View Full Version : Apology to Members

Roy D. Anthony
09-30-2001, 11:41 PM
Recently there have been a lot of posts on the VTAA that have used my name and e-mail address (to prove authenticity) in Bad mouthing Dave McKnight and Rene Ritchie. I would like to say that I do respect Dave and Rene and hold them in high regard, regardless of our differences of opinion, and would never stoop so low as to post things on the VTAA forum that would jeapodize my reputation.
This person has put myself in a bad position towards my Wing Chun Family and my Sifu and also made them look bad as well. For that I am very regretful.

As a result I will no longer be posting on the VTAA in order that people here may understand that those posts are not done by myself and in no way reflect the feelings or opinions of both Rene and Dave.

Everyone may feel at Rest as these posts were not done by yours truly. Thank You all for allowing me to express this here on this forum as this is one of the only ways I feel that I can clear my name, where it will not be twisted around to make me look bad.

Thank you for your Kind Attention,
Sincerely ,
Roy D. Anthony

10-01-2001, 12:40 AM
Hello Roy,

I thank you for coming forward and offering an apology. For me, it is not needed. As it is quite possible that I missunderstood some of your postings and perhaps allowed the postings on the other board to provide me with an inaccurate perception of you.

Having said that I would like to take this opportunity to make a fresh start. The only reason I am here is to learn and share what I have to offer as regards the art of Wing Chun. I have no interest in continuing any negative postings or name calling. I suggest that we put the past behind us and move forward to make our art a better one and us the better for it.

I extend my hand, figuratively in this forum ;), to everyone on this board, in friendship and as a brother in the art of Wing Chun. Let's put the past behind us, put aside any differences and work together to better our art and ourselves. Being far from perfect I am sure there will be times I fall short and it is my fervant hope that others will guide me back to the path should I stray.

Forward not backward.



Jeff Brown
10-01-2001, 01:18 AM
I am a newcomer here, but in the spirit of what Roy has said, I too wish to bury any hatchets resultant from any miscommunications or misunderstandings.

There is nothing to be gained from petty arguments or childish slanderings. We all share a common interest, let's cultivate that instead.

All the best,

Meng Shuo

10-01-2001, 03:14 AM
No worries. I don't take anything said on the HK Ip Man Forum seriously anyway. I figure if someone has something real to say, they'll say it directly.

I'm also happy we don't agree on everything. If we did, it would lead to short, boring conversations. I'd much rather be forced to think, reason, and either re-afirm my ideas or find new ways of looking at things.



old jong
10-01-2001, 04:12 AM
Well,I am a little disapointed that you and Whipping Hand are not really lovers!...Just kidding! :D :D :D

Les paroles s'envolent.
Les écrits restent!...

10-01-2001, 06:19 AM
har har :D

Roy D. Anthony
10-02-2001, 07:02 AM
Thanks Rene and Dave for not taking the VTAA seriously. :)