 2-Man, Seisan Bunkai
15 Upper Body Basics - 20L, 10R
10 Lower Body Basics - 20L, 10R

Chizi Kun Bo - x2
Tokumine no Kun - x1
Bo/Bo, Bo/Sai - x1

Seisan - x1
Seiunchin - x1
Sanchin - x1
Naihanchi - x1
Wansu - x1
Chinto - x1
Kusanku - x1
Sunsu - x1
8Rounds x 3Min - Bagwork
16 Rounds x 3 Min - Burpies [30s on/30s off]
Sanchin, Naihanchi, Seiunchin - x5
Sunsu - x10
Cooldown: Stretching

01-08-2005, 02:06 PM
Some people say "blog" (one syllable), other people say "b-log" (be-log).

I guess that's "cooler" than saying "web log."

But if you want to be really cool, you need to do it in true, angst-ridden teen style, and begin each entry with:

Current .mp3:


Mood: Morose
Current .mp3: Something gothic and dark whose true meaning is lost on everyone except for me because my through my dark, dispair filled life of growing up in middle-upper class suburbia, I know all about pain, suffering, darkness, and loss, like when my dad won't let me borrow his Porsche and makes me take my BMW instead.mp3

And then begin your entry...

:D :D :D :D :D :D

01-08-2005, 04:31 PM
I once met a fellow that lived in a relatively well off neighborhood near me, probably middle class and up, and he said this area was the ghetto he grew up in. I find more to aggrevate me when these kids attach themselves to an image and a lifestyle that I'm sure most living it would not want. At least with dispair and torment it can come from within regardless of one's economic status in life. Whereas the ghetto is a very low economic neighborhood.

01-08-2005, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
Some people say "blog" (one syllable), other people say "b-log" (be-log).

I guess that's "cooler" than saying "web log."

But if you want to be really cool, you need to do it in true, angst-ridden teen style . . .

Mood: Tired, hungry, *****.

mp3: Bich, I'm too high on the moral horse to download mp3s. That is, 'till I get this mp3 player from work that's about $80 that straps onto my arm so I can listen to some obscenely loud and angry musci whilst I powerclean and deadlift.mp3

01-08-2005, 09:31 PM
Mod: I'm going to be sticking to assisted pullups (machine counterweight) for a few weeks, until I'm sure of my elbow's integrity.

Karate, etc will be done using less than full power, snap. It's becoming stronger, though. Thank God.

01-10-2005, 08:53 AM
Monday: [Heavy]
Warmup: Sanchin, Naihanchi, Hakutsuru, Sunsu [x2]

Chins: 5x6 - 60lbs assist
Cable Scarecrow: 2x12 - 30lbs
Cable Adduction: 2x12 - 30lbs

Peterson Step-ups: 3x70s
Step-Up: 2x12 - bw (dropping - hard on knees)
Hyperextensions: 4x5 - 35lbs
Leg Curls: 4x5 - 70, 55, 55, 55

Slant Board Crunch: 65456 - 25lbs
Hanging Knee Raise: 65456
Swiss Ball Crunch: 65456
Cooldown: Stretching

Time - Warmup to cooldown - 88min

Not too bad. Had to stop the step-ups. I think the hyperextensions and leg curls will more than deal with my hams, at least for the next few cycles.

01-10-2005, 08:56 AM
Slant Board Crunch: 65456 - 25lbs
Hanging Knee Raise: 65456
Swiss Ball Crunch: 65456
someone spends way too much time in excel. NOW FIX YOUR **** CELL FORMATS. :p

01-10-2005, 11:23 AM
I don't use spread sheets. ;) I'm just too lazy to put the space and comma

01-10-2005, 01:31 PM
After careful consideration, I've decided to discontinue practice of the form Hakutsuru. All of the techniques I have in my other forms, and it's practice takes tiem which could be devoted to other forms and drills.

In this cycle, Seiunchin will be taking it's place.

01-11-2005, 09:53 AM
But what does he know, he was fat and happy sitting under a fkcuing tree.

Well, I woke up sore as a btich today, seeing as how yesterday was my first lifties in a month. Still I got through Isshinryu's 8 empty hand forms, one staff form, three staff drills, three empty-hand drills, another style's weapon form.

Did 8 rounds of 3 minutes on bag.

Did 17 burpees. Yes, 17. Not sets, TOTAL executed burpees.
My flexibility/coordination for this exercise suxors. Need to improve.

