View Full Version : Request : does anyone remember clfma.com forum?

01-14-2005, 03:19 AM
Hi ,

Does anyone remember Sydney, Australia Chen family Choy Lee Fut web site clfma.com ? I my opinion one could get there a lot of great info. Unfortunately the forum is cancelled.

I was gathering some of the threads but I lost it somehow and I was wondering if anyone gathered posts from that forum .

Actually I would like to get the posts from a guy writing under MaWaiLung ( real name Mark Whelan, great teacher and seasoned full contact fighter, one of Chen yongFa's clostest students ) .Does anyone have them ?
I would be really greatful if anyone shared them with me - I still posses posts from Howard Choy ( architect, fengshui expert, master Chen Yongfa's and Chan XiaoWang's student - some very interesting stuff ).

I am looking forward to hear from you.


01-14-2005, 09:47 PM
If I remember rightly, a couple of MaWailung's posts were re-posted as articles, so have a look in the articles section.

01-15-2005, 04:41 AM

Thanx for the reply Serpent. As you wrote a couple ,namely 2, articles were made from MaWaiLung's post.

I am so mad at myself 'cause I had more then ten or even 20 articles made from his posts on my harddrive but I must have somehow deleted them.

Anyone maybe knows how to get already deleted data from your hard drive ?

Thanks in advance


01-15-2005, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Zaveesha

Thanx for the reply Serpent. As you wrote a couple ,namely 2, articles were made from MaWaiLung's post.

I am so mad at myself 'cause I had more then ten or even 20 articles made from his posts on my harddrive but I must have somehow deleted them.

Anyone maybe knows how to get already deleted data from your hard drive ?

Thanks in advance


it all depends which operating system you are running. do note, as the time between deletion and attempt recovery increase, the chances of recovery decreases. this is because the space originally taken up by those deleted files might have already been allocated to new files created after the deletion.

but, if you use win 2k/wp, why don't you do a text search on your hard drive.

start -> search -> for files or folders -> containg text "MaWaiLung" -> all hard drive -> search

if you only misplaced it instead of deleting it, you should be able to find them.

04-11-2005, 02:08 PM
Zaveesha, I checked not too long ago what all I have in my HD (I was installing a new one; what an operation that was, pretty much everything that could go wrong, did go wrong; you can call me Mr. Murphy from now on :rolleyes: ). Unlike what I thought (and told you) a few months ago, I still have just about every post by Mark Whelan. Of course not the ones where he says something obvious, but all the ones with good info - and there are quite a few of them. I have a lot of respect for Mark (and like him as a person; hopefully I could one day meet once more).

It's funny we both thought about saving his posts. I kind of thought I was the only one to be that interested...Funny, ha? :)

Anywho, feel free to e-mail or pm me, and I will send you the files (unless something happens to my HD in the meanwhile, wouldn't surprise me :D ).

Cheers :)
