View Full Version : EP3 major spoilers (I mean seriously major)

01-27-2005, 11:10 AM
Highlight to read. All spoilers are from http://www.millenniumfalcon.com/

“A Jedi gains power through understanding; a Sith gains understanding through power.” Darth Sidious
Anakin’s fears of his dreams leads him on the path to the Dark Side in Revenge of the Sith. After he returns to the arms of his beloved, Padme, Anakin has a dream; a premonition, that wakes him during the night. In his dreams, he sees the death of his wife when she gives birth to their child; it is a death he cannot stop. A fear sets into Anakin, as he remembers the same premonition that plagued him about his mother. It is also a burning issue that even Yoda cannot soothe when he warns the young Jedi about Fear, Premonition and Mortality. Unable to put the dream from his mind, Anakin seeks out his greatest confidant, Chancellor Palpatine. After his dream about Padme, Anakin goes to Palpatine for counsel. In a brief scene in the Chancellor’s Office, the pair discusses Anakin’s new assignment and the dream that haunts Anakin. Palpatine warns Anakin about the true goals of the Jedi Council. He claims that the Jedi are not only against himself, but also against the Senate and the whole democratic system. Is the Jedi Council a democratic body itself? After all, isn’t Anakin being told what to do? “Haven't they tried to convince you to act against me? “ Palpatine questions earnestly. Anakin realizes that Palpatine is right. The Jedi Council believe that Palpatine is under the influence of the Sith. Little do they know that he is the Sith Master. In an effort to learn more about the Chancellor, the Jedi Council instruct Anakin to stay on Coruscant to watch him – spy on him, while Obi-Wan leads his mission to Utapau. They know Anakin has a close relationship with the Chancellor. Anakin is assigned as Palpatine’s personal bodyguard. Palpatine begins to tell Anakin about the Sith, the Jedi’s lack of vision; and so begins the seduction of Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force. In the Galaxies Theatre, Anakin Skywalker is the guest of the Chancellor Palpatine. The elite of Coruscant have gathered to watch the graceful movements of a female Mon Calamari soloist. As the graceful dancer moves about stage, Chancellor Palpatine recounts an old story; The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. This infamous Dark Lord of the Sith supposedly gained such an insight into The Force that he was actually able to influence the midichlorians to create life. Anakin becomes interested in this story after his haunting dreams of Padme’s death – perhaps this time he could prevent her death, unlike his mother’s. Anakin asks what happened to Plagueis in the story. Palpatine says that he was murdered by his apprentice as soon as he discovered the same power. Still thinking about Padme, Anakin asks “Would it be possible to learn this secret in some way?” "Clearly, not from the Jedi," replies Palpatine with a gentle smile.

He cannot kill the Sith; he wants to turn him in to the Jedi. And so he does. In the Communication Center in the Jedi Temple, Mace gets a message about Obi-Wan's success. Suddenly, Anakin enters. He's in deep shock. He gives Mace the truth: Palpatine is Sidious. Mace orders him to stay at the Council Chamber, and decides it's time to act against the Chancellor. As Yoda is on Kashyyyk defending the Clone Command Center situated there, and Anakin cannot be fully trusted, Agen Kolar, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin take a Republic Gunship to Palpatine's private office to arrest him. However, this action is not welcome by all members of the Jedi Council - some who believe they should wait for Yoda's return. Mace commands Shaak-Ti to begin to prepare for the defence of the Temple against a possible retaliation attack. Anakin runs down the hall of the Republic Executive Building and enters the office of the Supreme Chancellor. Inside, Palpatine is begging for his life as Mace Windu stands over him with his lightsaber. Anakin looks at the two. Mace warns Anakin to return to the Jedi Temple as instructed, but Palpatine begs for Anakin to protect him against the undemocratic Jedi. Again, Mace tries to convince Anakin otherwise, but then Palpatine pleads, 'You remember the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise?' Anakin looks at Palpatine, ignoring Mace. "Darth Plagueis was real," says Palpatine. Anakin looks at him shocked. "Real?..." "Darth Plagueis was my master. He taught me the key to his power," he said, "...before I killed him." Anakin draws his lightsaber, ready to strike a deadly blow against Sidious. But Sidious, who did not even try to resist, starts to talk about how the Sith, unlike the Jedi, do not submit to fate. Palpatine begins to tell Anakin that he can have anything he wants; all he has to do is wish it and act accordingly. He also claims he can help Anakin to save Padme "A Jedi gains power through understanding; a Sith gains understanding through power. "Palpatine begins to tell Anakin how much he wants to bring peace and order to the galaxy and how his knowledge will die with him - and so will Padme.
That's enough to stop Skywalker. Mace tries to tell Anakin not to believe him. Palpatine raises his head, an old, withered man appears from beneath the shadows of the cowering Chancellor. "I cannot, I turn myself over to you. I am too weak in the end. Too old, weak. I give up. Don't kill me, Master Windu. I surrender." Anakin's internal conflict grows. Anakin weighs up the role of the undemocratic Jedi, the omission from the Jedi Council, the ideals and concepts of Palpatine, the loyalty of Palpatine, Palpatine willing to share the way to control midichlorians to create life... to save Padme - his loved one. Anakin lunges towards Mace as the Jedi goes to strike against Palpatine. A lightsaber battle begins; fast and furious until Mace's hand is cut off. Sidious raises his hands and lightning strikes from them, zapping Mace in revenge with full veracity - and with his lightning he lifts up the disabled Jedi and throws him through the window, out into the Coruscant traffic below.