Just not today. Today, I know only suffering.

01-11-2005, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Vash
Just not today. Today, I know only suffering.

Soreness, such sweet suffering...

You know you love it!

01-11-2005, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by FngSaiYuk
Soreness, such sweet suffering...

You know you love it!

Oh hell yes.

01-11-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Vash
But what does he know, he was fat and happy sitting under a fkcuing tree.

Siddhartha Gautama was not fat; conforming to the Middle Path, he did not either over or under eat.

The fat Buddha is actually a Chinese character named Mi-lo fo (Hotei in Japanese). He is the god of laughter, good fortune, and children. The Chinese consider Mi-lo fo to be a later incarnation of the Buddha.

01-11-2005, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
. . . correcting a historically inaccurate joke . . . blah blah blah . . .

But did the Buddha ever bust his crotch whilst performing burpees?

01-12-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Vash
Okay, I think since I'm changing the direction of my training, it'd be fitting to have a new online log (the hell is a blog?

A blog has news and links. Otherwise it's just an online journal or diary.

So there, too, dumb heads! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog)

01-12-2005, 12:53 PM
I like the sound of an Online Training Journal much more than a blog.

A blog sounds too much like a bowl movement gone horribly wrong.

01-13-2005, 05:10 PM
Okay, today, went through all my forms, drills, etc.

Did Tabata-style bagwork - 20secs on, 10 off, for 8 min.

About 4:30m into it, started flailing more than executing techniques, so I took a 30s break, continued on.

No weights today, still sore from Monday. Will resume normal training come Monday.

01-14-2005, 11:36 AM
Bo/Bo x1
Bo/Sai x1 (bo side only)
Tokumine no Kun x1
Chizi kun Bo x1

Seisan x1
Seiunchin x1
Sanchin x1
Naihanchi x1
Wansu x1
Chinto x1
Kusanku x1
Sunsu x1

Sanchin x5
Naihanchi x5
Seiunchin x5
Sunsu x10

Cooldown: Stretch x 10min

01-14-2005, 10:07 PM
Warmup: 2-Man, Seisan Bunkai
15 Upper Body Basics - x10/side
10 Lower Body Basics - x10/side

Bo/Bo, Bo/Sai - x1
Tokumine no Kun - x1
Chizi Kun Bo - x2

Seisan - x1
Seiunchin - x1
Sanchin - x1
Naihanchi - x1
Wansu - x1
Chinto - x1
Kusanku - x1
Sunsu - x1
Sanchin, Naihanchi, Seiunchin - x5
Sunsu - x10

Tabata: 8min - 20s/on, 10s/off - Bagwork
Cooldown: Stretching

Need to focus, during bagwork, on applying Isshinryu technique, power generation; in the higher sets (about 5min in) I began "flailing" with power moreso than executing techniques. Also, started leaving obvious holes in defense, footwork, etc.

01-17-2005, 10:09 PM
Warmup: 8 Forms

Assisted Chin: 5x6 - 60lbs
Cable Scarecrow: 2x12 - 30
Cable Adduction: 2x12 - 30

Peterson Step-Up: 3x70s
Hyperextension: 4x5 - 35
LC: 4x5 - 55

SB: 65456 - 25lbs
HKR: 65456
SBC: 65456

Cooldown: 10 Min - Stretch

01-19-2005, 10:34 PM
Bo/Bo x 1
Bo/Sai x 1
Tokumine no Kun x 1
Chizi Kun Bo x 1

2 Man x 1
Seisan Bunkai x 1

Seisan x 1
Seiunchin x 1
Sanchin x 1
Naihanchi x 1
Wansu x 1
Chinto x 1
Kusanku x 1
Sunsu x 1

Class, sparring 9x1min rounds

Caught an elbow, knee, shin to ankle. Probably won't do Peterson Step-Ups Thurs.

01-20-2005, 10:42 AM
Bo/Bo x 1
Bo/Sai x 1
Tokumine no Kun x 1
Chizi Kun Bo x 1

Seisan x 1
Seiunchin x 1
Sanchin x 1
Naihanchi x 1
Wansu x 1
Chinto x 1
Kusanku x 1
Sunsu x 1

Assisted Chin: 5x6 - 60lbs
Cable Scarecrow: 2x12 - 30
Cable Adduction: 2x12 - 30

Hyperextension: 4x5 - 35
LC: 4x5 - 55

SB: 65456 - 25lbs
HKR: 65456
SBC: 65456

Cooldown: 10 Min - Stretch

Ankle still hurt from sparring - no step-ups.

