View Full Version : Sudden Pain

Royal Dragon
01-16-2005, 08:21 AM
Went out last night (with new Girl from Match). We ate, played pool at my favorite pool hall in Aurora, then i took her home. Aurora is about 25 30 minutes from my house. When I got out of the car at home, I had a pain in the back of my right knee. It felt like a stiffness from sitting too long but made me limp just a bit.

I got up this morning and couldn't walk on it. It almost feels like a gout attack, but I've never had it settle in this joint like this before.

I trained 18 Louhan Hands before I went out, but only lightly. I do a version I scammed frm a Choy Lay Fut Lineage, only I Tai Tzuified some of the postures to make it consistant with the rest of my system. Other than that, I haven't done anything.

Any ideas?

01-16-2005, 08:32 AM
Sciatic nerve?

Mine get's pinched every once in a while, then my legs tighten up/hurt/demand an end to my miserable existence.

Then I got to the chiropractor, have my bones shifted in a forceful manner, and am well again.

01-16-2005, 08:33 AM
yeah man, see a doctor

Royal Dragon
01-16-2005, 08:42 AM
I don't see a nerve. I have herniated disks (L4&5), and when they buldge, the nerve they hits wraps around my leg down to my toes, plus I feel it in my hipp. This HURTS!! only behind my rigth knee.

Tiger Balm seems to be helping, as does moving around a bit. I'm hoping it's just an new manifestation of my gout. I have been over doing the red meat lately.

If it's like this with no improvement, I'm gong to have to see a doc.

Royal Dragon
01-16-2005, 08:54 AM
It seems if I sit for a while it hurts more when I get up.

01-16-2005, 12:51 PM
dude... why would u eat red meat if u have gout?

01-16-2005, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
I don't see a nerve. I have herniated disks (L4&5), and when they buldge, the nerve they hits wraps around my leg down to my toes, plus I feel it in my hipp. This HURTS!! only behind my rigth knee.

Tiger Balm seems to be helping, as does moving around a bit. I'm hoping it's just an new manifestation of my gout. I have been over doing the red meat lately.

If it's like this with no improvement, I'm gong to have to see a doc.

Gout can manisfest in any joint, but most commonly in the legs. It is quite possible for it to occur in the knee.

Try drinking a lot of water ... and I mean a lot of water. That can help your body to flush the uric acid out. If you are confident it is gout, try using any gout medication you may have.

Otherwise, go see a doc. ;)

Royal Dragon
01-16-2005, 05:42 PM
I love steak, simple as that. Every once and a while I over do it. I don't have any Cherry cider, it's been awhile since I had an attack, Ground beef in a boul with Sweet Baby Rays bbq sauce and nothing else is what I consider an almost heavenly meal.

I have been drinking alot of water today, and the pain has subsided with the application of Tiger liniment, some Jow and oriental herb's "White Tiger bone bruise" formula (WOW WAS THAT HOT!!!).

Slowly as the day has progressed, and the pain in the knee lessned, my big toes started to tighten up and get abit sore. I think it was a gout attack. I just never had one in the back of the knee before. useually it starts in the center of my left foot, then the big toe on the right and left ankle, front of right knee, then my back, and if it's really bad I feel it in my hands. if it gets so bad that I feel it in my hands, I'm already crippled and need tripple doses of allopurinol.

Normally I'm supposed to take one 150 ml of allopurinol 2 times a day, but I never take it as Cherry cider is stronger, and has no side effects.When it's really bad though, I need 300 mls, 3X a day for at least 3-6 days along with an antinflamitory like celebrex.

Although my last bad one I drank 3 times my normal amount of Black Chery juice, and took Frankensense Tears as my anti anflamitory and did well. ad the runs, but none of the dizyness allopurinol normally causes me.

01-16-2005, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
I love steak, simple as that. Every once and a while I over do it. I don't have any Cherry cider, it's been awhile since I had an attack, Ground beef in a boul with Sweet Baby Rays bbq sauce and nothing else is what I consider an almost heavenly meal.

I have been drinking alot of water today, and the pain has subsided with the application of Tiger liniment, some Jow and oriental herb's "White Tiger bone bruise" formula (WOW WAS THAT HOT!!!).

Slowly as the day has progressed, and the pain in the knee lessned, my big toes started to tighten up and get abit sore. I think it was a gout attack. I just never had one in the back of the knee before. useually it starts in the center of my left foot, then the big toe on the right and left ankle, front of right knee, then my back, and if it's really bad I feel it in my hands. if it gets so bad that I feel it in my hands, I'm already crippled and need tripple doses of allopurinol.

Normally I'm supposed to take one 150 ml of allopurinol 2 times a day, but I never take it as Cherry cider is stronger, and has no side effects.When it's really bad though, I need 300 mls, 3X a day for at least 3-6 days along with an antinflamitory like celebrex.

Although my last bad one I drank 3 times my normal amount of Black Chery juice, and took Frankensense Tears as my anti anflamitory and did well. ad the runs, but none of the dizyness allopurinol normally causes me.