After returning to Coruscant, Yoda and Obi-Wan quickly make their way to the Jedi Temple. In a gallant effort to save the Jedi throughout the galaxy, the two Jedi switch the Jedi beacons from “Return home” to “Run for cover.” However, Obi-Wan can’t help but watch the recordings from the Temple’s hologram camera system. To his horror, he witnesses the murder of the Jedi Younglings by Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan visits Padme and reveals to her the truth about Anakin; the slaughter in the Temple, his allegiance to Sith... He asks her if she knows where Anakin is: she says “no.” He also knows that Padme is a woman who does not stay still. So he waits for her to board her Royal Naboo Starship with Threepio and Artoo. Just as the ramp into the ship is about to close, Obi-Wan secretly stows away aboard the ship.

Meanwhile Master Yoda makes his way to the Great Senate to meet his deadliest foe.

With Obi-Wan hidden aboard Senator Amidala's Naboo Skiff, and on his way to the secret location of his former student, Anakin SKywalker, Yoda makes his way to the Galactic Senate - now the Imperial Senate where the Emperor resides. Yoda walks down a long hallway that leads to the entrance of a room called the "Holding Office of the Supreme Chancellor." Two Imperial Guards block the room. As Yoda approaches lightning shoots from the hands of the Emperor. Yoda makes a subtle gesture and deflects the lightning; shocking the Imperial Guards unconcious. Yoda removes his lightsaber and the Great Battle begins. With speed and veracity it moves closer to the huge Chancellor's Pod that occupies the middle of the room until the Jedi and the Sith are upon its great foundations. Suddenly, the pod begins to rise as the two combatants battle it out. The Chancellor's podium continues to rise into the vast empty space of the Senate arena. In the middle of the Senate, bolts of lightning flash from the pod. Suddenly, delegation pods free themselves of the curving walls and slam throughout the chamber - some by the use of the Force, others by the control panels. Sidious jumps onto one of the flying pods. Yoda goes to follow but is hit by a bolt of lightening and falls. Sidious, exhausted, looks down into the debris below, but Yoda is not to be seen. Immediately, Sidious calls his Clone Intelligence and the Senate Building is stormed by his Imperial Army. In the basement of the Senate Chamber, among the debris of delegation pods, Yoda makes a quick exit through a service accessway - running as fast as he can to escape the Emperor. He soon comes to a stop and uses his comlink to contact Senator Organa. Bail recieves the transmission and soon turns his red speeder towards the Senate building. Using his lightsaber, Yoda begins to cut through the floors on the Senate - one by one until he comes to the final layer of the Senate building that over hangs hundreds of feet above the ground outside. He cuts through the final layer, just in time for Bail to come roaring through the Coruscant traffic to his aid. Yoda jumps down into the speeder. "Are you wounded, Master Yoda?" asks Bail. "No" replied Yoda, "Only my pride."

