View Full Version : Effective art = tough tone????

10-06-2001, 09:33 PM
I read about person who stopped studying Wing Chun, because of the tough tone there was during training.

Is this a general thing with Wing Chun? Is there a harsh atmosphere at most schools? What’s it like at yours?

10-06-2001, 10:21 PM
Hi Burt. The type of behavior you allude to is a choice of individuals and of group cultures, rather than something inherent in the system(s) of Wing Chun. It is possible to practice enjoyably and safely while still being serious about it. Unless the person was overly sensitive or fearful, his/her experience sounds like a reflection of the "testosterone factor" rather than elements of a mature learning environment. There are indeed some teachers and schools most of us would do well to avoid. Practicing Wing Chun does not require us to set aside all our sensibilities and reason, nor should it supplant our morality.

- kj

Gluteus Maximus
10-07-2001, 05:50 AM
Hi Burt. Some schools believe that they have to have a tough atmosphere to toughen up their students and make them better prepared for fighting. I read about one school in Germany that boasted that most of its students got broken noses, teeth and bones and that an ambulance was virtually on standby outside the front door of the kwoon most days. I thought most of us learnt martial arts to prevent ourselves from getting broken bones, teeth and noses. Our skills need to be pressure-tested, but I don't believe one needs to be constantly brutalised to be a good fighter.


Yooby Yoody

10-08-2001, 02:19 AM
my school is easy going, we are all there to learn and enjoy learning wing chun. we do enjoy a good hard sparr every so offen but most of our time is spent on developing being able to use techniques during sparring and or fighting, not on being a hard ass macho guys, hehehe.

know yourself don't show yourself, think well of yorself don't tell of yourself. lao tzu

10-08-2001, 06:13 AM
Wing Chun schools tough??? I thought this was a joke :) We stand there doing chi sau all day...hardly the workouts you get at Ju Jitsu or TKD clubs...

Traditional chinese styles like Hung Gar are tough...have you seen the "gak sam sing" routine? Where two partners bash their forarms together until one gives up? Or Tai Mantis guys? Wing Chun people are a bunch of poussies in comparison... (let the flaming begin ;) )

10-08-2001, 06:15 AM
people get worked at my school...sliced eyeballs, knocked out teeth, concussions, broken arms, broken fingers, smashed doors and walls, you name it...

...but I think people are still tougher in other styles :) We got tofu bodies and glass heads :D

some of my friends at other schools from other styles get hurt pretty bad. One guy's instructor broke his collarbone with a funky kick and another got nerve damage!!! I got nerve damage too...but that was from playing with nunchuks...hit my ulnar nerve and paralyzed my ring and little fingers for a year :D

10-08-2001, 06:17 AM
Yeah, you're right EmptyCup. That's twice.

10-08-2001, 06:20 AM
it's more than that Whip...and would you stop keeping count? You're biased :D

Jeff Brown
10-08-2001, 12:22 PM
From what I have read/learned, Wing Chun is supposed to be practiced without emotional expression. I guess these "tough tone" clubs take issue with that. Hey, Bruce Lee made lotsa noise, and everyone wants to be just like Bruce Lee... ;)

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