View Full Version : Book on Qing Gong by Pai Yen Sheng

01-09-2005, 12:44 PM
I am trying to locate a book, either in English or Chinese entitled: The Secret of Qing Gong Gong Fu written by Pai Yen Sheng. If you have ever even heard of this book, know of this book, or know where I might view or purchase a copy, please e-mail me.

01-09-2005, 07:22 PM
Hello Andy,

I remember your serious interest in this subject a few months ago.

I cannot help you with this title but I remembered seeing titles of books on this subject at a site from Mainland China. It took a long while to find. Here it is:


Check the "Brief" pages. See items #27, 32,33,43,47.

You may want to purchase the book" Simplified Capture Skills" by Wang Xinde. There is a standing Chi Kung Posture that, according to the author, will confer some light skill ability. He mentions a three foot vertical. I have seen his student Ji Chunhua do some amazing leaps. It was as if he was floating. Interestingly, the posture is similar to one demonstrated in a Yin style BaGua book by Zhang Lie that is done by walking the circle with the arms outstretched, similarly.

As far as circle walking, it has helped improve my butterfly kicks. There was a site of a Taoist school in Brooklyn that has had some of their practitioners develop some very good jumping skill from circle walking alone.

Good Luck With Your Practice,


01-10-2005, 07:55 AM
Thank you for your reply. Shaolin books .com looks to be a very useful resource.