Meanwhile, on the volcanic planet of Mustafar, the Naboo Skiff lands.

01-27-2005, 11:11 AM
After Padme arrives on Mustafar in her sleek, silver Naboo skiff, she quickly exits the ramp and runs to Anakin. She begins to relay to Anakin Obi-Wan’s accusations about the massacre in the Jedi Temple. However, instead of refuting the accusations, Anakin replies, "Obi-Wan's alive?" Padme starts to worry that Obi-Wan will track Anakin down and kill him. Anakin questions Padme to find out if she told Obi-Wan where he was. She replies that she didn't tell him. Satisfied with her response, Anakin begins to lure Padme into a more deadly plan – his plan – to rid the galaxy of Palpatine. He tries to convince Padme to let Palpatine declare himself Emperor. He states that the Republic needed to be destroyed; the Jedi, the Separatists... Once Palpatine unites everyone under his Empire, he will kill him, then Anakin and Padme can rule the galaxy together. Padme is not happy with this, and just as she begins to tell him to stop, Anakin spots Obi-Wan exiting the ship. "You…" growls Anakin, in a dark voice – his eyes turning non-human.
Padme turns around to see Obi-Wan walking towards them. “Padme, move away from him,” says Obi-Wan calmly. "Obi-Wan? No!” exclaims Padme. She turns back to her husband only to find him looking at her with intense anger. “You...you brought him here?!” says Anakin dumbfounded. Suddenly, Padme begins to gasp...Anakin uses the Force to choke her. Anakin tells her how much he loved her as Padme desperately tries to breathe. ”Let her go,” pleads Obi-Wan. “You're not going to take her away from me,” adds Anakin. Anakin, in turn, blames Obi-Wan for turning her against him. Anakin looks at Obi-Wan and replies, “Never! And with that, Padme faints. Obi-Wan races over and checks Padme's pulse. Anakin offers Obi-Wan a chance to leave – ‘for old time’s sake.’ But Obi-Wan is on a mission to destroy the Sith. As Threepio and Artoo drag Padme's body up to the ship, The Duel to destory Vader begins.

The Death of Amidala Skywalker
"If it's a girl... we were going to name her Leia..." says Padme as the birth of her daughter begins. A medical droid approaches Padme. "It's a boy," it says. Padme reaches out and touches the infants head. "Luke," she says. A second baby is baby is brought to her by the droid. "It's a girl," says the droid. But Padme is no longer her self - she is delirious.
"Anakin!" she suddenly cries. Obi-Wan comforts her, telling her that Anakin is not there and that she has had twins. Padme begins to talk, drifiting in and out of consciousness. "Anakin, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... Anakin, please... I love you..." Yoda enters the room and Obi-Wan shakes his head in sorrow. But then Padme regains consciousness for one last time and puts something into Kenobi's hand. "Obi-Wan, there is still good in him... I know... there... is... still... " As Padme Amidala Skywalker dies, Obi-Wan opens his hand and gazes upon a jaipor snippet. When Padme dies after giving birth to Anakin's offspring, Obi-Wan immediately begins the separation process of Luke and Leia Skywalker to protect them from the Emperor. Obi-Wan hopes that should the Emperor discover one of them, the other will remain safely hidden from the Sith. However, when asked about training the infants, Yoda firmly states: "Jedi training, the sole source of self-discipline is not. When right is the time for skills to be taught, to us the living Force will bring them. Until then, wait we will, and watch, and learn." Luke is taken to the planet of Tatooine. The last image of Obi-Wan is of him riding off into twin suns settling across the Jundtland Wastes on the back of an Eeopie. On the planet of Dagobah, Yoda inspects his new dewllings as the baby girl Leia is handed into the loving hands of the Queen of Aldeeran by the Prince Consort, Bail Organa.

