View Full Version : Southern Drunken Form

01-16-2005, 12:55 PM
Does anyone have any really information on techniques of this Drunken Technique????????????????????????????????????????? ????

Ben Gash
01-18-2005, 05:14 AM
Yeah, it depends on what form you mean. I don't believe their is a southern drunken style per se, rather individual styles have a drunken form or two. I think Li Siu Hung's is the only video available, unless any of the Hung Gar guys know of a Jow Bot Sin Kuen video.
I've seen a southern shaolin form , and it's pretty much what you'd expect, a few staggers, a few leans, a few cup hands and a few tumbles.

01-18-2005, 01:30 PM
We carry two: the aforementioned Choy Lay Fut video by Li Siu-Hung & Sow Choy (Joe) (http://www.martialartsmart.net/prsh003.html) and a classic by Master Chiu Chung Yat (in his 50's at the time) (http://www.martialartsmart.net/prltv2.html). Joe's article is available for free in our cover story archive (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=138), but if you want to buy that back issue (http://store.martialartsmart.net/kunmag20juli.html), that's cool too!

Ben Gash
01-24-2005, 02:21 AM
I'm afraid you'll have to explain for me what "dressed like a wu tang elder" means.
wudang robes (http://www.superiormartialarts.com/shaolin11.jpg)
You never see crouching tiger hidden dragon? The temples in the Wudang mountains are one of the major centres of Taoism in China, and the heartland for Jian pracitce and internal arts.
You can even go there to train. (http://www.wudang-kungfu.com/wudang.htm)
Or get forms on VCD (http://www.cmaod.com/wudongtaichi.html)
The significance here is that the 8 drunken immortals form is associated with Wudang kung fu.
For more on this check out www.joybotsin.com
(who, pertinent to this discussion have a new DVD out :) )

Ben Gash
01-24-2005, 05:54 AM
Wutang is the Wade-Giles spelling. Grandmaster Liu's Students tend to use Wutan.

Troy Dunwood
01-24-2005, 11:52 PM
The Eight immortals system as taught by my late teacher Lau Yee Chan had it's beginning at Mt. Mo Dong Bronze Hall. Originally it was known as the Eight immortals Chi Gong System before being translated into a system of fighting. Many core internal aspect were left intact as well as the complete chi gong system within itself. This particular system in comparison to Master Chiu's southern drunken form, begins with fighting skills, simply meaning in the beginning there is no drunken fashion skills at this level however students are introduced to the eight Key word formula of our style: Sticking, Lifting, Directing, Closing, Escaping, Opening, Continuation and falling. The eight of the keyword formula corresponds to a particular Immortal character, also students are introduced to the various usage of the cup hand or Drunken claw. The second level deals with drunken fashion movements of both hands, weaponry and sparring sets. The third and final levl has to do with internalizing ones movements something like drunken tai chi but not so, however if this makes sense thats the best I can describe at the moment. In short our style is taught in 3 levels with the most important being the first.

Troy Dunwood
Lau Family Eight immortals Style

Judge Pen
01-26-2005, 09:16 AM
Mr. Dunwood,

Are thier any vids that show some of the Eight Immortals' forms? I'd love to see the different expressions of the Immortals' personalities as taught in your system.

Troy Dunwood
01-26-2005, 11:42 PM
Hello Judge Pen,

We will soon be releasing our hand set "Interlocking Fist", this set deals mainly with how we utilize the Cup Hand or Drunken Claw. This set also deals with some interesting footwork patterns and unique usage of techniques. Soon we will be releasing our hand set Eight Immortal Fist which goes a little bit into each character and their fighting technique. Our soon to be released titles of finished material will be: Interlocking Fist, Eight Immortals Staff. Our purpose for producing these dvd's are not so that one may try to learn this technique in the privacy of their home, rather to show authentic eight immortals kung fu and how adaptable and practical it is as a fighting art.

David Jamieson
01-27-2005, 08:58 PM
step one:

drink a whole bottle of rice wine.

step two:

do a form

(it's a joke)