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View Full Version : Training Multiple Arts

01-25-2005, 05:54 PM
Hello everyone. My problem is that I live in Mississauga, ON during my 4 month summers, where my Kwoon is located. However I go to university in London, ON for the other 8 months of the year where there isn't really an abundance of Kung Fu schools. I only know of one, and it's really far away. So basically I'm looking to train SOMEHTING up here for my 8 months away from kung fu.

I'm starting to train TKD, however I've noticed that it lacks some practicality in sparring and i don't want it to mess me up too much. I figured it at least will keep me quick and flexible, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea anymore. So this leads me to 2 questions i have for everyone:

1. Are there any MAs out there that "complement" kung fu generally well? ie. they won't mess around too much with muscle memory (im assuming the answer is no.... but keep in mind I practice my Kung Fu in London a lot)

2. Does anybody know of any good Kung Fu/Muay Thai/MA schools in London, Ontario?

I miss my school so much :( I WANT TO TRAIN KUNG FU!

01-25-2005, 06:03 PM
Finding a school to go to - even when you're desperate - can be quite hard. If there were no decent schools in my area - I'd have to look up every karate school in the local area and drop by and see how much of it I could take without laughing (and pray that I may find a gem and they teach traditionally).

TKD is good for flexibility and simply getting used to throwing lots of high kicks (although I find that almost fully impractical in an actual fight). It really shouldn't mess you up all that much so long as you keep practicing your kung fu as well.

01-25-2005, 07:37 PM
Ask your teacher to give you a program of stuff to study on your own while you're away. You'll progress more slowly, but just think how good you'll get! ;)