"My failure, this was. Failed the Jedi, I did." Yoda, Revenge of the Sith.
In a glass observation dome on a medical station in the Polis Massa Belt, Yoda speaks to The Force as he has done for a long time. The Force answers him with the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon Jinn tells Yoda not to blame himself for what happened but Yoda insists that he had been too old, too rigid, he had not noticed the changes in the galaxy. Yoda had not let The Order change with it, he never learnt the full depth of The Force. Qui-Gon defends the old Master. He also suggests that Yoda will have a lot of time to learn the ways of the Force and - with his help - he will be able to join with The Force and yet retain his consciousness and in time, maybe even physical form. However, this sounds to Yoda like the idea of eternal life. Qui-Gon agrees and reminds him that eternal life is exactly what the Sith are looking for, but they'll never find it. Qui-Gon states: "...by the release of self, not the exaltation of self. It comes through compassion, not greed. Love is the answer to the darkness." Yoda admits he underestimated Qui-Gon's potential as a Jedi Master. So Yoda decides to learn from Qui-Gon. Bowing, he declares, "Qui-Gon, your apprentice, I gratefully become."

01-27-2005, 11:18 AM
I've been saying all that for 3 years. Where's the spoiler?

01-27-2005, 04:18 PM
We've known for 20 what was going to happen. Now we know how it happens and why.

David Jamieson
01-27-2005, 04:53 PM
How and why's been covered for a while too.

Dude, there were no spoilers there...unless you're only 12 years old and haven't had to endure this stuff since 1977!


01-27-2005, 05:55 PM
So you are saying you knew Luke was going to be born first? Or that Anakin was going to kill his own wife? Or that Mace Windu was going to be killed by being knocked through a window? Or that Palpatine tempts Anakin by promising him eternal life? Or that Yoda would say to Qui-Gon Jinn "Your apprentice I become" or whatever? No. No one even knew who the heck most of those people were until 1999. And I know none of you knew Yoda would say that to Qui-Gon Jinn either. Face facts, those are spoilers in detail. We knew Padme would die, Mace would die, etc. We just didn't know the details and now we do. Get over yourself.

David Jamieson
01-27-2005, 06:20 PM
Now settle down philbert. :p

First, we knew that pretty much all the jedi were dead or in hiding before Luke.

We knew that Luke and Leah are brother and sister and that Darth wasn't hip to it. We knew he knew about Luke so obviously he was born first.

Also, it's a given that if Darth was willing to kill his own son, then it's not a far stretch for him to off his wife too given the chance.

Palpatine was obviously the emperor from 4,5 and 6 because well, you know he looks like him in 1,2 and 3 and it sort of smacks you in the face in ep 1 when your thinking to yourself "hey, palpatine is the evil emperor...cool" :p So, it's obvious (excrutiatingly so) that palpatine is the emperor and of course he'll offer darth all kinds of things etc etc etc.

as for what yoda says to kenobi's teacher we won't know until the thing is released. speculation on a small sub plot really, could make it in, might not. who knows.

and for the demise of mace. well, I would ditto that as well. maybe he does get knocked out a window, but perhaps there's a little something severed first before the body goes out? heh heh.

*rattles cage o' philbert a little more with cattle prod.

01-27-2005, 07:20 PM
And another clue was he was referred to as Emporer Palpitine in 4 & 5.

01-27-2005, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by rogue
And another clue was he was referred to as Emporer Palpitine in 4 & 5. No he wasn't. They called him "the Emperor" in 4, 5 and 6. In fact, he didn't get the name Palpatine until the expanded universe started developing background material for everyone.

Like, Vader's official title is Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith. But you never heard that in 4, 5, or 6. You never even heard the word Sith mentioned; but people like me knew well before Ep I what the Sith were, who Palpatine was/is, etc.

Of course, some stuff has changed, like Boba Fett's origins, Lars Owen's relationship to Obi-Wan (he used to be Obi's brother, not Anakin's) and the background on C3PO and R2D2, but you just take that stuff with a grain of salt.

01-27-2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
We knew that Luke and Leah are brother and sister and that Darth wasn't hip to it. We knew he knew about Luke so obviously he was born first.

First, she says "If it is a daughter, we were going to name her Leia." So we could assume that Vader would be expecting a daughter, not a son.

Also, it's a given that if Darth was willing to kill his own son, then it's not a far stretch for him to off his wife too given the chance.

He didn't say "I love you" to his son. He said "I love you" all the time to Padme and still managed to off her.