01-21-2005, 09:51 PM
Okay, got a 6 week supply of the tribulus supplement - gonna start Monday on a 5 on/2 off cycle, first week to be 4 tabs a day, thereafter - 8 a day.

I've only got 3 weeks left on my current weight training cycle, then I'm going to focus on increasing my max BW, neutral grip pullup #s so as to crush completely and utterly the big bear Oso in our internet challenge match of doom.

Oh yeah, i'm also going to drop some bodyfat. Guess I better go to the other gym in 3 weeks to get a measurement done - I could do it, save for the lack of calipers.

Got karate then work tomorrow. Sleep now.

01-22-2005, 10:39 AM
Seisan Bunkai
Two Man
Tokumine no Kun
Chizi Kun Bo x 2

15 Upper Body Basics x 10
10 Lower Body Basics x 10


Seiunchin x 5
Naihanchi x 5
Sanchin x 5
Sunsu x 10

Was to do bagwork today, but ankle still not-cool from Tues sparring. Oh, well.

Meat Shake
01-22-2005, 11:40 AM
"I once met a fellow that lived in a relatively well off neighborhood near me, probably middle class and up, and he said this area was the ghetto he grew up in"

It says you live in canada? Theres no such thing as ghetto there.

01-25-2005, 07:06 PM
Seiunchin, Naihanchi, Sanchin, Sunsu x2

Assisted Chins: 6x5 - 60, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40 (lbs/assist)
Cable Scarecrow: 2x10 - 40
Cable Adduction: 2x10 - 40

Hyperextension: 5x4 - 45
LC: 5x4 - 70, 70, 70, 55, 70

SB: 5x5 - 35lbs
HKR: 5x5
SBC: 5x5

Cooldown: 10 Min - Stretch

Started Tribex today. Didn't notice nothin' yet.

01-25-2005, 07:08 PM
Tokumine no Kun
Chizi Kun Bo
Seisan Bunkai
Two Man


Naihanchi x 5
Seiunchin x 5
Sanchin x 5
Sunsu x 10

2nd day of Tribex. Didn't notice anything this morning, but after second dose this afternoon, got very warm, energized.

01-25-2005, 09:40 PM
tomorrow, if I get a chance, I'll be doing stretching.

01-29-2005, 09:18 PM
All forms x 1 (8 forms, 3 empty-hand drills, 2 weapon form, 3 weapons drills)

Assisted Chins: 6x5 - 60, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40 (lbs/assist)
Cable Scarecrow: 2x10 - 40, 40
Cable Adduction: 2x10 - 40, 30

Hyperextension: 5x4 - 45
LC: 5x4 - 70, 70, 70, 55, 70

SB: 5x5 - 35lbs
HKR: 5x5
SBC: 5x5

Cooldown: 10 Min - Stretch

I'm definetly noticing the effects of the Tribex. This was one of the best workouts I had. And the day after, I didn't feel fatigued or sore in the least.

01-29-2005, 09:24 PM
Bo/Sai x1
Bo/Bo x1
Tokumine no Kun x1
Chizi Kun Bo x1
Seisan Bunkai
2 Man
Chizi Kun Bo x1




Cooldown: Stretching

No Trib today. Was tired due to lack of sleep - worked late, early morning meeting.

Ended day strong. Recovered quickly from workout, not tired during the day.

Start on 4 tabs/twice day for the Trib come Monday.

02-05-2005, 11:40 AM
Assisted Chin: 7x5 - 60, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40
Cable Scarecrow: 2x8 - 30, 40
Cable Adduction: 2x8 - 30, 40

Peterson Step-Up: 3x70s
Hyper: 6x4 - 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45
LC: 6x4 - 70, 70, 70, 70, 55, 70

SB: 65456 - 35
HKR: 65456
SBC: 65456

Warmup: Seisan, Seiunchin, Sanchin, Sunsu x 2
Cooldown: stretch

02-05-2005, 11:42 AM
AC: 7x5 - 60, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40
CS: 2x8 - 30, 40
CA: 2x8 - 30, 40

PS: 3x70s
Hyper: 6x4 - 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45
LC: 6x4 - 70, 70, 70, 70, 55, 70

SN: 65456 - 35
HKR: 65456
SBC: 65456

Warmup: all forms x 1
Cooldown: stretch

02-05-2005, 11:46 AM
Chizi kun bo x 2
Seisan Bunkai

15 Upper Body Basics: x10 each
10 Lower Body Basics: x10 each


Naihanchi x 5
Seiunchin x 5
Sanchin x 5
Sunsu x 5

Intended to do 5 rounds x 3min on bag, but on third punch, my stomach said it was time to eat; my hands shaking convinced me it was a good idea.