I love a big fat steak as well, but have learned to moderate my red meat intake. Much as I love red meat, the pain is just not worth it.

I have actually found that hydration is the key to controlling my gout. If I get dehydrated for anything more than a few days, then I am in danger of an attack. Also, keep the affected areas warm as this helps to prevent the uric acid crystals from forming in the joint.

Allopurinol is supposed to be taken regularly as a preventer, not taken in large doses to treat an attack. Make sure you take it after some food otherwise it will give you stomach pains and dizziness.

Best of luck. I know what that pain is like, and I don't envy you .

Royal Dragon
01-16-2005, 07:22 PM
I'm convinced it is gout now. I have the fatigue and everything.
Yeah, hydration is key.

Cherry cider, or black Cerry juice is just as strong as the 150 mls of allopurinol, but no side effects so I prefer to just drink that everyday. But I have been a bit laxed.

01-16-2005, 10:17 PM
what exactly is gout?

i have always wondered ... and always thought it sounded a bit icky. like crunchy stuff between toes or something

01-16-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
what exactly is gout?

i have always wondered ... and always thought it sounded a bit icky. like crunchy stuff between toes or something

It is a form of rheumatoid arthritis caused by crystalisation of uric acid in the joints. The problem occurs when the body is not able to regulate the level of uric acid in the blood properly, resulting in an abnormally high level of uric acid in the bloodstream. When this occurs, the uric acid crystallises in a joint, causing pain and inflammation. In later stages of an attack, it can also cause fever.

The best way to control gout is to reduce the intake of foods that result in uric acid as a by-product. These are usually foods that are high in a class of compounds called purines. Also, highly acidic foods, alcohol, crustaceans, and red meat are notorious for bringing on gout. Dehydration is also another major cause.

Any other questions? :)

01-16-2005, 11:46 PM
Three times in my life (I'm 24... today, actually) I've had my knee kind of "give out." There's no pain unless I put pressure on it, in which case it completely collapses. One time it happened while I was walking down stairs. Another time it happened when I was playing tennis, and another time it happened when I got off the couch. It seems to last for about 24 hours and then it goes back to normal. I have no clue what it is, but maybe it's similar to what you've experienced. Each occurance was at least a few years apart.

01-17-2005, 12:12 AM
i dont know wanna scare you or anything. but my dads legs used to go out before he got diagnosed with MS (god rest his soul). legs collapsing could be a quite a few things really.

01-17-2005, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
I'm 24... today, actually*Starts a new thread on the main forum*

Mr Punch
01-17-2005, 04:05 AM
Originally posted by joedoe
Any other questions? :) Yeah, what are purines? Is that like what you get in puree, or is it filtered ines?:o

And RD, judging by that last mammoth thread of yours it's:

1) Your achy-breaky heart;
2) The clap;
3) Ground beef in a boul wtf, all-over body dyslexia! I can't believe you just mispelled 'bowl' dood! :D :p

Royal Dragon
01-17-2005, 06:35 AM

My achy-breaky heart; Is doing Ok, Debbie and I are freinds again and have made up. Shes tottally hiding it from her boyfreind, which I think is rediculous as her and I had a prexisting relationship, and he's the new commer, but what ever. He does not want her around me becasue he thinks I will bring "Drama" into his life, and says my actions may come between them. So he gets upset in a big way when he knows we were talking. I sent a text to her while she was out with him, and the back lash was pretty bad. Debbie is rather dramatic period though, if he does not have a stomach for it, they won't last long me thinks.

On another note, I had a date Saturday, she KNEW I was to pick the girl up at 8:00. So she texted me at 8:20 to tell me she was alone for the evening and could call when ever I wanted lol!!!

The clap;
No, not that, had a full screening a few months ago, everything came back negative.

>> Ground beef in a boul wtf, all-over body dyslexia! I can't believe you just mispelled 'bowl' dood!

LOL!!! I'm not known for my spelling, and my motivation to correct it on a forum is pretty low, but I think that one's an all time low for me :eek:

01-17-2005, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Mat
Yeah, what are purines? Is that like what you get in puree, or is it filtered ines?:o

And RD, judging by that last mammoth thread of yours it's:

1) Your achy-breaky heart;
2) The clap;
3) Ground beef in a boul wtf, all-over body dyslexia! I can't believe you just mispelled 'bowl' dood! :D :p



01-17-2005, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
My achy-breaky heart ...:mad: Don't go polluting other threads with your love-life crap, even if it's your own thread :p.

Royal Dragon
01-17-2005, 09:16 PM
LOL!! I didn't start that!!

Besides, my Love life is entertaining. look at that monster thread I had before? It was the biggest thread on the front page for a week, till I deleted it ('Cause me and Debbie made up and all).

I outt'a write it all down, and sell my story. I could go 4 books, one each covering one of my 4 relationships I've had over my life.

Chapter one Michele:

There I was sitting across the hall from my summer school English class, because (you guessed it,I faild Freshman English), and there next to the classs room door was the most beautiful blond I had ever seen (keep in mind was only 15 when we met). Little did I know at the time she would be both one of my biggest heart breaks, and the Mother of my child........