Palpatine was obviously the emperor from 4,5 and 6 because well, you know he looks like him in 1,2 and 3 and it sort of smacks you in the face in ep 1 when your thinking to yourself "hey, palpatine is the evil emperor...cool" :p So, it's obvious (excrutiatingly so) that palpatine is the emperor and of course he'll offer darth all kinds of things etc etc etc.

But the chance of immortality and to save Vader's wife? I doubt we ever thought that. Rumors were Anakin was thrown off the Jedi council, or Obi-Wan was stuffing Padme, though the second one was thrown out by the end of TPM considering how Obi-Wan never looked at Padme in an erotic way.

as for what yoda says to kenobi's teacher we won't know until the thing is released. speculation on a small sub plot really, could make it in, might not. who knows.

It would explain why Obi-Wan and Yoda knew how to disappear. And if Vader did disappear in RotJ (never been proven) then it was for the love of his son.

and for the demise of mace. well, I would ditto that as well. maybe he does get knocked out a window, but perhaps there's a little something severed first before the body goes out? heh heh.

WOW, didja miss the part where it reads that Mace got his hand cut off during the fight with Anakin? Scroll down through the second quote, towards the very bottom you'll read this:

Anakin lunges towards Mace as the Jedi goes to strike against Palpatine. A lightsaber battle begins; fast and furious until Mace's hand is cut off.

*rattles cage o' philbert a little more with cattle prod.

David Jamieson
01-28-2005, 06:12 AM

I am no where near as interested in this stuff as you.

So here's your shiny apple.

01-28-2005, 08:40 AM
Episode III starts out with Palpatine being kidnapped by the seperatist droids...as per the opening crawl.


01-28-2005, 10:03 AM
I picked up some tidbits but as everyone else, I knew most of this stuff already. Couple of things, first, I was under the impression that Yoda recovers a book form the "whills" something he has at the Jedi Temple, and that is what teaches him the trick of eternal life? There's no mention of it in the above.

Second, I keep hearing that the story of Sifu Dias is going to be told, if only briefly, anyone have any information on that?

01-28-2005, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
I picked up some tidbits but as everyone else, I knew most of this stuff already. Couple of things, first, I was under the impression that Yoda recovers a book form the "whills" something he has at the Jedi Temple, and that is what teaches him the trick of eternal life? There's no mention of it in the above. Nope. Just a rumor. Qui-Gion teaches him.

Second, I keep hearing that the story of Sifu Dias is going to be told, if only briefly, anyone have any information on that? Syfo Dias was covered in the video game "Bounty Hunter." I don't think it gets mentioned in EP III, which is lame. There is a scene where Sidious tells Anakin about the history of the Sith, though.

norther practitioner
01-28-2005, 10:17 AM
wow, how 'bout waiting for the movie to come out.. then going on gaga on it..


01-28-2005, 10:35 AM
Syfo Dias was covered in the video game "Bounty Hunter." I don't think it gets mentioned in EP III, which is lame. There is a scene where Sidious tells Anakin about the history of the Sith, though.

I actually don't care a whole lot, although I have Bounty Hunter, I should go back and find that piece of data. My buddy has this bizare theory about SD being Grevious. I keep trying to explain to him thats' not the case but whatever. As far as I'm concerned SD was just mentioned in passing and doesn't really hold a pivotal place in the story other then having his named use by Tyrannus to order the clones.

01-28-2005, 11:25 AM
i hope star wars kid is in there.

01-28-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
I actually don't care a whole lot, although I have Bounty Hunter, I should go back and find that piece of data. My buddy has this bizare theory about SD being Grevious. I keep trying to explain to him thats' not the case but whatever. As far as I'm concerned SD was just mentioned in passing and doesn't really hold a pivotal place in the story other then having his named use by Tyrannus to order the clones. The original intent of using Syfo-Dias was to have Sidious be the alter ego. But, Lucas decided that Sidious was more of a delegater and changed it AFTER EP II was shot. So, he introduced the Syfo-Dias background story into Bounty Hunter to cover his tracks.

01-28-2005, 12:35 PM
what was the info passed on by Bounty Hunter? Maybe that was what I was thinking of when my buddy started telling me his theory. For some reason I told him it was probably Tyranus who posed as SD to order the clones.