Next Saturday, Starting 5 rounds x 3 minutes - mixed techniques on bag. Pulling combinations from forms so as to keep from "flailing with power" on the bag.

Need to work on my snapping kicks - I tend to push too much with them. Knees on bag, not a good idea - patella are still off track, hurts like a bich to nail one. Shin kicks, a derivation of one of our "squat kick", works fine, though.

02-05-2005, 11:53 AM
So far, I've noticed nothing but positives from using the Tribex (not the Tribex 500 - it's an older release).

I have improved mental clarity, I am MUCH more focused and calm - normally, I can have panic attacks walking across campus. Doesn't happen anywhere else, 'cept schools. But now, I walk like I fukcing own the place. I am much more confident (not that I was timid, but dang, I have an emotional well-being I haven't had for a long time). I am recovering much better than before, I am losing bodyfat (down to 193 from the start of the cycle [started at 200lbs). My noticeable muscle mass is improving. My workouts are kicking all different kinds of ass.

After I am finished with the Tribex, i am going to take a two-week break from the testosterone-boosters. Afterwords, going to try the Alpha Male. Might try the Spike from Biotest, I dunno.

Current Supplements:

Whey Protein (well, it's my primary food source nowadays - school + work + training + studying + training = time crunch)

Glucosamine Works wonders on my joints

Multi Equate brand multivitamin.


Chief Fox
02-05-2005, 01:56 PM
Dude, you're kicking AZZ! Keep it up. :cool:

03-04-2005, 08:12 AM
too much. Just ne'er time to update my log.

Have completely dropped staff work from my karate, as it irritates my elbows. Will only do it when I'm in-class, and that's only if I'm instructing someone, or asked to demonstrate it.

Can currently do 8 neutral-grip chins.

Will start updating blog next week, as I'll be switching over to the second half of my 6-week cycle, and it'll be easier to understand, as I won't be tired from working 12-14 days in a row.

Oh yeah, need to buy some Feiyues (however you spell them) from MAM.com as my pinched sciatic nerve gives me hell after every karate workout. My instructor okay'd them, now I just need my debit card to come in so I can order them.

Down to 191lbs, no apparent muscle loss. Fat loss continuing. Tribex still having a positive, if somewhat less noticeable, effect.

03-04-2005, 09:07 AM
Nice to see you back Vash. I am both impressed and inspired by your training. Keep training hard and let us know how your doing.



Ming Yue
03-04-2005, 01:50 PM
Vash -

consider some good sport insoles for your Feyiues. makes a big difference.

congrats on the chin ups, nice goin'. :D

03-04-2005, 06:20 PM
JM - That's real cool. Thanks. I'll be keeping the log updated regularly now, since our work schedule is normal again.

MY - Will do. I have a heal lift for my left (leg is shorter than right, throws off hips, which are turned in a different manner than my sacrum). Looking forward to the pain-free training.

03-04-2005, 07:28 PM
Do you have a goal,
or are you just training to be better than you were before?

03-04-2005, 08:18 PM
Actually, little bit of both.

Right now, my immediate goals are increased number of neutral-grip chinups; bodyweight of 180lbs; increased explosiveness, improved form on olympic lifts, improved stamina (aerobic and anaerobic endurance).

This also feeds into my long-term goals, which are: muscular balance around all joints (I have several muscular imbalances, most notably my shoulders [anterior deltoid stronger than posterior] and knees [severly underdeveloped vastus medialus]); improved back strength, overall joint health (that's my most important goal, as my family has a tendency to age poorly when joint injuries were sustained in childhood/early adulthood).

My overriding goal with my karate is the ability to fight using recognizable kata technique. So far, I'm slowly being able to do this. I'm not landing as much, but I'm also not taking near as much punishment.

My end goal, I suppose, is a pain-free, happy, healthy old age. And a pain-free, happy, healthy young age, as well.

03-04-2005, 08:45 PM
keep it up.
your drive is inspiring.

03-04-2005, 09:02 PM
Thanks man, I appreciate it.

