View Full Version : Article-boxing

01-10-2005, 11:07 AM
This is an article about a guy whose kicked my butt many times...I am proud to say...this article is about his boxing and ups and downs in life...an inspirational story, to be sure...and when you spar him he is hard to see...because he's so fast...enjoy...


Pork Chop
01-10-2005, 11:23 AM
Brandon, Phil, AND Steve all in an article. SUHWEEEET!

Ain't seen Steve in forever.

Do ya think that was MY heavybag they were writing about in the first paragraph? *blatantly trying to make a claim to fame* :p
Too bad those photos weren't Gold's :D

Hey yo, u guys wanna meet up this week?
Don't expect u guys to come down to bxf; maybe I could come up to diane's or somethin?
If u did wanna come down, management already told me they'd be willing to hook us up with a deal.

That article reminds me of a conversation:
him "Go ahead and swing as hard as you want"
me "you sure? I outweight you by a bit"
him "sure"
me "where tha fark is my lower jaw? can you help me find it?"

01-10-2005, 11:56 AM
I didn't know hardly any of that stuff about him that was in the article...he has to work at 530 which is tough...I can't imagine how good he would be if he could focus strictly on fighting...

01-10-2005, 01:22 PM
whoa.... good for him........

01-10-2005, 02:29 PM
Great article, thanks for posting it!

I'll pass it along to my guys for inspiration.

BTW if you're back from your trip... welcome back!


norther practitioner
01-10-2005, 02:48 PM
Good article, thanks for the link.

01-11-2005, 08:01 AM
BTW if you're back from your trip... welcome back!

thanks...yeah, I am back :(