01-28-2005, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
what was the info passed on by Bounty Hunter? Maybe that was what I was thinking of when my buddy started telling me his theory. For some reason I told him it was probably Tyranus who posed as SD to order the clones. I don't remember the details off-hand. Basically, he was just a cronie Tyrannus lured from the Jedi order.

EDIT--I'm gonna add that I've never played Bounty Hunter and I'm working off 2nd hand info in that regard.

01-28-2005, 01:01 PM

01-28-2005, 02:12 PM
man, revenge of the sith sounds soo much cooler. :(

01-28-2005, 06:45 PM
No he wasn't. They called him "the Emperor" in 4, 5 and 6. In fact, he didn't get the name Palpatine until the expanded universe started developing background material for everyone.

Maybe not in the movies, but these terms appeared in the books as early as Star Wars , 1976.

Aided and abetted by the restless, power-hungry individuals within the government, and the massive organs of commerce, the ambitious Senator Palpatine caused himself to be elected President of the Republic. Star Wars , 1976, pg. 1.

Flipping quickly through the ESB and RTJ books, the Emperor's name is used quite often as well.

Regarding the Sith, they appear before the EU.

Two meters tall. Bipedal. Flowing black robes trailing from the figure and a face forever masked by a functional if bizarre black metal breath screen- a Dark Lord of the Sith was an awesome, threatening shape as it strode through the corridors of the rebel ship. Star Wars , 1976, pg. 8.

Flipping quickly through the ESB and RTJ books, there are references to Sith as well- but the title is not really explained.

01-28-2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
i hope star wars kid is in there.

He's not.

And actually Syfo-Dyus was a real Jedi. When the clone makers mention it to Obi-Wan, he later said to Yoda and Mace "Wasn't Syfo-Dyas killed over 10 years ago?" So apparently he was a character.

01-29-2005, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Stranger
Maybe not in the movies, but these terms appeared in the books as early as Star Wars , 1976.

Flipping quickly through the ESB and RTJ books, the Emperor's name is used quite often as well.

Regarding the Sith, they appear before the EU.

Flipping quickly through the ESB and RTJ books, there are references to Sith as well- but the title is not really explained. Bravo.

01-29-2005, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
He's not.

And actually Syfo-Dyus was a real Jedi. When the clone makers mention it to Obi-Wan, he later said to Yoda and Mace "Wasn't Syfo-Dyas killed over 10 years ago?" So apparently he was a character. In the original script, his name is Sido-Dyas...

01-30-2005, 04:08 PM

Ah, praise from Caesar. When it comes to SW knowledge, I am bush league next to you guys.

I do have a question for MK:

You showed a lightsaber on another thread made by PARKSABERS, and it looks like the type seen in the movies. The picture you showed got me thinking, with all of those bumps and switches on the handle, wouldn't it hurt a jedi's hands like hell when they batted blades against another lightsaber? There are no swords in our reality that had handles that were so irregular and potentially damaging to the hand. Just thought you might be a person who could explain this.

01-31-2005, 08:29 AM
i atleast know about light sabers. thats the only thing that really interests me seeing as star trek is so much more superior to it. but the lightsabers are uber light. like measured in ounces or sumsuch. so there isn't much aftershock when an attack is blocked. thats my theory atleast. but i basically made this post to mention how much more superior star trek is.

01-31-2005, 09:06 AM
Lightsabers are very light indeed. To understand this you must understand the materials:
The lightsabers are made of plastic. And the 'neon-blade' is done by lightning effects in editing. So there isn't that heavy force when you wield one, thus no damage is done to the hands.

01-31-2005, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Kristoffer
Lightsabers are very light indeed. To understand this you must understand the materials:
The lightsabers are made of plastic. And the 'neon-blade' is done by lightning effects in editing. So there isn't that heavy force when you wield one, thus no damage is done to the hands.

so they weigh nothing. im still confused why you need to wield soemthing with two hands if they weight less then a dagger. you dont weild a dagger with two hands. :o ;)

01-31-2005, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
so they weigh nothing. im still confused why you need to wield soemthing with two hands if they weight less then a dagger. you dont weild a dagger with two hands. :o ;) You don't need to weild it with two hands until you A) deflect a laser/energy bolt or B) clash with another saber.