03-05-2005, 09:00 PM
Seisan Bunkai
Two Man
Chizi kun Bo x 2

Upper Body Basics
Lower Body Basics

Didn't go through all 15 upper and ten lower. Just worked a few of each till I couldn't breath too good. Wish we had an uppercut bag, or a partner for me, so I could work my high-moving strikes and kicks


Naihanchi x 5
Sanchin x 5
Seiunchin x 5
Sunsu x 5


03-07-2005, 09:48 PM
Warmup: Naihanchi, Sanchin, Seiunchin, Sunsu - x 2

Chins: 6x4
DB Pull & Catch: 6x40s - 20x30lbs, 15x35lbs, 13x35lbs, 14x35lbs, 14x35lbs, 14x35lbs

Hyperextensions: 5x6 - BW, 10, 25, 35, 45

Swiss Ball Crunch: 65456
Hanging Knee Raise: 65456
Saxon Bend: 65456 w/5lbs DBs in each hand

Cooldown: stretch

Pinched sciatic nerve, completely misaligned spine is really cramping my style. Today, cramped my legs/low back all to hell. Couldn't do my peterson step-ups (those fry the quads, in particular the VMO, as well as the inner thigh - great for someone like me with muscular imbalance.

Next cycle, need to reincorporate leg curls - yeah, they suck usually, but they do great for my knees. Besides, there are only three lifts I can do for my legs, not counting karate training - hyperextensions and glute/hamraises (bench only - natural pushes patella into my knee), Peterson Step-Ups, and Leg Curls.
And since I love leg training, I'm going to keep incorporating these lifts into my programs.

Still no pressing movements. I honestly don't know if my shoulders will ever allow me to press again. Hell, I can't do more than eight timed rounds on the heavy bag [upper-body techniques] without them *******s aching.

Enough griping. I draw hot bath, and play tekken 5 in the meantime.

03-10-2005, 01:39 PM
Two Man
Seisan Bunkai
Chizi kun Bo


Naihanchi x 5
Sanchin x 5
Seiunchin x2
Sunsu x 2

Taught kid's class, worked out in adult class.

03-10-2005, 01:42 PM



Chins: 6x4

DB Pull and Catch: 1x40s - 35lbs x 14 pulls. Going to modify this, as the squat stance kills my low back, causes cramping in my legs due to pinched sciatic.

Cable Scarecrow: 2x8 - 30, 40

Hyperextension: 5x6 - bw, 10, 25, 35, 45

SBC: 65456
HKR: 65456
Saxon Bend: 65456 - 5lbs DBs, total 10lbs

Cooldown: Stretch

No Peterson's today, as still sore from Monday.

03-12-2005, 11:31 PM
Seisan Bunkai
Two Man
Chizi kun Bo x 2



(in air)
Upper Body: 6 Techniques x 5 Reps each side
Lower Body: 5 Kicks x 10 Reps each side

(on bag)
Upper Body: 9 Techniques x 5 Reps each side
Lower Body: 5 Kicks x 10 Reps each side

Worked various strikes and footwork drills ending with strikes (and kicks) on bag for 20 minutes thereafter.

Naihanchi x 5
Sanchin x 5
Sunsu x 5

Cooldown: Stretching

03-14-2005, 11:15 AM
Naihanchi, Sanchin, Kusanku, Sunsu x 2

Chinups: 6x5
Cable Adduction: 2x8 - 30, 40

Hyperextensions: 6x5 - BW, 25, 35, 45, 35, 45
Peterson Step-Ups: 4x70s

Swiss Ball Crunch: 65456
Hanging Knee Raise: 65456
Saxon Bend: 65456 - w/5lbs DBs - total 10lbs

Cooldown: Stretch


Though I'm intrigued by the power generation and the grappling I'm beginning to see within Seiunchin, I've decided to take it off my regular rotation of focused-on forms (taken over by Kusanku). Also, will have to modify the stance for a while, as that regular stance is starting to kill my sciatic nerve. Maybe after I get the funds to get the Feiyues, then I can resume. Also, trying to hit a hanging heavy bag with upward-swinging strikes is neither intelligent nor comfortable.

Food for thought.

Also, had to take out the Oly-lifts for a while, same reason as stance-modification RE: seiunchin. Those, they'll get back into my workout after my chiro and I have my back in a shape not resembling a jigzaw puzzle disassembled by a man with a nervous twitch. On crack. At two in the mornin'.

