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View Full Version : Bodybuilding Supplement Secrets Revealed by Bryan Kernan

01-23-2005, 04:52 PM
so this is a 'book' on how to make your own supplements vs. buying from the major retailors.

anyone know him or this book?

most of it sounds ok but I'm very ignorant of whatever 'truth' there may be in the supplement world.

01-23-2005, 08:32 PM
Hello Oso,

Three books you may want to check out:

1- Prescription for Nutritional Healing

2- Dynamic Nutrition for Maximum Performance-- the first half of this book is good. The second half suggests nutrition ratios for various sports: looks too strong on theory to me.

3- The Human Fuel Advisor from Health for Life

There is also a healthy eating book out by Dave Draper, a well known body builder in the past. I cannot recommend it because I have not looked at it. It does look interesting.

You will be developing a library of books of various topics in your life. The truth oftentimes comes from your experiences and by those experiences shared with you by others. The three mentioen above are a start. There will be overlap. Sometimes overlap sheds new light on a familiar subject.


I did check out the title that you mentioned. It seems to be a minor attempt to inform you and a major attempt to redirect your dollars.