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View Full Version : Runner's Knee from Kung Fu?

01-24-2005, 12:23 PM
I was wondering if anyone here has ever experienced Runner's Knee from too much kung fu (patella femoral pain syndrome). I'm having knee pains whenever I go into a low stance, and it seems to get a little worse on long workout weekends. Interestingly enough, I don't get the runner's knee pains after running (about 3x a week).

Also, anyone have any suggestions for strengthening up the muscles around the knee area to prevent this pain from getting any worse? Thanks in advance!

Chief Fox
01-24-2005, 12:42 PM
A lot of times people experience knee pain when the muscles around the knee are tight or not strong enough to do the desired activity. This puts a lot of pressure on the tendons of the knee.

I'm not a doctor or a physical therapist but I have had knee problems from running and have seen several docs and therapists. Still, this does not qualify me to answer your question so take the following for what it's worth.

When ever I experience knee pain I always think Stretch and Strengthen.

STRETCH: A lot of knee pain is caused by tight quads and hamstrings. so stretch those suckers out. Sometimes knee pain is also caused by a tight IT band so stretch that out too. Your stretching everything else out so you might as well stretch your calves too. Work your way towards doing front splits. These stretch your quads and your hamstrings.

There's tons of resources on the web for stretching or you also might want to try some yoga.

STRENGTHEN: Squats, deadlifts and lunges. A lot of people think that squats are actually bad for your knees but if done correctly. There's nothing better. So beef those legs up.

Another thing to consider: Since you're a runner. You may need new shoes. Or you may be in the wrong kind of shoes. Go to a running shoe store that has a treadmill and will video tape you running. They will be able to recommend the correct shoes. Could also be the surface you're running on. If you're running on the street or side walk, try running on a trail or a track.

Hope this helps. Good luck.