Still making solid gains in my chins, though. I can do eight for a single set - no where near my old max, but alas.

Going to plug in some standing push-presses to offset the loss of the Oly's - thanks to RTB for the reminder on those. Certainly not on par with the O's for p-chain development, will at least get some parts of me moving for a decent bit of time.

03-15-2005, 10:15 AM
Seisan Bunkai
Two Man
Chizi kun Bo


Naihanchi x 5
Sanchin x 5
Kusanku x 5 (oi!)
Sunsu x 5


03-20-2005, 07:24 PM



Chins: 6x5
CS: 2x8 -30, 40

Hyperextension: 6x5 - BW, 25, 35, 45, 35, 45
PS: 2x45s (low back cramping legs, knees)

SBC: 65456
HKR: 65456
Saxon Bend: 65456 - 5s


03-20-2005, 07:27 PM
Seisan Bunkai
Two Man
Chizi kun Bo x 2



Upper (Air): 5/side
Lower (Air): 5/side

Upper (Bag): 10/side
Lower (Bag): 5/side

Various striking, stepping, kicking drills on bag 10min


Naihanchi x 5
Sanchin x 5
Kusanku x 5
Sunsu x 5


Chief Fox
03-20-2005, 08:23 PM
Still no pressing movements. I honestly don't know if my shoulders will ever allow me to press again. Hell, I can't do more than eight timed rounds on the heavy bag [upper-body techniques] without them *******s aching.

Vash, not sure if the shoulders are still an issue but I had a rotator cuff issue a few months back. Couldn't do any pressing motions either. Not even pushups. I got some ART therapy that worked wonders and recently I've been doing a circular strength workout with some homemade clubbells that is also working. I'm back to at least doing pushups. Here are some links.

ART = Active Release Therapy: http://www.activerelease.com/

Homemade Clubbells: http://www.geocities.com/fightraining/klub.html

Clubbell Workouts: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler42.htm
and \: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/myers3.htm

I made two clubbells for less than $5. Hope this helps.

03-20-2005, 08:24 PM
Hey, i appreciate the links.

Sadly, no one 'round these parts (El Dorado, Ar) does ART. I'd love to have it done.
Of course, I'd also love to have a live-in chiropractor and Anna Nicole Smith as my personal love-machine.

A man can dream, I suppose.

03-21-2005, 12:30 PM


Chins: 1x6, 1x6, 1x5.5, 1x5.5, 1x6, 1x5 (tried for 6x6)
CS: 2x8 -30, 40

Hyperextension: 6x6 - BW, 35, 45, 35, 45, 35
PS: 4x30s (each leg)

SBC: 65456
HKR: 65456
Saxon Bend: 65456 - 5lbs DBs (10lbs)


03-22-2005, 10:40 AM

Seisan Bunkai
Two Man
Chizi kun Bo
Leg Swings x 10 - Forward, Side, Back



appx. 20min - upper and lower body

Footwork: all x 10
Shuffle Forward/Back - Left Front, Right Front
Skip Forward/Back - Left Front, Right Front
Sidestep In/Out - Left/Right
Pivot Left/Right

Cooldown: Stretch

04-02-2005, 10:36 PM


Chins: 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
CS: 2x8 -30, 40

Hyperextension: 6x6 - BW, 35, 45, 45, 45, 45
PS: 4x30s (each leg)

SBC: 65456
HKR: 65456
Saxon Bend: 65456 - 5lbs DBs (10lbs)


04-02-2005, 10:40 PM

Seisan Bunkai
Two Man
Chizi kun Bo x 2

Upper Body Basics (air):
5 Techniques, each side

Upper Body Basics (air):
5 Kicks, each leg


Upper Body Basics (bag):
10, each side

Lower Body Basics (bag):
5 Kicks, each leg

20 min - various strikes, kicks, combinations, footwork drills, on and against bag


Naihanchi x 5
Sanchin x 5
Kusanku x 5
Sunsu x 5

Footwork drills


04-02-2005, 10:42 PM
This past week has been a down-week. Recover, eat, relax, study. Kept out of the gym and out of the karate. Focused on school, work, women, and relaxation.

Broke out in something nasty monday, stayed at work all day tuesday, and didn't keep my food log. 'least I didn't binge-eat or eat crappy food. Stuck to my normal diet, just didn't record.

****ing off-weeks. :mad:

04-02-2005, 11:11 PM
on the plus side . . .