Chapter Two Theresa:
I almost cheated on my wife with her, ended the friendship to prevent the inevitable. Many years later in the middle of my Divorce, I found myself on her front door. I was nervious, excited and shaking with anticipation. How would she react to me just showing up on her front step after all these years? I knocked on the door, no wait, I hesitated, then knocked again and waited. A frail Old Woman answered, and asked who i was, and what I wanted. I said my name is "Gian", I used to know a girl named Theresa who lived here years ago. Would you know who she is?" she responded Yes, I'm her mother. After some short conversation, she took my number, and gave me Theresa's work number. The next day I called her...

Chapter Three Terri:

I was 60 feet up on a sandstone rock face at starved Rock state park when I first saw her. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in mylife (and very well is to this day). Without thought, or intention I found myself back on the ground standing next to her. She said "Hello", and I retunred with "Hi". What followed would be the most memerable and passionate 6 months of my life. To this day I can close my eyes and feel the raw energy we once shared like it was only seconds ago.

Chapter four Debbie:

First woman I ever dated from Match.We met at Famous Daves for dinner. I remember clearly my first words to her were Hi, I'm John. She said she was Debbie, and I replied wow, your pic from Match does not do you justice. Dinner that night was filled with the usual tensions of meeting a first date(not that I would know, I never had a first date before). I broke the ice by telling her that my name is really spelled Gian, and not John. Things went ok, so we decided to catch a movie. We saw "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind". We found it to be a profound movie, and sat in the car a few minutes to discuss it afterwards before going home. Minutes tunred to hours, there was the first Kiss, the warmth of a new Love and the forever became an instant. We almost made Love that night, and it kicked off what became the best Summer I ever remember.

Anyway, shall I go on or do you guys want to wait for the book?

01-17-2005, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
Anyway, shall I go on or do you guys want to wait for the book?

That's okay, I can slam my balls in a doorjam just fine.

:eek: :D

01-17-2005, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by FuXnDajenariht
i dont know wanna scare you or anything. but my dads legs used to go out before he got diagnosed with MS (god rest his soul). legs collapsing could be a quite a few things really.


lol .... that aint right man.

01-17-2005, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
Minutes tunred to hours, there was the first Kiss, the warmth of a new Love and the forever became an instant. We almost made Love that night, and it kicked off what became the best Summer I ever remember.*Projectile vomits* The capitalisation pushed me over the edge.

01-17-2005, 09:59 PM
RD, I never should have read it. I want those 2 minutes of my life back.

01-17-2005, 09:59 PM
what if i myself wrote a book about ALL my women? huh? :D :D

01-17-2005, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by MoreMisfortune
what if i myself wrote a book about ALL my women? huh? :D :D

What use would an empty book be? :D

01-17-2005, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Vash
That's okay, I can slam my balls in a doorjam just fine.
F@#King LOL! I couldn't have said it better myself.

01-17-2005, 10:43 PM
its good cos you can write stuff on it
or whenever you run out of toilet paper

01-17-2005, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by MoreMisfortune
its good cos you can write stuff on it
or whenever you run out of toilet paper

True :D

01-18-2005, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity

lol .... that aint right man.

lol i see your point... but dude, in my defense at the time i was genuinely concerned...you know, for IF's well being and all...

Royal Dragon
01-18-2005, 06:19 AM
LOL!! I'm frik'n hurt and it takes two days to get to a page, I write 4 quick paragraphs about meeting each of the 4 women I've had in my life and it's a page over night!!!

You know, you guys are only encourageing me when you do that.........right?

01-18-2005, 06:49 AM
its cuz your such an easy target. ;)

Royal Dragon
01-18-2005, 08:20 AM
It was a Dark and Stormy night......................

Mr Punch
01-18-2005, 08:31 AM
It's alive! It's alive!

What have I doooooooooonnnnnnnnnnne!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

[/baron von frankenstein voice]

Royal Dragon
01-18-2005, 08:42 AM


01-18-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Vash
That's okay, I can slam my balls in a doorjam just fine.
LMFAO!! this was the best part about this thread so far.

:eek: :D

bamboo_ leaf
01-20-2005, 08:07 AM
You might want to do a search on the net and look up what are called trigger points. They can form anywhere but there are some locations that are more noted then others. Behind the knee is one of them.

(Trigger points cause headaches, neck and jaw pain, low back pain, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. They are the source of the pain in such joints as the shoulder, wrist, hip, knee and ankle that is so often mistaken for arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, or ligament injury.)

(Normally, when a muscle is working, its sarcomeres act like tiny pumps, contracting and relaxing to circulate blood through the capillaries that supply their metabolic needs.

When sarcomeres in a trigger point hold their contraction, blood flow essentially stops in the immediate area.

The resulting oxygen starvation and accumulation of the waste products of metabolism irritates the trigger point. The trigger point responds to this emergency by sending out pain signals.)

well worth the read.[

Royal Dragon
01-20-2005, 08:33 AM
Thank You, that one was helpful.