Lighstabers cut everything except lasers and other lightsabers (and cortosis armor). So, if your grip is weak and you hit one of these three things, the saber can be knocked from your hand.

Vader always fights one-handed.

Most of the knobs on a saber handle are rubber grips. The "on button" is activated with the thumb, but it usually located higher up on the handle so it doesn't get in the way. You hold the saber handle low, not near the top like a traditional sword, because the blade is essentially weightless.

Judge Pen
01-31-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller

Vader always fights one-handed.

Didn't he fight with both hands in EP IV?

01-31-2005, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Judge Pen
Didn't he fight with both hands in EP IV? No one counts ANH when it comes to saber fighting canon. It's pretty lame and a little too Kendo. But yeah, technically, he does.

01-31-2005, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
You don't need to weild it with two hands until you A) deflect a laser/energy bolt or B) clash with another saber.

Lighstabers cut everything except lasers and other lightsabers (and cortosis armor). So, if your grip is weak and you hit one of these three things, the saber can be knocked from your hand.

Vader always fights one-handed.

Most of the knobs on a saber handle are rubber grips. The "on button" is activated with the thumb, but it usually located higher up on the handle so it doesn't get in the way. You hold the saber handle low, not near the top like a traditional sword, because the blade is essentially weightless.

so you're saying teh friction of other lasers put's stress on the muscles and will cause you to lose grip?

01-31-2005, 01:40 PM
And actually Syfo-Dyus was a real Jedi. When the clone makers mention it to Obi-Wan, he later said to Yoda and Mace "Wasn't Syfo-Dyas killed over 10 years ago?" So apparently he was a character.

We know Sifo Dyas was a Jedi who died almost 10 years ago - According to Obi Wan in EP2. The Kaminoan told him that Master Sifo Dyas had put in the order for the clone army. It is possible he was turned by Palpatine or Tyranus but more likely he was killed and imitated by one of the two. Since the Kaminoan Society is on the fringe and outside of the republic, we could also surmise that they did not check ID when whoever it was placed the order, as long as they could pay the fees.

On lightsabers - have you ever held a mockup of the OT lightsabers? They're awkward to hold onto because of all those lumps. The newer designs are much more comfortable.

while the blade is probably near massless, it being some sort of plasma energy of some sort, the impact of two blades would still involve some sort of physics. My guess is that it would be much like slapping two sticks or swords together. you may not get the same sort of reverb in the impact but since their is resistance in the contact. Also, like anything else, I imagine there are alot of different ways to fight with a saber. Mace Windu is said to know most if not all styles of fighting with a saber. Since these last movies came out and some of the other sources, like the Clone Wars cartoons, you can see that there are styles of lightsaber use.

01-31-2005, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
On lightsabers - have you ever held a mockup of the OT lightsabers? They're awkward to hold onto because of all those lumps. The newer designs are much more comfortable.
I have several replicas. Vaders and Luke's are just metal tubes with rubber grips. The only real grip issue is with the metal band that hold the activation button, but if you place your thumb over it and hold the grips, it's comfortable enough.

Obi-Wan's old saber is a little more clunky. But it was made from a motorcycle muffler, I believe. What do expect? :p

01-31-2005, 02:12 PM
the bottom of Vaders is lumpy - http://www2.masterreplicas.com/StarWars/SWProduct.aspx?sItemID=SW-306

Luke's I thought was the worse - there's hardly any room for a whole hand to get on it, you have to do some creative hand placement, and it's more comfortable held in two hands.


Obi Wans was the same way, you need some creative hand placement to make it comfortable -


now if you copare those to the new ones:




They are a heck of a lot more comfortable! Maces' looks a little uncomfortable but I"ve never held it so wouldn't know.

01-31-2005, 02:15 PM
Are you calling the rubber hand grips "lumpy"?

I guess you could call it that. I don't see a problem, though. It's not like I'll ever have to fight with one, anyway.

01-31-2005, 02:38 PM
have you seen the lightsaber replicas their selling in Borders lately, the ones with the neon tubes and sound effects?

01-31-2005, 02:39 PM
They have a whole slew of new ones coming out for EP III. They aren't as bulky as the force FX ones.

