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01-19-2005, 10:36 PM
Anyone ever come across anybody claiming to do this? I've seen one vid online which was kind of wierd(somewhere on here: http://www.whitetigerkungfu.com/). What do y'all think of that sort of thing? I'm a skeptic myself, but I really don't have any kind of chemistry background to know how that could be faked... nor do I know the science and theories behind qi/qigong to know if such a thing should be possible :P If you can't find the vid, he basically rubs his fingers together and a smoke/vapor apears from his hand. To show that his hand doesn't have anything on it, he washes it with some Agax, and a toothbrush(odd way to wash your hands :confused:).

01-20-2005, 01:33 PM
This is an old magic trick. I bought this stuff once, back in the 70's.
The 'Chi' master had this stuff on the inside tip of his thumb, where he didn't wash. He then rubb'd it on his fingers and produced the smoke.


01-20-2005, 01:49 PM
I'd also like to add that if you look at what has been written in the past about possible chi abilities, the production of smoke is never mentioned.

01-20-2005, 04:20 PM
I have heard very capable things about Grandmaster Doo Wei. After that I'm not sure.

Just to put things in context, Have you heard of the guy in indonisia who can light paper on fire, and who is the subject of the book "Magus of java"?

01-21-2005, 03:01 PM
i just watched the chi materialization, he washes his hand with ajax w/bleach but he doesn't wash his thumb.

01-24-2005, 08:33 AM
I've seen the java guy do that demo on tape. He crushes some newspapers and places them in a wok that is at his feet. He then stands over the paper and goes into a chi gong posture. The paper is then supposed to light on fire. In the demo I saw the chemical reaction between the chemicals he had on the newspapers and the other chemical he had in the wok, started the newspapers smoking before he could stand and get into his chi sending posture.
It was pretty funny and pathetic.

fiercest tiger
01-28-2005, 02:24 PM
Hi guys,

GMDW can do this chi demo without washing his hands without rubbing his hands. He also just grunts its out and can also pull it out of your hand. Its not smoke its a vapor or energy, ike when you do sports and u stand in the cold your body starts steaming.

I have seen him move objects inside containers, i seen him move a glass on a table with his vibrating ging.

Most people rule out these things cause they do not know!

BFP kung fu is very internal and has many types of meds and chi kung for types of ging. Most people think that ging is using the whole body to produce force, but then u have a old master in china move people when they touch him or he puts his finger on them and they fly off.

Why cant it be real?

There are many stories in CMA with tremendous feats of strength and chi, no one can do them these days WHY? Because its a dying art i think?


David Jamieson
01-28-2005, 10:18 PM
I can clear a 4000 sq ft room in winter with one stale chi blast!

I can also make people turn on fans with the same technique and even, leave the room entirely, or pull their shirts up over their faces.

Fear the stale chi mofos!

David Jamieson
01-28-2005, 10:21 PM
There are many stories in CMA with tremendous feats of strength and chi, no one can do them these days WHY? Because its a dying art i think?

I think it has a lot more to do with the Paul Bunyan effect.

People's lives are embellished tremendously by the people who loyally follow them.

Athletes are breaking records still. Fighters are as tough or tougher than they ever were. It's a perception thing mostly. And a reality check in many cases.

Remember, these are the good old days.

sorry for the double post, I am lazy tonight.

fiercest tiger
01-28-2005, 11:12 PM
Kung Lek,

its nothing about being a loyal follower to the sifu, if i think its B.S i will say it. As you know me i say alot and get in trouble for saying what i think. :)

I think alot of Kung fu has been lost and all you see is basic arts and no higher leave chi cultivation these days.

Hope all is well


David Jamieson
01-29-2005, 08:57 AM
I hear that FT.

Sometimes teh embellishment is born out of ones conviction and commitment to ones style too.

I was talking about this with a friend the other night actually. The whole idea of amazing feats performed by past masters and why they can't be replicated today.

It came down to, maybe the art was lost as you mentioned, or perhaps it was a trick of the tail that was expanded on and expanded on. Like people who set paper on fire and tell others it is chi being pushed out from their bodies.

Now, in my opinion, any one with even an ounce of logic would question that and go and find out how that could be done from a scientific approach. Shortly thereafter, they would find a way to do it that demystified the entire thing. This wouldn't stop others from believing who wanted to believe though.

The discovery channel not so long ago did a great breakdown on teh science of Shaolin with the Wheel of life group and showed through small physics demonstrations how anyone could do any of teh amazing chi power demonstrations with a little applied physics.

It came down to these two lab types doing these feats themselves or demonstrating it through an physics experiment. Sure squashed a lot of myths with those 9 or 10 episodes and demos. And I am certain there are still a lot of people out there who buy into it.

For me, Real ability with Chi manipulation isn't about no touch strikes and busting bricks on your head. These are just cheap parlour tricks used to ... well, I don't know, stroke an ego perhaps? Entertain a child? Bewilder the easily led? :p

Real ability manifests in teh ability to heal oneself at an accelerated rate, to aid in the healing of another and to optimize the body to withstand great hardship inflicted upon it by not only regulating chi, but by steeling the mind and creating a new persxpective for a given purpose. Amongst other things.

Einstein once said that although our reality is an illusion, it is very persistent and pervasive. There are simply physical laws and limits to what we can and cannot really do in our lives. Better to question the things that fall outside of these limits.

Yes we can achieve great things, but only through focus and hard work. And we can no more throw out deadly chi from our bodies than we can jump off the empire state building and survive the fall.


02-01-2005, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek

Now, in my opinion, any one with even an ounce of logic would question that and go and find out how that could be done from a scientific approach. Shortly thereafter, they would find a way to do it that demystified the entire thing.


Not every observable phenomenon had been explained by modern science yet. If everything had been explained, why are the scientists still researching on whatever they are researching on?

Surely, a lot of what we called "street performance tricks" had been debugged and explained, but there are still many things that modern science fails to explain fully.

It would be in fact, "unscientific" if one does not accept the possibility that certain phenomenon exists outside current scientific explanations.


fiercest tiger
02-01-2005, 09:03 PM
Hi Mate,

Its Garry from Yau Kung Mun! Hope all is well, what you doing for the Chinese New Year festivals?

Somethings maybe cannot be explained?!


02-02-2005, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by fiercest tiger

Somethings maybe cannot be explained?!

Hello Gary!

Yes, like a 9 course Chinese banquet disappearing within 1/2 hour...


02-07-2005, 08:54 AM
Forgive my ignorance, But what is this stuff good for? So you can make a smoke or steam like substance emanate from your hands. How dose this help you in terms of self defense, health, or enlightment???

02-07-2005, 09:28 AM
I do not know why GMDW would this, it just seems to discredit him. I understand that James Randi, aka THe Amazing Randi is still offering an obscene amount of money to anyone that can prove such supernatural phenomenon, under scientific scrutiny of coarse.

Surf Taut
02-07-2005, 10:15 AM
Forgive my ignorance, But what is this stuff good for? So you can make a smoke or steam like substance emanate from your hands. How dose this help you in terms of self defense, health, or enlightment???

Surely you jest! This stuff is great for luring unsuspecting, naive people into the fold. Those who think that they will be able to magically repel opponents without touching them & walk away without breaking a sweat. Their bank accounts will be "enlightened" and the instructor will then be healthier :D

02-08-2005, 03:52 PM
I love it! Drop that gun right now or I'll materialize my chi!