I'll be working the clean and press into this coming cycle. WIll be using the bar in place of my recent spat of one-arm killers . . . lifts, whatever they are.

I expect severe pain in my legs and low back from two things: the new groove and the fact that squatting ends up putting pressure on my sciatic nerve via the twisted sacrum.

fukcing skeletal structure abnormalities.

at least I'll have osmething interesting to gripe about.

04-03-2005, 12:22 AM

shoulders- bent presses and windmills seem to do right by shoulders. Might want to give them a try. Also sled drags with a 45-90lbs have a rep for good shoulder rehab. You might want to check try incorporating those.

Two good lifts for the low back that might help you out-

single leg deadlifts- opposite arm from the leg that's up.

suitcase deadlifts- good for the contralateral quadratus lumborum and spinal erectors.

A couple of other thoughts-

- check out the article over at t-mag.com on "getting your butt into shape"- a nice look at hip mobility
-you could have a piriformis or IT band syndrome causing your pain, you might want to consider some self-massage and stretching of the hip external rotators and abductors
-consider working some of Sonnon's Bodyflow stuff- scorpions, shoulder rolls, and a shin box to play with your hip mobility

How did you get a dx of a 'twisted sacrum', btw?

Andrew 'yes I'm bored and waiting for dinner to finish cooking;

04-03-2005, 12:59 AM
By one-arm killers, I was just referring to difficulty of the single-arm technique. THough I do have shoulder problems, it's nothing any measure of therapy or exercise is going to cure. Thanks, though.

We have no idea how my sacrum became twisted. but, even though my hips are now level, my sacrum is twisted and turned so as to point to the right and forward slightly.

04-04-2005, 11:49 AM

how do you know your sacrum is twisted forward and to the right? Standing pelvic films? Someone's exam? Your exam (you know, if your flexible enough that you can see your sacrum without twisting to one side, I'm amazed you bother to post on the web. Or leave the house. ;-) )?

I'll leave this be if you want but I see two questions here-

1). What's your problem that led to this diagnosis? Low back pain? Hip pain?

2). If the dx of a 'twisted sacrum' is correct, is that actually the cause of your initial problem?

Some thoughts,


04-04-2005, 10:39 PM
Aye, x-rays. We discovered that my sacrum was twisted thorugh a painful elimination process - we started with my neck problems and adjusted down. Every time one problem was alleviated somewhat, another would arise, always lower. So, we x-rayed all my parts.

The left side and right sides of my body are shaped diff'rent. It's inhereted - nothing visually noticable, but it does affect function. For the longest time, I assumed the differences in size and shape (my left leg is 4 or so centimeters shorter than my right) affected only the bones. The differences in some of them is obvious, once I point them out. Or when I try to bend my arm the normal fashion. But, I digress.

I think there is also some difference in development of my muscles.

Of course, they don't show up to good on the x-rays.

04-04-2005, 10:41 PM
1). What's your problem that led to this diagnosis? Low back pain? Hip pain?

After we fixed my upper and middle back problems, I began having severe cramps and pain in my legs. So, we did a pelvic x-ray - looked like a fukcing train wreck. I've never seen a doctor grimace like that.

2). If the dx of a 'twisted sacrum' is correct, is that actually the cause of your initial problem?

No, my chiro, my regular doctor, and every other specialist I've talked to feels that the left/right asymmetry contributes to the imbalance.

04-06-2005, 10:38 AM
After a full course of Rolfing my leg length difference dropped from 14 mm to 5 mm. Just thought I'd share that.

04-06-2005, 07:41 PM
So is the actual bone lacking in symmetry or is it twisted relative to the rest of the pelvis or the hips?

If you have a leg-length discrepancy, have you tried heel-lifts?


04-06-2005, 08:06 PM
So is the actual bone lacking in symmetry or is it twisted relative to the rest of the pelvis or the hips?

As far as can be determined, it's just twisted. There is a possibility that the coccyx is angled, but we can't tell from the films we have so far.

If you have a leg-length discrepancy, have you tried heel-lifts?

Indeed. They help enormously, but still certain movements cause the hips to buckle or shake because of the still-twisted sacrum. After I get a pair of martial arts shoes to wear during karate (so that I can use my current heel-lift as opposed to going barefoot for 2+ hours) I'll be in a bit better shape.

I'll post monday and thursday weights and tuesdays karate tomorrow.