01-31-2005, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
so you're saying teh friction of other lasers put's stress on the muscles and will cause you to lose grip?

basically. the laws of physics still apply despite the lightness of ur weapon. im thinking its easier to bear, say 50 pounds of force with the muscles in both arms instead of one. think about walking with an umbrella on an extremely windy day. you usually hafta use your other hand for added leverage.

01-31-2005, 11:10 PM
sorry, i jsut had to ask. i work with a mathmitican and he laughs at the idea of holding them with two hands.

there is a clone wars cartoon. is it good?

Judge Pen
02-01-2005, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
sorry, i jsut had to ask. i work with a mathmitican and he laughs at the idea of holding them with two hands.

there is a clone wars cartoon. is it good?

They are better than the prequels (so far at least).

02-01-2005, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
sorry, i jsut had to ask. i work with a mathmitican and he laughs at the idea of holding them with two hands. I laugh at your friend laughing at holding lightsabers with two hands. The only alternative is to settle this like men...an online Jedi Academy duel.

02-01-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
I laugh at your friend laughing at holding lightsabers with two hands. The only alternative is to settle this like men...an online Jedi Academy duel.

lmao..... um... yeah :D :o ;)

02-01-2005, 12:33 PM
Maybe he would prefer all-out-war to a one-on-one?

Well, then Battlefront it is!*

*I get to be the clone troopers

02-01-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
Maybe he would prefer all-out-war to a one-on-one?

Well, then Battlefront it is!*

*I get to be the clone troopers

he doesn't play video games.

02-01-2005, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Shaolinlueb
he doesn't play video games. Nerd.

02-01-2005, 03:54 PM

I'm not talking about the rubbery parts. On the Obi-Wan gold replica there is a little rectangular box on the saber grip. I think one of Luke's (possibly in RTJ) had the same thing. I once had a Russian sword with a raised rivets on the grip. Everytime I hit a target, the force of my strike was focused into the skin under these points. Many pounds of pressure focued into an eighth of an inch = much pain. The sword was sold as a result. Granted I'll never get to fight with a lightsaber, but I was just wondering if anybody knew how that was supposed to work.

sorry, i jsut had to ask. i work with a mathmitican and he laughs at the idea of holding them with two hands.

The two handed method works for leverage in techniques. It makes a big difference. Mathmatician or not, he should try picking up a sword, sparring, and feeling the difference. It matters.

02-02-2005, 07:15 AM
Luke's ROTJ saber is crafted to look like Obi-Wan's ANH saber. Luke uses a manual in Obi-Wan's hut to build it, so they are similar in design.

I don't think they were looking for practical designs in 1977. When Lucas said make some facncy handles, they just grabbed spare parts and started building. Luke's and Vader's sabers were made from the flash tubes of old Graflex cameras, like you see in the movies from the 40s and 50s where the camera has a big lamp attached to it. Obi-Wan's, I believe, was made from a motorcycle muffler.

Like Red5 said, the new designs are more practical. Dooku's saber was designed after phillipino curved knives.

02-02-2005, 10:10 AM
Hey MK, are either of those games any good for online play? I'm considering picking up Battlefronts for online play but I like to keep my online play simple.

02-02-2005, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
Hey MK, are either of those games any good for online play? I'm considering picking up Battlefronts for online play but I like to keep my online play simple. They're both freakin' awesome.

Battlefront is basically Battlefield 1942, but set in Star Wars movie battles. It requires some team work because all vehicles are playable (AT-ATs, AT-STs, Federation Tanks, X-Wings, etc...) and little bit of strategy in involved, but you can basically just jump in start blowing crap to pieces. It's sweeeeeeeeeet. And by sweet, I mean totally awesome.

Jedi Academy is a FPS and has less of a learning curve, but it's been out for a while and there a ton of mods circulating, so you may get into game and not be able to figure how to do some stuff other people are doing unless you know something about the different mods.

Basically, Battlefront is big, 50-on-50 gun and vehicle battles.

Jedi Academy is saber fighting and dueling, mostyly 1-on-1.

02-02-2005, 10:48 AM
MK, my friend liked your answer. he sai something "finally an intelligent answer." lol